1 /*                  BEGIN mailbox_ops.incl.pl1
  3    Created 8/15/74 by F. A. Canali
  4    Modified 12/01/75 by J. Goldman for dial out
  5    Modified 8/24/76 by Robert Coren to add dont_accept_calls and blast
  6    Modified 7/28/77 by J. Stern to add set_delay_table
  7    Modified 2/6/78 by Robert Coren to add sync_msg_size
  8    Modified 6/29/79 by B. Greenberg for FNP echo negotiation
  9    Modified Oct. 1979 by Robert Coren to add oflow & iflow modes
 10    Modified 1/21/80 by Robert Coren to add parity controls
 11    Modified 12/10/80 by Robert Coren to add report_meters
 12    */
 14 dcl (                                                       /* declaration of submailbox io commands */
 16      rcd init (1),                                          /* read control data */
 17      rtx init (2),                                          /* read text */
 18      wcd init (3),                                          /* write control data */
 19      wtx init (4)                                           /* write text */
 21      ) fixed bin (8) int static options (constant);
 24 dcl (                                                       /* declaration of submailbox op codes sent by 6180 to 355 */
 26      terminal_accepted init (0),                            /* a dialed terminal has been accepted */
 27      disconnect_this_line init (1),                         /* hang up a line */
 28      disconnect_all_lines init (2),                         /* hang up all lines */
 29      dont_accept_calls init (3),                            /* the 6180 is no longer accepting terminals */
 30      accept_calls init (4),                                 /* the 6180 is ready to accept terminals */
 31      input_accepted init (5),                               /* the 6180 will accept input and has reserved
 32                                                                space in its circular buffer */
 33      set_line_type init (6),                                /* set the line type */
 34      enter_receive init (7),                                /* give the line to the terminal */
 35      set_framing_chars init (8),                            /* set characters for block transfer */
 36      blast init (9),                                        /* BOS blast message */
 37      accept_direct_output init (10),                        /* the 6180 has an output request */
 38      accept_last_output init (11),                          /* same as above but the 355 may
 39                                                                unlock the keyboard and accept input
 40                                                                when the output transmission is through */
 41      dial init (12),                                        /* use command data to dial a phone number */
 42      reject_request_temp init (14),                         /* an input request can not be serviced */
 43      terminal_rejected init (16),                           /* a dial up has been rejected */
 44      disconnect_accepted init (17),                         /* the 6180 recognizes a disconnection */
 45      init_complete init (18),                               /* 6180 system initialization is complete */
 46      dump_mem init (19),                                    /* dump 355 memory */
 47      patch_mem init (20),                                   /* patch 355 memory */
 48      fnp_break init (21),                                   /* to control fnp break points */
 49      line_control init (22),                                /* line control order to fnp */
 50      sync_msg_size init (23),                               /* set message size for sync line */
 51      set_echnego_break_table init (24),                     /* send over echo negotiation break table */
 52      start_negotiated_echo init (25),                       /* attempt to start FNP echoing for ech. nego. */
 53      stop_negotiated_echo init (26),                        /* 6180 wants FNP to stop negotiated echo */
 54      init_echo_negotiation init (27),                       /* synchronize echo negotiation ctrs. */
 55      break_acknowledged init (29),                          /* the 6180 recognizes a break for a terminal */
 56      input_fc_chars init (30),                              /* set input flow control chars */
 57      output_fc_chars init (31),                             /* set output flow control chars */
 58      alter_parameters init (34),                            /* request to alter 355 parms for a terminal */
 59      checksum_error init (35),                              /* submailbox has a checksum error */
 60      report_meters init (36),                               /* get meters from FNP */
 61      set_delay_table init (37)                              /* tells 355 to set new delay table for channel */
 62      ) fixed bin (8) int static options (constant);
 65 dcl (                                                       /* submailbox op codes sent from 355 to 6180 */
 67      accept_new_terminal init (64),                         /* a terminal has dialed up */
 68      disconnected_line init (65),                           /* a terminal has been hung up */
 69      input_in_mailbox init (66),                            /* this mailbox contains input */
 70      line_masked init (67),                                 /* channel was masked for excessive interrupts */
 71      s6180_params init (68),                                /* return bcount */
