1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... linus_names_and_values.incl.pl1
 3    Names and values used for producing reports. These structures provide for
 4    the passing of format report option names and values between requests and
 5    the "linus_options" subroutine. The caller (usually a request) fills in the
 6    "option_name_table" structure, or calls a bulk load entry point such as
 7    linus_options$get_all. The linus_options subroutine uses the
 8    "name_value_info" structure and the "names_and_values" character string to
 9    return the requested names and values.
11    Al Dupuis - August 1983
12 */
13 /* format: off */
14 %skip(3);
15           /* Describes the "names_and_values" character string below. */
16 %skip(1);
17 dcl 1 name_value_info (no_of_names_and_values) aligned based (names_and_values_info_ptr),
18       2 name,                           /* location and length in temp seg */
19         3 index fixed bin (21),
20         3 length fixed bin (21),
21       2 value,                          /* location and length in temp seg */
22         3 index fixed bin (21),
23         3 length fixed bin (21);
24 %skip(1);
25           /* Described by "name_value_info" structure above. */
26 %skip(1);
27 dcl names_and_values char (size_of_names_and_values) based (names_and_values_ptr);
28 %skip(1);
29 dcl names_and_values_info_ptr ptr init (null());
30 dcl names_and_values_ptr ptr init (null());
31 dcl no_of_names_and_values fixed bin (21);
32 dcl size_of_names_and_values fixed bin (21);
33 %skip(3);
34           /* Filled in by the caller (i.e. "list_format_options" request) */
35 %skip(1);
36 dcl 1 option_name_table (no_of_options_in_name_table) based (option_name_table_ptr),
37       2 the_name char (32) varying,               /* option name */
38       2 the_identifier char (32) varying;         /* null, column name, or star name */
39 %skip(1);
40 dcl no_of_options_in_name_table fixed bin (21);
41 dcl option_name_table_ptr ptr init (null());
42 %skip(1);
43 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_names_and_values.incl.pl1 */