1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_token_data.incl.pl1 -- jaw 8/7/78 */
 3 dcl 1 token_data aligned based (td_ptr),                    /* data for lila tokens */
 4     2 key fixed bin (17) unal,                              /* key of token */
 5     2 must_free bit (1) unal,                               /* on if value must be freed */
 6     2 temp_tab bit (1) unal,                                /* on if temporary table */
 7     2 reserved bit (16) unal,
 8     2 mvar char (32) var,                                   /* mrds variable if identifier */
 9     2 lvar char (32) var,                                   /* linus variable if identifier */
10     2 length fixed bin (35),                                /* char length of token value */
11     2 t_ptr ptr;                                            /* points to token value */
13 dcl ((NULL init (0)),
14     (RP init (1)),
15     (COL_SPEC init (2)),
16     (LINUS_VAR init (3)),
17     (CONST init (4)),
18     (SET_FN init (5)),
19     (SCAL_FN init (6)),
20     (LP init (7)),
21     (STAR init (8)),
22     (DIV init (9)),
23     (PLUS init (10)),
24     (MINUS init (11)),
25     (TAB_NAME init (12)),
26     (ROW_TAB_PAIR init (13)),
27     (UNION init (14)),
28     (INTER init (15)),
29     (DIFFER init (16)),
30     (ROW_DES init (17)),
31     (LB init (18)),
32     (RB init (19)),
33     (SELECT init (20)),
34     (NOT init (21)),
35     (AND init (22)),
36     (OR init (23)),
37     (EQ init (24)),
38     (NE init (25)),
39     (GT init (26)),
40     (GE init (27)),
41     (LT init (28)),
42     (LE init (29)),
43     (FROM init (30)),
44     (WHERE init (31)),
45     (DUP init (32)),
46     (UNIQUE init (33)),
47     (COMMA init (34))) fixed bin int static options (constant);
49 dcl  td_ptr ptr;
51 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_token_data.incl.pl1 */