1 /* START OF:        lib_Scontrol_.incl.pl1                    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 3           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
 4           /*                                                                                        */
 5           /* N^H__^Ha_^Hm_^He:  lib_Scontrol_.incl.pl1                                                        */
 6           /*                                                                                        */
 7           /*      This include segment defines the control switches used by library descriptor      */
 8           /* commands and subroutines.  These switches control the amount of information which is   */
 9           /* attached to each node of the tree by lib_get_tree_.  This segment, lib_args_.incl.pl1, */
10           /* and lib_Svalid_req_.incl.pl1 define the complete set of structures required as input   */
11           /* to the lib_descriptor_ subroutine.                                                     */
12           /*                                                                                        */
13           /* S^H__^Ht_^Ha_^Ht_^Hu_^Hs                                                                                   */
14           /*                                                                                        */
15           /* 0) Created on:  April 8, 1975  by  G. C. Dixon                                         */
16           /* 1) Modified on: October 24, 1983 by Jim Lippard to add page_length, first_match        */
17           /*                                                                                        */
18           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
20      dcl  1 Sc                          aligned based (addr (Scontrol)),
21             2 acl                       bit(1) unal,        /* switch: return ACL for library entries.        */
22             2 all_status                bit(1) unal,        /* switch: return extra status information.       */
23             2 chase                     bit(1) unal,        /* switch: link entries are to be chased.         */
25             2 check_archive             bit(1) unal,        /* switch: see if contents of entry is archive.   */
26             2 check_ascii               bit(1) unal,        /* switch: see if contents of entry is ascii.     */
27             2 components                bit(1) unal,        /* switch: return info about parent of terminal   */
28                                                             /*         nodes of the tree, and about all the   */
29                                                             /*         nodes below the parent.                */
31             2 container                 bit(1) unal,        /* switch: return info about parent of terminal   */
32                                                             /*         nodes of the tree.                     */
33             2 default                   bit(1) unal,        /* switch: use default requirement switch settings*/
34             2 iacl                      bit(1) unal,        /* switch: return initial ACLs for library entries*/
36             2 object_info               bit(1) unal,        /* switch: return object info for object segments.*/
37             2 quota                     bit(1) unal,        /* switch: return quota information.              */
38             2 retain                    bit(1) unal,        /* switch: print information about nodes awaiting */
39                                                             /*         deletion.                              */
41             2 pad                       bit(10) unal,
43             2 first_match               bit(1) unal,        /* switch: stop after first match                 */
44             2 page_length               bit(1) unal,        /* switch: page length of output                  */
46             2 delete                    bit(1) unal,        /* switch: delete library entries                 */
47             2 descriptor                bit(1) unal,        /* switch: library descriptor                     */
48             2 exclude                   bit(1) unal,        /* switch: exclusion search names.                */
50             2 footing                   bit(1) unal,        /* switch: footing for output pages.              */
51             2 heading                   bit(1) unal,        /* switch: heading for 1st output page.           */
52             2 into_path                 bit(1) unal,        /* switch: path into which entries are fetched.   */
54             2 library                   bit(1) unal,        /* switch: library names                          */
55             2 list                      bit(1) unal,        /* switch: list library entries                   */
56             2 long                      bit(1) unal,        /* switch: long output format required.           */
58             2 output_file               bit(1) unal,        /* switch: pathname of output file                */
59             2 search_names              bit(1) unal,        /* switch: search names                           */
60             2 time                      bit(1) unal,        /* switch: grace time for deletion of entries.    */
61           Scontrol                      bit(36) aligned;    /* switches: aligned copy of control switches.    */
63 /* END OF:          lib_Scontrol_.incl.pl1                    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */