1 /* Include file lisp_atom_fmt.incl.pl1;
 2    describes internal format of atoms in the lisp system
 3    D.Reed 4/1/71 */
 5 dcl 1 atom          aligned based,      /* overlay for atom fomat */
 6       2 value       fixed bin(71),      /* atom's value */
 7       2 plist       fixed bin(71),      /* property list */
 8       2 pnamel      fixed bin,          /* length of print name */
 9       2 pname       char(1 refer(pnamel)),        /* print name of atom */
11     1 atom_ptrs               based aligned,      /* for use of plist and value of atom as ptrs */
12       2 value                 ptr,
13       2 plist                 ptr,
15     1 atom_double_words       based aligned,      /* overlay for atom pointer checking */
16       2 value       bit(72),
17       2 plist       bit(72);
19 /* end of include file lisp_atom_fmt.incl.pl1 */