1 /*        START OF: paged_output_data_.incl.pl1               *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 3      dcl  1 POD                         aligned based (PPOD),
 4                                                             /* data used by paged_output_ subroutine.         */
 5             2 version                   fixed bin,          /* version number of this structure. (= 1)        */
 6             2 Lline                     fixed bin,          /* max length of output lines.                    */
 7             2 Lpage                     fixed bin,          /* lines per page.                                */
 8             2 Ltop_margin               fixed bin,          /* lines skipped for top margin.                  */
 9             2 Lbottom_margin            fixed bin,          /* lines skipped for bottom margin.               */
10             2 Nfrom                     fixed bin,          /* number of first page printed.                  */
11             2 Nto                       fixed bin,          /* number of last page printed.                   */
12                                                             /*     = 0  ==> no upper limit on last page.      */
13             2 switch                    ptr,                /* ptr to IOCB for output switch.                 */
14             2 end_page                  entry (fixed bin),  /* endpage condition handler.                     */
15             2 switches,
16              (3 Send_page               bit(1),             /* on if endpage procedure to be called.          */
17               3 Spartial_last_page      bit(1),             /* on if last page need not be full.              */
18                                                             /*   (Turn on for all but last component segment  */
19                                                             /*    of an MSF.)                                 */
20               3 Sheader                 bit(1),             /* on if heading to be printed before 1st page    */
21                                                             /*   of each file is output.                      */
22                                                             /*   Heading contains pathname of file being      */
23                                                             /*   printed.  It is not printed if output begins */
24                                                             /*   with other than first page of the file.      */
25               3 pad                     bit(33)) unal,
26             2 Iat_column                fixed bin,          /* current column position of current line.       */
27             2 Icolumns_used             fixed bin,          /* number of columns used on current line.        */
28             2 Iline                     fixed bin,          /* number of lines already on current page.       */
29             2 Ipage                     fixed bin,          /* page number of the current page.               */
30             2 Imsf_comp                 fixed bin,          /* number of MSF component being output.          */
31                                                             /*   = -1, a segment file is being output.        */
32                                                             /*   =  0, 1st component of MSF being output.     */
33                                                             /*   =  N, N+1st component of MSF being output.   */
34             2 heading                   char(200) varying,  /* the heading line(s).                           */
35           PPOD                          ptr,                /* ptr to this data structure.                    */
36           VPOD_1                        fixed bin int static init (1) options(constant);
38 /*        END OF:   paged_output_data_.incl.pl1               *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */