1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE log_output_attach_data_.incl.pl1 BIM 28-03-1981 */
 2 /* format: style3,idind30 */
 4 /* This is the IOX attach data block for the log_output_ io module. */
 6 declare   attach_data_ptr               pointer;
 7 declare   1 attach_data                 aligned based (attach_data_ptr),
 8             2 open_mode                 fixed bin,          /* the usual iox open mode */
 9             2 log_info_ptr              pointer,            /* log_mgr_ info pointer */
10             2 flags                     aligned,
11             ( 3 binary_data,                                /* binary being tacked onto each record */
12               3 create_ok                                   /* create-if-not-found */
13               )                         bit (1) unaligned,
14               3 pad                     bit (34) unaligned,
15             2 severity                  fixed bin,          /* supplied in atd, valid only for stream */
16             2 dir_name                  character (168) unaligned,
17             2 entryname                 character (32) unaligned,
18             2 attach_description        character (512) varying,
19             2 open_description          character (64) varying,
20             2 mode_string               character (64) varying,
21             2 buffer_area_ptr           pointer,
22             2 buffer_chain              aligned,            /* for assembling lines */
23               3 total_buffered_length   fixed bin (21),
24               3 head                    pointer options (packed),
25               3 tail                    pointer options (packed),
26             2 binary_data_class         char (16) varying,
27             2 binary_data_length        fixed bin (18),
28             2 binary_data_ptr           pointer;
30 declare   buffer_area                   area based (attach_data.buffer_area_ptr);
31 declare   buffer_ptr                    pointer;
32 declare   buffer_length                 fixed bin (21);
33 declare   1 buffer                      aligned based (buffer_ptr),
34             2 length                    fixed bin (21),
35             2 next                      pointer unaligned,
36             2 data                      char (buffer_length refer (buffer.length)) unaligned;
39 declare   binary_data                   (attach_data.binary_data_length) bit (36) aligned
40                                         based (attach_data.binary_data_ptr);
42 /* END INCLUDE FILE log_output_attach_data_.incl.pl1 */