1 /*  START OF:       kermit_transfer_info.incl.pl1             *  *  *  *  *  */
  6   1) change(88-05-16,Huen), approve(88-05-16,MCR7841), audit(88-05-25,RWaters),
  7      install(88-07-05,MR12.2-1054):
  8      Fix kermit 15, 16, 17, and 18.
  9                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 12 /********************************************************************/
 13   /*                                                                  */
 14   /*n     kermit_transfer_info                                        */
 15   /*                                                                  */
 16   /*d     This data structure is the info structure used              */
 17   /*d     during file transfer.                                       */
 18   /*                                                                  */
 19   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Maureen Mallmes                      */
 20   /*l     Modified: 87-06-19  by Don Kozlowski - Add flags in kti     */
 21   /*l                         structure. (kermit 15)                  */
 22   /*l     Modified: 87-07-22  by Don Kozlowski - Add msf flag in      */
 23   /*l                         kti structure. (kermit 17)              */
 24   /*                                                                  */
 25   /********************************************************************/
 27   dcl 01 kermit_transfer_info aligned based (transfer_infop),
 28         02 retry_count        fixed bin (21),     /*  for current packet   */
 29         02 retry_threshold    fixed bin (8) unal, /*  maximum retries      */
 30         02 sequence_n         fixed bin,          /*  sequence number      */
 31         02 filenamesp         ptr,                /*  ptr to filenames     */
 32         02 filenames_idx      fixed bin,          /*  current filename     */
 33         02 filep              ptr,                /*  start of file ptr    */
 34         02 buffp              ptr,                /*  file data ptr        */
 35         02 msf_count          fixed bin (21),     /*  msf segments to send */
 36         02 msf_current        fixed bin (21),     /*  current msf module   */
 37         02 file_count         fixed bin,          /*  per transaction      */
 38         02 statisticsp        ptr,                /*  statistics info ptr  */
 39         02 flags,
 40           03 msf              bit (1),            /*  Is this an MSF       */
 41           03 owe_a_cr         bit (1),            /*  Holding back a CR    */
 42           03 pad              bit (34),
 43         02 iocb_ptr           ptr;                /*  for vfile_           */
 47 dcl transfer_infop ptr;
 48 dcl kermit_transfer_info_version
 49                               char (9) static options (constant)
 50                                    init ("kti   1.1");
 55   /********************************************************************/
 56   /*                                                                  */
 57   /*n     kermit_filenames                                            */
 58   /*                                                                  */
 59   /*d     This data structure defines the overlay for the filenames.  */
 60   /*                                                                  */
 61   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Maureen Mallmes                      */
 62   /*l     Modified: 84-11-05  by Dean Elhard to add archive support   */
 63   /*                                                                  */
 64   /********************************************************************/
 66 dcl 01 kermit_filenames       aligned based (kermit_transfer_info.filenamesp),
 67           02 n_paths          fixed bin,
 68           02 pathname         (0 refer (kermit_filenames.n_paths)) aligned,
 69            03 directory       char (168) unal,
 70            03 entry_name      char (32) unal,
 71            03 component       char (32) unal;
 74   /********************************************************************/
 75   /*                                                                  */
 76   /*n     kermit_packets                                              */
 77   /*                                                                  */
 78   /*d     This data defines the packet types.                         */
 79   /*                                                                  */
 80   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Maureen Mallmes                      */
 81   /*                                                                  */
 82   /********************************************************************/
 85 dcl Data_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("D");
 86 dcl Ack_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("Y");
 87 dcl Nak_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("N");
 88 dcl Send_init_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("S");
 89 dcl Eot_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("B");
 90 dcl File_header_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("F");
 91 dcl Eof_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("Z");
 92 dcl Error_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("E");
 93 dcl Reserved_packet char (1) internal static options (constant) init ("T");
 95 ^L
 96   /********************************************************************/
 97   /*                                                                  */
 98   /*n     kermit_states                                               */
 99   /*                                                                  */
100   /*d     This data defines the transfer states.                      */
101   /*                                                                  */
102   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Maureen Mallmes                      */
103   /*                                                                  */
104   /********************************************************************/
106 dcl Rec_init  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (0);
107 dcl Rec_file_header  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
108 dcl Rec_data  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
109 dcl Rec_file_abort  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
110 dcl Rec_abort  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (4);
111 dcl Rec_complete  fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (5);
113 dcl Send_init fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (0);
114 dcl Send_file_header fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (1);
115 dcl Send_data fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (2);
116 dcl Send_eof fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (3);
117 dcl Send_break fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (4);
118 dcl Send_abort fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (5);
119 dcl Send_complete fixed bin internal static options (constant) init (6);
122 /*  END OF:         kermit_transfer_info.incl.pl1             *  *  *  *  *  */