 72      send_output init (69),                                 /* I am ready to send to a terminal */
 73      ack_echnego_init init (70),                            /* I have zeroed my ech. nego. ctr. */
 74      ack_echnego_stop init (71),                            /* I have sent all that I have echoed. */
 75      connect_to_slave init (73),                            /* a dialup sequence has been completed */
 76      accept_direct_input init (74),                         /* HEY! here's some input for you */
 77      break_condition init (75),                             /* a break has been hit for a terminl */
 78      wru_timeout init (76),                                 /* no answerback */
 79      error_message init (77),                               /* error message from the 355 */
 80      first_acu_op_code init (80),
 81      acu_no_power init (80),                                /* power indicator of auto-call unit is off */
 82      acu_line_occupied init (81),                           /* auto-call unit's line is being used */
 83      acu_dial_failure init (82),                            /* dial out failed */
 84      acu_no_good init (83),                                 /* invalid dial out attempt */
 85      last_acu_op_code init (83),
 86      line_status init (84)                                  /* line status reported by fnp */
 87      ) fixed bin (8) int static options (constant);
 89 dcl (                                                       /* declaration of sub operations for alter parameters */
 91      Breakchar init (1),                                    /* specifies break character */
 92      Nocontrol init (2),                                    /* enter/leave nocontrol mode */
 93      Fullduplex init (3),                                   /* perform character echoing */
 94      Break init (4),                              /* send line break to terminal */
 95      Errormsg init (5),                                     /* indicates error detected by 355 */
 96      Meter init (6),                                        /* read metering info */
 97      Sensepos init (7),                                     /* sense position of carrier */
 98      Crecho init (8),                                       /* enter/leave crecho mode */
 99      Lfecho init (9),                                       /* enter/leave line feed echo mode */
100      Lock init (10),                                        /* lock keyboard */
101      Msg init (11),                                         /* precanned msg for dialing terminals */
102      Upstate init (12),                                     /* are you up? */
103      Dumpoutput init (13),                                  /* throw away output */
104      Tabecho init (14),                                     /* echo tabs */
105      Setbusy init (15),                                     /* force dataset busy */
106      Listen init (16),                                      /* answer the phone */
107      Hndlquit init (17),                                    /* send newline on receipt of quit */
108      Chngstring init (18),                                  /* printer addressing string definition */
109      Wru init (19),                                         /* read answerback */
110      Echoplex init (20),                                    /* enter/leave echoplex mode */
111      Xmit_hold init (21),                                   /* start/stop transmit hold */
112      Dumpinput init (22),                                   /* throw away input */
113      Replay init (23),                                      /* replay interrupted input */
114      Polite init (24),                                      /* write only if at left margin */
115      Block_xfer init (25),                                  /* block transfer or "frame" mode */
116      Set_buffer_size init (26),                             /* set input buffer size */
117      Breakall init (27),                                    /* break on all characters */
118      Prefixnl init (28),                                    /* prefix output with newlines if input present */
119      Input_flow_control init (29),                          /* iflow mode */
120      Output_flow_control init (30),                         /* oflow mode */
121      Odd_parity init (31),                                  /* generate odd parity */
122      Eight_bit_in init (32),                                /* 8bit mode */
123      Eight_bit_out init (33)                                /* no_outp mode */
124      ) fixed bin (8) int static options (constant);
126 dcl  global_opcodes (9) fixed bin (8) int static options (constant) init (
127      2,                                                     /* disconnect_all_lines */
128      3,                                                     /* dont_accept_calls */
129      4,                                                     /* accept_calls */
130      9,                                                     /* blast */
131      19,                                                    /* dump_mem */
132      20,                                                    /* patch_mem */
133      21,                                                    /* fnp_break */
134      36,                                                    /* report_meters */
135      77);                                                   /* error_message */
137 /* END of mailbox_ops.incl.pl1 */