1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_table_control.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* HISTORY: written 9/8/82 Dave Schimke    */
 5 dcl 1 table_control_info   based (table_control_ip),
 6       2 selection_expression_identifier fixed bin, /* current processed lila */
 7                                                    /*   expression           */
 8       2 row_info_ptr ptr init(null),               /* saved row_segs_ip      */
 9       2 component_ptrs_ptr ptr init(null),         /* ptr to array of        */
10                                                    /*   component ptrs       */
11       2 max_number_of_components fixed bin,        /* limit of msf_seg_count */
12       2 msf_seg_count fixed bin init (0),          /* number of components in*/
13                                                    /*  the msf               */
14       2 max_number_of_rows_per_seg fixed bin(21),  /* number of rows that    */
15                                                    /*  will fit in each      */
16                                                    /*  component of the msf  */
17       2 retrieval_id fixed bin init(0),            /* id of this retrieval   */
18                                                    /*  (for sync)            */
19       2 table_info_ptr     ptr init (null),        /* table state info       */
20       2 fcb_ptr      ptr init (null),              /* ptr to file control    */
21                                                    /*  block of table_msf    */
22       2 table_msf         char (27) init (""),     /* name of table msf      */
23       2 temp_directory    char (168) init (""),    /* temp_dir for table     */
24       2 info_area_ptr     ptr init (null),         /* area for table_info    */
25       2 work_area_ptr     ptr init (null),         /* work area for all      */
26                                                    /*   other needs          */
27       2 incremental_retrieval_arg_ptr
28                           ptr init (null),         /* ptr to arg list used   */
29                                                    /*  for "-another" calls  */
30       2 incremental_retrieval_char_ptr
31                           ptr init (null),         /* ptr to char descriptors*/
32                                                    /*  for arg list          */
33       2 char_output_string_ptr ptr init (null),    /* ptr to character string*/
34       2 current_component_ptr ptr init (null),     /* ptr to the component   */
35                                                    /*  currently being loaded*/
36       2 current_seg_row_count fixed bin(35) init (0),
37                                                    /* number of rows in      */
38                                                    /*  current seg           */
39       2 flags,
40         3 permanent aligned bit(1),                /* "1"b if non-disposable */
41         3 sorted    bit(1),                        /* has table been sorted? */
42         3 mbz1      bit(34) unal;
44 dcl table_control_ip ptr;
46 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_table_control.incl.pl1 */