1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_ef_data.incl.pl1 -- jaw 7/21/77 */
 3 dcl 1 ef_data aligned based (ed_ptr),                       /* structure for passing expr. and fun. data among programs */
 4     2 var_name char (32),                                   /* name of tuple variable */
 5     2 bit_length fixed bin (35),                            /* bit length of result */
 6     2 desc bit (36),                                        /* descriptor of result */
 7     2 assn_ptr ptr,                                         /* pointer to result value */
 8     2 assn_type fixed bin,                                  /* assign_ type code of result */
 9     2 assn_len fixed bin (35),                              /* assign_ length */
10     2 nmrds_items fixed bin,                                /* number of mrds items returned */
11     2 mrds_items (linus_data_$max_expr_items),              /* previously unselected mrds items referenced
12                                                                in the expression */
13       3 attr_name char (32),                                /* name of attribute */
14       3 domain_name char (32),                              /* domain of attribute */
15       3 bit_length fixed bin (35),                          /* attrib. bit length */
16       3 desc bit (36),                                      /* attrib. descriptor */
17       3 assn_ptr ptr,                                       /* pointer to receiving field of attr. */
18       3 assn_type fixed bin,                                /* assign_ type code of attr */
19       3 assn_len fixed bin (35),                            /* assign_ length for attr. */
20     2 ef_ptr ptr;                                           /* pointer to expr. status */
22 dcl  ed_ptr ptr;
24 /* END INCLUDE FILE linus_ef_data.incl.pl1 */