1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_set_fn_info.incl.pl1 -- jaw 6/16/77
 3    81-10-26  Rickie E.  Brinegar: Changed the entry pointer to entry variables
 4    and  added  bits to define whether or not the entry variables had been set.
 5    Renamed the structure from set_fn_info to linus_set_fn_info and the pointer
 6    that it was based on from setfi_ptr to linus_set_fn_info_ptr.
 8    81-11-05 Rickie E.  Brinegar: Changed the entry pointers to entry variables
 9    and  added bit switches to determine when the entries have or have not been
10    set.  Renamed the set_fn_info structure to linus_set_fn_info, the setfi_ptr
11    to      linus_set_fn_info_ptr,      and      nset_fn_info_init_args      to
12    initial_number_of_set_fn_info_args.
14 */
16 dcl 1 linus_set_fn_info aligned based (linus_set_fn_info_ptr),
17                                                             /* set function info block */
18     2 fwd_ptr ptr,                                          /* pointer too next function in list */
19     2 name char (32),                                       /* name of function */
20     2 assign_entry entry variable,                          /* pointer to assign entry */
21     2 calc_entry entry variable,                            /* pointer to calc entry */
22     2 info_entry entry variable,                            /* pointer to info entry, if var. fun. */
23     2 init_entry entry variable,                            /* pointer to initialization entry */
24     2 flags,
25       3 assign_entry_set bit (1) unaligned,                 /* 0 => null, 1 => not null */
26       3 calc_entry_set bit (1) unaligned,                   /* 0 => null, 1 => not null */
27       3 info_entry_set bit (1) unaligned,                   /* 0 => null, 1 => not null */
28       3 init_entry_set bit (1) unaligned,                   /* 0 => null, 1 => not null */
29       3 pad_bits bit (32) unaligned,
30     2 rslt_desc bit (36),                                   /* descriptor of result of fixed fun */
31     2 nargs fixed bin,                                      /* no of input args of calc entry */
32     2 arg_desc (initial_number_of_set_fn_info_args refer (linus_set_fn_info.nargs)) bit (36); /* descriptor
33                                                                for each input arg */
35 dcl  linus_set_fn_info_ptr ptr;
36 dcl  initial_number_of_set_fn_info_args fixed bin;
38 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_set_fn_info.incl.pl1 */