1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_table_info.incl.pl1 -- Dave Schimke  1/5/83     */
 2 /*
 3 09/28/83 Al Dupuis: Added the store_args_ptr variable and the store_args structure.
 4 */
 5 dcl 1 table_info aligned based (table_ip), /* info on displayable table     */
 6       2 retrieval_identifier fixed bin ,   /* current retrieval id          */
 7       2 row_count fixed bin(35),           /* number of rows in table       */
 8       2 column_count fixed bin,            /* number of columns in table    */
 9       2 maximum_column_name_length fixed bin,
10                                            /* largest column name           */
11       2 maximum_column_value_length fixed bin,
12                                            /* largest column length         */
13       2 row_value_length fixed bin (21),   /* length of entire row          */
14                                            /*   (sum of column lengths)     */
15       2 row_segs_info_ptr ptr init (null), /* ptr to the row segs info      */
16       2 store_args_ptr ptr,                /* ptr to the arg list for storing rows */
17       2 columns (ti_init_column_count refer (table_info.column_count)),
18                                            /* column info                   */
19         3 column_name char (69) var,       /* column header name            */
20         3 column_data_type  bit (36),      /* original data descriptor      */
21         3 column_length fixed bin (21),    /* length of column in chars     */
22         3 column_index fixed bin (21);     /* index of start of column in   */
23                                            /*   row value                   */
25 dcl 1 row_segs_info aligned based (row_segs_ip),
26       2 max_number_of_seg_ptrs fixed bin,
27       2 max_number_of_ptrs_per_seg fixed bin(21),
28       2 number_of_seg_ptrs fixed bin,
29       2 seg_ptr (rsi_init_max_number_of_seg_ptrs refer (row_segs_info.
30                                   max_number_of_seg_ptrs)) ptr unal;
32 dcl 1 row_ptrs aligned based (row_ptrs_p),
33       2 number_of_ptrs_this_seg fixed bin(21),
34       2 row_value_ptr (row_ptrs.number_of_ptrs_this_seg) ptr unal;
36 dcl row_value char (table_info.row_value_length) based (row_value_p);
37 dcl row_value_p ptr unal;                  /* ptr to the current row value  */
39 dcl row_segs_ip ptr;                       /* ptr to the seg of ptrs to     */
40                                            /*  the arrays of row_value_ptrs */
41 dcl row_ptrs_p ptr;                        /* ptr to an array of            */
42                                            /*  row_value_ptrs               */
44 dcl 1 store_args aligned based (store_ap),
45       2 table_name char (30),
46       2 error_code fixed bin (35),
47       2 number_of_descriptors fixed bin,
48       2 header like arg_list.header,
49       2 arg_ptrs (arg_list_arg_count refer (store_args.header.arg_count)) ptr,
50       2 desc_ptrs (arg_list_arg_count refer (store_args.header.arg_count)) ptr,
51       2 argument_list_descriptors (init_number_of_descriptors refer
52           (store_args.number_of_descriptors)) like arg_descriptor;
54 dcl init_number_of_descriptors;
55 dcl rsi_init_max_number_of_seg_ptrs fixed bin;
56 dcl store_ap ptr;
57 dcl table_ip ptr;
58 dcl ti_init_column_count fixed bin;
60 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_table_info.incl.pl1    */