1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_ls_header.incl.pl1 -- jaw 7/28/77 */
 3 dcl 1 ls_header aligned based (lsh_ptr),                    /* header for LILA stack */
 4 %include linus_ls_common;
 5     2 cur_ptr ptr,                                          /* pointer to current frame */
 6     2 src_ptr ptr,                                          /* pointer to LILA source string */
 7     2 trans_failed bit (1) unal,                            /* on if translate failed */
 8     2 from_token bit (1) unal,                              /* on if the calling routine is  linus_lila_from */
 9     2 reserved bit (34) unal,
10     2 cur_pos fixed bin (35),                               /* current position in source string */
11     2 line_data (0 : lcb.lila_count),                       /* data for each source line */
12       3 lno char (4),                                       /* line number */
13       3 last_char fixed bin (35);                           /* index of last char */
15 dcl  lsh_ptr ptr;
17 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_ls_header.incl.pl1 */