1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_expession.incl.pl1 -- jaw 6/29/77 */
 3 dcl 1 expression aligned based (ex_ptr),                    /* internal representation of an
 4                                                                arithmetic expr.  Is in postfix polish form. */
 5     2 rslt_desc bit (36),                                   /* descriptor for result */
 6     2 nelems fixed bin,                                     /* no. of operators + no of operands */
 7     2 elem (nelems_init refer (expression.nelems)),
 8       3 type fixed bin (4) unal,                            /* 1 => constant
 9                                                                2 => linus variable
10                                                                3 => scalar function
11                                                                4 => set function
12                                                                5 => not used
13                                                                6 => data base item
14                                                                15 => operator */
15       3 op_code fixed bin (3) unal,                         /* 1 => add
16                                                                2 => subtract
17                                                                3 => multiply
18                                                                4 => divide */
19       3 reserved bit (27) unal,
20       3 desc bit (36),                                      /*  descriptor for item */
21       3 bit_length fixed bin (35),                          /* bit length of item */
22       3 assn_ptr ptr,                                       /* assign_ pointer to item */
23       3 assn_type fixed bin,                                /* assign_ type code for item */
24       3 assn_len fixed bin (35),                            /* assign_ length for this item */
25       3 fn_ptr ptr;                                         /* pointer to function structure */
27 dcl  ex_ptr ptr;
28 dcl  nelems_init fixed bin;
30 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_expression.incl.pl1 */