1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_ls_set.incl.pl1 -- jaw 7/27/78 */
 3 dcl 1 ls_set aligned based (lss_ptr),                       /* lila stack frame for lila set */
 4 %include linus_ls_common;
 5     2 nselects fixed bin,                                   /* number of items selected */
 6     2 nblocks fixed bin,                                    /* number of lila blocks in stack */
 7     2 nops fixed bin,                                       /* number of set operators in stack */
 8     2 op_stack (linus_data_$max_set_stack_size),            /* the set op stack */
 9       3 br_cnt fixed bin (17) unal,                         /* bracket count of oper. */
10       3 key fixed bin (17) unal,                            /* token key of operator */
11     2 br_cnt fixed bin,                                     /* current bracket count */
12     2 dup_flag bit (1) unal,                                /* on if DUP encountered */
13     2 unique_flag bit (1) unal,                             /* on if UNIQUE encountered */
14     2 rb_flag bit (1) unal,                                 /* on if right bracket allowed */
15     2 lb_flag bit (1) unal,                                 /* on if left bracket allowed */
16     2 setop_flag bit (1) unal,                              /* on if set op allowed */
17     2 select_flag bit (1) unal,                             /* on if lila block allowed */
18     2 end_flag bit (1) unal,                                /* on if end of set allowed */
19     2 first_block bit (1) unal,                             /* on if no lila block yet processed */
20     2 inv_setop bit (1) unal,                               /* on if a lila block cannot be included in a set oper. */
21     2 reserved bit (9) unal,
22     2 var_ind fixed bin (17) unal,                          /* number for next generated variable */
23     2 domain_info (mrds_data_$max_select_items),            /* domain info for each selected attr. */
24       3 name char (32),                                     /* domain name */
25       3 bit_length fixed bin (35),                          /* bit length of domain */
26       3 desc bit (36),                                      /* descriptor for domain */
27       3 assn_ptr ptr,                                       /* ptr to receiving field for this attr. */
28       3 assn_type fixed bin,                                /* assign_ type code for this domain */
29       3 assn_len fixed bin (35),                            /* assign_ length for this domain */
30     2 si_ptr ptr,                                           /* pointer to select info structure */
31     2 blk_hd_ptr ptr;                                       /* pointer to top item of block stack */
33 dcl  lss_ptr ptr;
35 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_ls_set.incl.pl1 */