1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_lcb.incl.pl1 -- jaw 8/30/77 */
  6   1) change(86-04-23,Dupuis), approve(86-05-23,MCR7188), audit(86-07-23,GWMay),
  7      install(86-07-29,MR12.0-1106):
  8      Added general_work_area_ptr and renamed sfr_ptr to
  9      force_retrieve_scope_ptr.
 10                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 13 /* HISTORY:
 15    78-09-29 J. C. C. Jagernauth: Modified for MR7.0.
 17    81-05-11  Rickie E.  Brinegar: added security bit and andministrator bit as
 18    a part of the attribute level control work.
 20    81-06-17  Rickie E.  Brinegar: deleted the sd_ptr as a part of removing the
 21    scope_data  structure  from  LINUS.   LINUS now depends totally on MRDS for
 22    scope information.
 24    81-11-11  Rickie  E.   Brinegar:  added the timing bit and three fields for
 25    retaining  various  vcpu  times  to  be collected when in timing mode.  The
 26    times  to  be collected are: LINUS parsing time, LINUS processing time, and
 27    MRDS processing time.
 29    82-01-15  DJ  Schimke:  Added the build_increment and build_start fields as
 30    part of the line numbering implementation.  This allows for possible  later
 31    LINUS control of the build defaults.
 33    82-03-01 Paul W. Benjamin: Removed linus_prompt_chars_ptr, as that
 34    information is now retained by ssu_.  Removed parse_timer as no longer
 35    meaningful.  Added linus_version.  Added iteration bit.  Added 6 entry
 36    variables for ssu_ replaceable procedures.  Added actual_input_iocbp.
 38    82-06-23 Al Dupuis: Added subsystem_control_info_ptr,
 39    subsystem_invocation_level, and selection_expression_identifier.
 41    82-08-26 DJ Schimke: Added report_control_info_ptr, and
 42    table_control_info_ptr.
 44    82-10-19 DJ Schimke: Added ssu_abort_line.
 46    83-06-06 Bert Moberg: Added print_search_order (pso) and no_optimize (no_ot)
 48    83-04-07 DJ Schimke: Added temp_seg_info_ptr.
 50    83-08-26 Al Dupuis: Added query_temp_segment_ptr.
 51 */
 53 dcl 1 lcb aligned based (lcb_ptr),                          /* LINUS control block */
 54     2 db_index fixed bin (35),                              /* index of open data base, or 0 */
 55     2 rb_len fixed bin (21),                                /* length of request buffer */
 56     2 lila_count fixed bin (35),                            /* number of LILA text lines */
 57     2 lila_chars fixed bin (35),                            /* number of LILA source test chars */
 58     2 trans_id fixed bin (35),                              /* used by checkpoint and rollback facilities (MR7.0) */
 59     2 lila_fn char (32) unal,                               /* entry name of lila data file */
 60     2 prompt_flag bit (1) unal,                             /* on if in prompt mode */
 61     2 test_flag bit (1) unal,                               /* on if in test mode */
 62     2 new_version bit (1) unal init (1),                    /* on for new version data base (MR7.0) */
 63     2 secured_db bit (1) unal,                              /* on if the db is in a secure state */
 64     2 administrator bit (1) unal,                           /* on if the user is a db administrator */
 65     2 timing_mode bit (1) unal,                             /* on if timing is to be done */
 66     2 iteration bit (1) unal,                               /* interpret parens as iteration sets */
 67     2 pso_flag bit (1) unal,                                /* add print_search_order to select */
 68     2 no_ot_flag bit (1) unal,                              /* add no_optimize to select */
 69     2 reserved bit (27) unal,
 70     2 liocb_ptr ptr,                                        /* iocb ptr for lila file */
 71     2 rb_ptr ptr,                                           /* ptr to request buffer */
 72     2 is_ptr ptr,                                           /* iocb ptr for currentinput stream switch */
 73     2 cal_ptr ptr,                                          /* ptr to current arg list for invoke (or null) */
 74     2 ttn_ptr ptr,                                          /* pointer to table info structure */
 75     2 force_retrieve_scope_info_ptr ptr,                    /* structure pointer to force retrieve scope operation */
 76     2 lv_ptr ptr,                                           /* pointer linus variables */
 77     2 si_ptr ptr,                                           /* pointer to select_info structure */
 78     2 setfi_ptr ptr,                                        /* pointer to set function information */
 79     2 sclfi_ptr ptr,                                        /* pointer to user declared scalar fun. names */
 80     2 ivs_ptr ptr,                                          /* pointer to stack of invoke iocb pointers */
 81     2 lit_ptr ptr,                                          /* pointer to literal pool */
 82     2 lvv_ptr ptr,                                          /* pointer to linus variable alloc. pool  */
 83     2 rd_ptr ptr,                                           /* point to readied files mode information (MR7.0) */
 84     2 rt_ptr ptr,                                           /* point to table of relation names and their readied modes
 85                                                                (MR7.0) */
 86     2 actual_input_iocbp ptr,                               /* ptr to input while in macros */
 87     2 lila_promp_chars_ptr ptr,                             /* pointer to the prompt characters for lila */
 88     2 linus_area_ptr ptr,                                   /* LINUS temporary segment pointer */
 89     2 lila_area_ptr ptr,                                    /* LILA temporary segment pointer */
 90     2 i_o_area_ptr ptr,                                     /* temporary segment pointer used by write, print, create_list */
 91     2 rel_array_ptr ptr,                                    /* ptr to array of names rslt info structure
 92                                                                for current lila expression */
 93     2 unused_timer float bin (63),                          /* future expansion */
 94     2 request_time float bin (63),                          /* How much request time was spent
 95                                                                 in LINUS. (-1 = user has just enabled
 96                                                                 timing, do not report) */
 97     2 mrds_time float bin (63),                             /* How much time was spent in MRDS */
 98     2 build_increment fixed bin,                            /* default increment for build mode */
 99     2 build_start fixed bin,                                /* default start count for build mode */
100     2 linus_version char (4),                               /* current version of LINUS */
101     2 subsystem_control_info_ptr ptr,                       /* the same ptr passed by ssu_ to each request procedure */
102     2 subsystem_invocation_level fixed bin,                 /* identifies this invocation of LINUS */
103     2 selection_expression_identifier fixed bin,            /* identifies the current processed selection expression */
104     2 report_control_info_ptr ptr,                          /* pointer to linus_report_control_info structure */
105     2 table_control_info_ptr ptr,                           /* pointer to linus_table control structure */
106     2 temp_seg_info_ptr ptr,                                /* pointer to linus_temp_seg_mgr control structure */
107     2 query_temp_segment_ptr ptr,                           /* points to temp seg used for manipulating query */
108     2 general_work_area_ptr ptr,                            /* a freeing area for general use */
109     2 word_pad (6) bit (36) unal,
110                                                             /* procedures that will be optionally */
111                                                             /* replaced by the user.  Saved so they */
112                                                             /* can be reinstated if desired. */
113     2 ssu_abort_line entry options (variable),
114     2 ssu_post_request_line variable entry (ptr),
115     2 ssu_pre_request_line variable entry (ptr),
117     2 curr_lit_offset fixed bin (35),                       /* index of first free bit in lit. pool */
118     2 curr_lv_val_offset fixed bin (35),                    /* index of first free bit lv. val. pool */
119     2 static_area area (sys_info$max_seg_size - fixed (rel (addr (lcb.static_area))) + 1);
121 dcl  lcb_ptr ptr;
123 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_lcb.incl.pl1 */