1 /*   BEGIN INCLUDE FILE linus_data_file_info.incl.pl1
 3    Written - Al Dupuis - September 1983
 4 */
 7   1) change(88-01-27,Dupuis), approve(88-03-03,MCR7844),
 8      audit(88-03-14,Blair), install(88-03-15,MR12.2-1036):
 9      Added the trace_every_n_tuples field and the tracing flag.
10                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
12 /* format: off */
13 %skip(1);
14 dcl 1 create_columns_map aligned based (create_cm_ptr),
15       2 number_of_columns fixed bin,
16       2 column_numbers (create_columns_map_init_number_of_columns refer (create_columns_map.number_of_columns)) fixed bin;
17 dcl create_columns_map_init_number_of_columns fixed bin;
18 dcl create_cm_ptr ptr;
19 %skip(3);
20 dcl 1 data_file_info aligned,
21       2 flags,
22         3 truncate_file bit (1) unaligned,               /* ON means truncate */
23         3 check_values_for_delimiters bit (1) unaligned, /* ON means to check */
24         3 process_quotes bit (1) unaligned,              /* ON means process quotes */
25         3 process_whitespace bit (1) unaligned,          /* ON means treat all whitespace as one blank */
26         3 last_column_delimiter_is_optional bit (1) unaligned, /* ON means last column delimiter is optional */
27         3 create_new_columns bit (1) unaligned,          /* ON means create new columns */
28         3 file_is_opened bit (1) unaligned,              /* ON means file is opened */
29         3 file_is_attached bit (1) unaligned,            /* ON means file is attached */
30         3 end_of_file_has_been_hit bit (1) unaligned,    /* ON means we've already hit EOF */
31         3 tracing bit (1) unaligned,                     /* ON means we need to give progress reports */
32         3 available bit (26) unaligned,
33       2 current_row_number fixed bin (35),               /* current row number in table */
34       2 current_line_number fixed bin (35),              /* current line number of file */
35       2 current_char_in_buffer fixed bin (35),           /* index of where we're about to start */
36       2 current_char_in_previous_buffer fixed bin (35),  /* index of where we left off in previous buffer */
37       2 file_buffer_length fixed bin (21),               /* length of file buffer in chars */
38       2 trace_every_n_tuples fixed bin (35),             /* print a progress report every n */
39       2 create_columns_map_ptr ptr,                      /* points to create_columns_map structure */
40       2 file_iocb_ptr ptr,                               /* points to iocb for file */
41       2 file_buffer_ptr ptr,                             /* points to buffer for file */
42       2 column_delimiter char (1) unaligned,             /* a single ascii character */
43       2 row_delimiter char (1) unaligned,                /* a single ascii character */
44       2 output_file_pathname char (168) unaligned,       /* path of output file */
45       2 entry_name char (32) unaligned,                  /* dir name where file is located */
46       2 directory_name char (168) unaligned;             /* entry name of file */
47 %skip(1);
48 /*   END INCLUDE FILE linus_data_file_info.incl.pl1 */