1 /*  Begin include file lar_info.incl.pl1                                */
  3 /* Original version Aug 1977 */
  4 /* Modified May 1978 by T. Casey to add many new parameters */
  5 /* Modified November 1978 by T. Casey to add several variables for MR7.0 */
  6 /* Modified to add queue_name 11/05/79 S. Herbst */
  7 /* Modified Jan 1982 by G. Dixon to dcl constants for request_type values */
 10   1) change(88-04-20,Parisek), approve(88-06-13,MCR7913),
 11      audit(88-08-16,Farley), install(88-08-22,MR12.2-1089):
 12      A) Added the abs_rqi, com_rqi, output_rqi, retv_rqi, and imft_rqi
 13         elements to store bit values which determine what specific data is
 14         requested by request_info command/AF.  Modified the pad field
 15         to fill in the remaining unused word.
 16      B) Included the arrays defining the information keywords used with
 17         request_info (rqi).  Each element in these arrays pertains to a
 18         bit value within one of the bit strings listed in A above.  Also,
 19         the order of each element represents the identical order of the
 20         respective bit within the above mentioned bit strings.
 21      C) Added forms_sw and forms_name elements for storing info about
 22         requested output special forms.
 23   2) change(88-08-25,Farley), approve(88-09-16,MCR7911),
 24      audit(88-09-29,Wallman), install(88-10-28,MR12.2-1199):
 25      Increased forms_name to 64 characters.
 26                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 29 dcl  info_ptr ptr;
 30 dcl 1 info aligned based (info_ptr),
 31     2 temptr ptr aligned,                                   /* pointer to temporary segment */
 32     2 mseg_idx fixed bin aligned,                           /* offset of message segment */
 33     2 request_type fixed bin,                               /* ABS, IO, OUTPUT, RETV */
 34     2 queue_name char (32) unal,                            /* request type for io_daemon: printer, punch, etc. */
 35     2 queue fixed bin aligned,                              /* priority level of message segment */
 36     2 input_count fixed bin (21) aligned,                   /* length of temporary in chars when called */
 37     2 output_count fixed bin (21) aligned,                  /* length of temporary in chars on return */
 38     2 select_count fixed bin aligned,                       /* returned count of selected entries (from all queues) */
 39     2 user_select_count fixed bin aligned,                  /* returned count of requests for specified user (from all Qs) */
 40     2 message_count fixed bin,                              /* returned count of total entries (from all queues) */
 41     2 switches,
 42       3 long_sw bit (1) unaligned,                          /* on - long format */
 43       3 admin_sw bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on - admin option */
 44       3 total_sw bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on - totals only */
 45       3 user_sw bit (1) unaligned,                          /* on - look for supplied person.project */
 46       3 immediate bit (1) unaligned,                        /* on - return only non-deferred matches */
 47       3 long_id_sw bit (1) unaligned,                       /* on - print long ID even when not in long format */
 48       3 all_opt_sw bit (1) unaligned,                       /* on - all queue data wanted */
 49       3 q_opt_sw bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on - user specified a queue */
 50       3 path_sw bit (1) unaligned,                          /* on - print full pathname even when not in long format */
 51       3 brief_sw bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on - brief format */
 52       3 position_sw bit (1) unaligned,                      /* on - print position in queue */
 53       3 resource_sw bit (1) unaligned,                      /* on - print just rq's w/resource arg and print resource */
 54       3 dirname_sw bit (1) unaligned,                       /* on - dirname given */
 55       3 ename_sw bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on - ename given */
 56       3 id_sw bit (1) unaligned,                            /* on - request ID given */
 57       3 deferred_indefinitely bit (1) unaligned,            /* on - print only requests that are deferred indefinitely */
 58       3 sender_sw bit (1) unaligned,                        /* on - sender (RJE station) given */
 59       3 no_total_sw bit (1) unaligned,                      /* RETURNED: on if unable to get totals for a queue */
 60       3 abs_q_1 bit (1) unaligned,                          /* on - listing abs Qs 0 & 1, pretending all from 1 */
 61       3 resource_name_sw bit (1) unaligned,                 /* on - resource name given */
 62       3 search_all bit (1) unaligned,                       /* on - search all Qs, list ones that we select requests from */
 63       3 forms_sw bit (1) unaligned,                         /* on - special forms name given */
 64       3 abs_rqi bit (13) unaligned,                         /* each bit represents 1 request element */
 65       3 com_rqi bit (11) unaligned,                         /* each bit represents 1 request element */
 66       3 output_rqi bit (11) unaligned,                      /* each bit represents 1 request element */
 67       3 retv_rqi bit (4) unaligned,                         /* each bit represents 1 request element */
 68       3 imft_rqi bit (3) unaligned,                         /* each bit represents 1 request element */
 69       3 pad bit (8) unaligned,                              /* rest of word */
 70     2 person char (28) aligned,                             /* supplied person name - may be "*" */
 71     2 project char (28) aligned,                            /* supplied project name - may be "*" */
 72     2 request_id char (19) aligned,                         /* select request(s) matching this ID */
 73     2 dirname char (168) unal,                              /* select requests from this directory */
 74     2 ename char (32) unal,                                 /* select requests matching this ename (can be starname) */
 75     2 sender char (32) aligned,                             /* select requests entered by this RJE station */
 76     2 resource_name char (100) varying aligned,             /* select requests requiring the named resource(s) */
 77     2 forms_name char (64) unal;                            /* select requests requiring the named form(s) */
 79                                                             /* possible values for info.request_type.         */
 80 dcl ABS    fixed bin int static options(constant) init(1),  /*   list_abs_requests                            */
 81     IO     fixed bin int static options(constant) init(2),  /*   list_daemon_requests (almost obsolete)       */
 82     OUTPUT fixed bin int static options(constant) init(3),  /*   list_output_requests                         */
 83     RETV   fixed bin int static options(constant) init(4);  /*   list_retrieval_requests                      */
 85                                                             /* below is defined the request_info */
 86                                                             /* information keyword arrays */
 87 /* The order of the following keywords within their respective arrays is
 88    important as each element MUST be kept in sync with the respective
 89    bit defined in com_rqi, abs_rqi, retv_rqi, output_rqi, or imft_rqi.
