1 /* Include file lisp_common_vars.incl.pl1;
 2    describes the external static variables which may be referenced
 3    by lisp routines.
 4    D. Reed 4/1/71 */
 6 dcl 1 lisp_static_vars_$lisp_static_vars_ external,
 7       2 cclist_ptr  ptr,      /* pointer to list of constants kept
 8                               by compiled programs */
 9      2 garbage_collect_soon bit(1) aligned,       /* if this is on we should garbage collect soon */
11      lisp_static_vars_$err_recp ptr ext aligned,  /* pointer to error data */
12      err_recp ptr defined (lisp_static_vars_$err_recp),
13     eval_frame ptr defined (lisp_static_vars_$eval_frame),  /* info kept by eval if *rset t */
14     lisp_static_vars_$eval_frame ptr ext static,
15      lisp_static_vars_$prog_frame ptr ext aligned,
16      lisp_static_vars_$err_frame ptr ext aligned,
17      lisp_static_vars_$catch_frame ptr ext aligned,
18      lisp_static_vars_$unwp_frame ptr ext aligned,
19      lisp_static_vars_$stack_ptr ptr ext aligned,
20      lisp_static_vars_$t_atom fixed bin(71) ext aligned,
21      lisp_static_vars_$top_level label ext,       /* top level read_eval_print loop */
22      lisp_static_vars_$unmkd_ptr ptr ext aligned,
23      lisp_static_vars_$binding_top ptr ext aligned,
24      lisp_static_vars_$obarray fixed bin(71) aligned ext,
25      obarray fixed bin(71)  defined (lisp_static_vars_$obarray),
26      lisp_static_vars_$array_atom fixed bin(71) aligned ext,
27      array_atom fixed bin(71) defined (lisp_static_vars_$array_atom),
28      binding_top ptr defined (lisp_static_vars_$binding_top),
29      unmkd_ptr ptr defined (lisp_static_vars_$unmkd_ptr),
30      stack_ptr ptr defined (lisp_static_vars_$stack_ptr),
31      lisp_static_vars_$nil ext static fixed bin(71) aligned,
32      nil fixed bin(71) defined (lisp_static_vars_$nil),
33      lisp_static_vars_$tty_input_chan ext static ptr,       /* used by the reader */
34      lisp_static_vars_$tty_output_chan ext static ptr,      /*used by print*/
35      tty_input_chan ptr def (lisp_static_vars_$tty_input_chan),
36      tty_output_chan ptr def (lisp_static_vars_$tty_output_chan),
37     lisp_static_vars_$iochan_list external pointer,                   /* list of all open iochans */
38     nil_ptr ptr based(addr(lisp_static_vars_$nil)) aligned,
39      prog_frame ptr def (lisp_static_vars_$prog_frame),               /* 3 ptrs for use of lisp_prog_fns_ */
40      err_frame ptr def (lisp_static_vars_$err_frame),                 /* they point out frames in unmkd pdl */
41      catch_frame ptr def (lisp_static_vars_$catch_frame),
42      unwp_frame ptr def (lisp_static_vars_$unwp_frame),
43      t_atom_ptr ptr aligned based(addr(lisp_static_vars_$t_atom)),
44      t_atom fixed bin(71) defined (lisp_static_vars_$t_atom);                   /* pointer to atom t */
45 dcl lisp_static_vars_$user_intr_array(20) fixed bin(71) aligned ext static,     /* -> atoms whose values are intr service functions */
46     user_intr_array (20) fixed bin(71) aligned def (lisp_static_vars_$user_intr_array),
47     lisp_static_vars_$star_rset fixed bin(71) aligned ext static,
48     star_rset fixed bin(71) aligned def (lisp_static_vars_$star_rset);
51 /* end include file lisp_common_vars.incl.pl1 */