1 /*  START OF:       kermit_mode_info.incl.pl1                 *  *  *  *  *  */
  7   1) change(88-05-16,Huen), approve(88-05-16,MCR7841), audit(88-05-25,RWaters),
  8      install(88-07-05,MR12.2-1054):
  9      Fix kermit 15, 16, 17, and 18.
 10                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 13 /************************************************************************/
 14   /*                                                                      */
 15   /*l     Modified: 87-06-19  by S. Huen - Add fields for capabilities,   */
 16   /*l               window_size, max_len_ext_1 and max_len_ext_2  based   */
 17   /*l               on D. Kozlowski's version. (kermit 16)                */
 18   /*                                                                      */
 19   /************************************************************************/
 21   dcl Permanent               fixed bin static options (constant) init (1);
 22   dcl Temporary               fixed bin static options (constant) init (2);
 24   dcl Store_all (1:1)         fixed bin static options (constant) init (0);
 25   dcl Retrieve_all (1:1)      fixed bin static options (constant) init (0);
 27   dcl Maxl                    fixed bin static options (constant) init (1);
 28   dcl Timeout                 fixed bin static options (constant) init (2);
 29   dcl N_pads                  fixed bin static options (constant) init (3);
 30   dcl Pad_char                fixed bin static options (constant) init (4);
 31   dcl Eol_char                fixed bin static options (constant) init (5);
 32   dcl Quote_char              fixed bin static options (constant) init (6);
 33   dcl Eight_bit_char          fixed bin static options (constant) init (7);
 34   dcl Repeat_char             fixed bin static options (constant) init (8);
 35   dcl Start_char              fixed bin static options (constant) init (9);
 36   dcl Check_type              fixed bin static options (constant) init (10);
 37   dcl Parity                  fixed bin static options (constant) init (11);
 38   dcl Incomplete              fixed bin static options (constant) init (12);
 39   dcl File_warning            fixed bin static options (constant) init (13);
 40   dcl File_type               fixed bin static options (constant) init (14);
 41   dcl Retry_threshold         fixed bin static options (constant) init (15);
 42   dcl Line_byte_size          fixed bin static options (constant) init (16);
 43   dcl Window_size             fixed bin static options (constant) init (17);
 44   dcl Max_len_ext_1           fixed bin static options (constant) init (18);
 45   dcl Max_len_ext_2           fixed bin static options (constant) init (19);
 46   dcl Capabilities            fixed bin static options (constant) init (20);
 48   dcl 01 Perm_defaults        aligned static options (constant),
 49        02 maxl                fixed bin (8) unal init (80),
 50        02 time                fixed bin (8) unal init (15),
 51        02 npad                fixed bin (8) unal init (0),
 52        02 padc                char (1) unal init ("^@"),
 53        02 eol                 char (1) unal init ("^M"),
 54        02 qctl                char (1) unal init ("#"),
 55        02 qbin                char (1) unal init ("&"),
 56        02 rept                char (1) unal init ("~"),
 57        02 start               char (1) unal init ("^A"),
 58        02 chkt                fixed bin (8) unal init (1),
 59        02 parity              char (1) unal init ("N"),
 60        02 incomplete          char (1) unal init ("K"),
 61        02 file_warning        char (1) unal init ("Y"),
 62        02 file_type           char (1) unal init ("A"),
 63        02 retry_threshold     fixed bin (8) unal init (5),
 64        02 line_type           fixed bin (8) unal init (7),
 65        02 window_size         fixed bin (8) unal init (0),
 66        02 max_len_ext_1       fixed bin (8) unal init (5),
 67        02 max_len_ext_2       fixed bin (8) unal init (25),
 68        02 capabilities        fixed bin (8) unal init (2);
 71   dcl I_maxl                  fixed bin static options (constant) init (1);
 72   dcl I_timeout               fixed bin static options (constant) init (2);
 73   dcl I_n_pads                fixed bin static options (constant) init (3);
 74   dcl I_pad_char              fixed bin static options (constant) init (4);
 75   dcl I_eol_char              fixed bin static options (constant) init (5);
 76   dcl I_quote_char            fixed bin static options (constant) init (6);
 77   dcl O_maxl                  fixed bin static options (constant) init (7);
 78   dcl O_timeout               fixed bin static options (constant) init (8);
 79   dcl O_n_pads                fixed bin static options (constant) init (9);
 80   dcl O_pad_char              fixed bin static options (constant) init (10);
 81   dcl O_eol_char              fixed bin static options (constant) init (11);
 82   dcl O_quote_char            fixed bin static options (constant) init (12);
 83   dcl G_eight_bit_char        fixed bin static options (constant) init (13);
 84   dcl G_repeat_char           fixed bin static options (constant) init (14);
 85   dcl G_start_char            fixed bin static options (constant) init (15);
 86   dcl G_check_type            fixed bin static options (constant) init (16);
 87   dcl G_parity                fixed bin static options (constant) init (17);
 88   dcl G_window                fixed bin static options (constant) init (18);
 89   dcl I_max_lenx1             fixed bin static options (constant) init (19);
 90   dcl I_max_lenx2             fixed bin static options (constant) init (20);
 91   dcl O_max_lenx1             fixed bin static options (constant) init (21);
 92   dcl O_max_lenx2             fixed bin static options (constant) init (22);
 93   dcl G_capabilities          fixed bin static options (constant) init (23);
 95   dcl 01 Temp_defaults        aligned static options (constant),
 96        02 i_maxl              fixed bin (8) unal init (80),
 97        02 i_time              fixed bin (8) unal init (15),
 98        02 i_npad              fixed bin (8) unal init (0),
 99        02 i_padc              char (1) unal init ("^@"),
100        02 i_eol               char (1) unal init ("^M"),
101        02 i_qctl              char (1) unal init ("#"),
102        02 o_maxl              fixed bin (8) unal init (80),
103        02 o_time              fixed bin (8) unal init (15),
104        02 o_npad              fixed bin (8) unal init (0),
105        02 o_padc              char (1) unal init ("^@"),
106        02 o_eol               char (1) unal init ("^M"),
107        02 o_qctl              char (1) unal init ("#"),
108        02 qbin                char (1) unal init ("N"),
109        02 rept                char (1) unal init (" "),
110        02 start               char (1) unal init ("^A"),
111        02 chkt                fixed bin (8) unal init (1),
112        02 parity              char (1) unal init ("N"),
113        02 window              fixed bin (8) unal init (0),
114        02 i_maxlx1            fixed bin (8) unal init (5),
115        02 i_maxlx2            fixed bin (8) unal init (25),
116        02 o_maxlx1            fixed bin (8) unal init (5),
117        02 o_maxlx2            fixed bin (8) unal init (25),
118        02 capabilities        fixed bin (8) unal init (2);
120   dcl Ext_Headers             bit (9) static options (constant) init ("002"b3);
123 /*  END OF:         kermit_mode_info.incl.pl1                 *  *  *  *  *  */