 90    If any additional keywords are added in the future be sure a corresponding
 91    bit is added to the proper bit string above.  Also add the format data
 92    for the new element within its proper place in the buffer_element routine
 93    of lar_util_.
 94 */
 96 dcl       abs_keywords                  (28) char(32) int static options (constant) init
 97                ("max_cpu_time", "limit", "li",              /* 1 */
 98                "output_file", "of",                         /* 2 */
 99                "proxy_name", "pxn",                         /* 3 */
100                "resource", "rsc",                           /* 4 */
101                "sender",                                    /* 5 */
102                "comment",                                   /* 6 */
103                "args",                                      /* 7 */
104                "home_dir", "hd",                            /* 8 */
105                "init_proc", "ip",                           /* 9 */
106                "initial_ring", "ring", "rg",                /* 10 */
107                "authorization", "auth",                     /* 11 */
108                "deferred_time", "dftime", "time",
109                     "dftm", "tm",                           /* 12 */
110                "deferred_by", "dfb"),                       /* 13 */
112           abs_keyword_index             (28) fixed bin int static options (constant) init
113                                                             /* index in info.abs_rqi */
114                (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 10,
115                11, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13),
117           com_keywords                  (23) char(32) int static options (constant) init
118                ("all", "a",                                 /* 1 */
119                "request_id", "id",                          /* 2 */
120                "submitter",                                 /* 3 */
121                "position", "pos",                           /* 4 */
122                "directory", "dr",                           /* 5 */
123                "entry", "et",                               /* 6 */
124                "enter_time", "etime", "etm",                /* 7 */
125                "message_type", "type", "tp",                /* 8 */
126                "queue", "q",                                /* 9 */
127                "state", "st",                               /* 10 */
128                "request_flags", "flags"),                   /* 11 */
130           com_keyword_index             (23) fixed bin int static options (constant) init
131                                                             /* index in info.com_rqi */
132                (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8,
133                9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11),
135           output_keywords               (23) char(32) int static options (constant) init
136                ("bit_count", "bc",                          /* 1 */
137                "copies", "cp",                              /* 2 */
138                "destination", "dest", "ds",                 /* 3 */
139                "heading", "he",                             /* 4 */
140                "indent", "ind", "in",                       /* 5 */
141                "line_length", "ll",                         /* 6 */
142                "page_length", "pl",                         /* 7 */
143                "top_label", "tlbl",                         /* 8 */
144                "bottom_label", "blbl",                      /* 9 */
145                "output_conversion", "ocv",                  /* 10 */
146                "forms"),                                    /* 11 */
148           output_keyword_index          (23) fixed bin int static options (constant) init
149                                                             /* index in info.output_rqi */
150                (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8,
151                9, 9, 10, 10, 11),
153           retv_keywords                 (10) char(32) int static options (constant) init
154                ("from_time", "fmtime", "fmtm",              /* 1 */
155                "new_dir", "ndr",                            /* 2 */
156                "new_entry", "net",                          /* 3 */
157                "to_time", "ttime", "ttm"),                  /* 4 */
159           retv_keyword_index            (10) fixed bin int static options (constant) init
160                                                             /* index in info.retv_rqi */
161                (1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4),
163           imft_keywords                 (6) char(32) int static options (constant) init
164                ("foreign_dir", "fdr",                       /* 1 */
165                "foreign_entry", "fet",                      /* 2 */
166                "foreign_user", "fu"),                       /* 3 */
168           imft_keyword_index            (6) fixed bin int static options (constant) init
169                                                             /* index in info.imft_rqi */
170                (1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3);
172 /*  End include file lar_info.incl.pl1                        */