 2 " BEGIN INCLUDE FILE lisp_object_types.incl.alm
 3 "
 4 " D.A.Moon 14 July 72
 6 "These are bit masks used to check or set the type bits in lisp pointers
 7 "they should be used with cana instructions in the dl mode.
 8 "
 9 " Modified 1 Oct 1972 by Dan Bricklin to add bignum types.
13           bool      lisp_ptr.type,077700          "the whole type field
15           bool      Fixed,040000                  "fixed number, stored in second word of ptr
16           bool      Float,020000                  "floating number, stored in second word of ptr
17           bool      Numeric,061400                "fixed or float, big or little
18           bool      Atsym,010000                  "Atomic symbol pointed at by ptr
19           bool      Atomic,077700                 "any of these bits indicates an atom (non-list)
20           bool      Bignum,001000                 "points to a bignum - fixed
21           bool      Uncollectable,060000          "not a pointer, also both bits on = "pdl_ptr"
22           bool      String,004000                 "points at a lisp character string
23           bool      Subr,002000                   "points at subr link
24           bool      System_Subr,000400            "marks a subr as being in the text of lisp bound seg.
25           bool      Array,000200                  "points at an array,
26                                                   " which is a special kind of subr
27           bool      Unevalable,067500             "any of these bits means
28                                                   " does not have car and cdr
29           bool      Big_fixed,001000              "points to fixed bignum
30           bool      File,000100                   "points to a file object (i.e. an iochan)
32 "fields for making numbers, a fault tag is included in case someone takes the car or cdr of it
34           bool      fixnum_type,040047
35           bool      flonum_type,020047
37 " END INCLUDE FILE: lisp_object_types.incl.alm