1 /* Include file lisp_cons_fmt.incl.pl1; 2 defines the format for a cons within the lisp system 3 D.Reed 4/1/71 */ 4 5 dcl consptr ptr, 6 1 cons aligned based (consptr), /* structure defining format for cons */ 7 2 car fixed bin(71), 8 2 cdr fixed bin(71), 9 10 1 cons_ptrs aligned based (consptr), /* for using car and cdr as pointers */ 11 2 car ptr, 12 2 cdr ptr, 13 14 15 1 cons_types aligned based (consptr), /* structure for extracting types out of cons */ 16 2 padding bit(21) unaligned, 17 2 car bit(9) unaligned, 18 2 padding2 bit(63) unaligned, 19 2 cdr bit(9) unaligned, 20 2 padend bit(42) unaligned; 21 22 dcl 1 cons_types36 aligned based, 23 2 car bit(36), 24 2 pada bit(36), 25 2 cdr bit(36), 26 2 padd bit(36); 27 28 29 /* end include file lisp_cons_fmt.incl.pl1 */