1 /*  START OF:       kermit_info.incl.pl1                      *  *  *  *  *  */
  7   1) change(88-05-16,Huen), approve(88-05-16,MCR7841), audit(88-05-25,RWaters),
  8      install(88-07-05,MR12.2-1054):
  9      Fix kermit 15, 16, 17, and 18.
 10                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 13 /********************************************************************/
 14   /*                                                                  */
 15   /*n     kermit_constants                                            */
 16   /*                                                                  */
 17   /*d     This structure contains the constant definitions of CR,     */
 18   /*d  and NL characters which are coded as bit strings with          */
 19   /*d  overlays.                                                      */
 20   /*                                                                  */
 21   /*l     Written:  87-06-19  by Don Kozlowski                        */
 22   /*l     Modified: 87-06-19  by Don Kozlowski - CR and NL are coded  */
 23   /*l                         as bit strings with overlays (kermit 15)*/
 24   /*                                                                  */
 25   /********************************************************************/
 27   dcl 01 kermit_bit_constants internal static options (constant),
 28          02 CR_bit            bit (9) unaligned init ("015"b3),
 29          02 NL_bit            bit (9) unaligned init ("012"b3);
 31   dcl 01 kermit_char_constants based (addr (kermit_bit_constants)),
 32          02 CR                char (1) unaligned,
 33          02 NL                char (1) unaligned;
 35   dcl 01 kermit_fixed_constants based (addr (kermit_bit_constants)),
 36          02 CR_fixed          fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned,
 37          02 NL_fixed          fixed bin (9) unsigned unaligned;
 40   /********************************************************************/
 41   /*                                                                  */
 42   /*n     kermit_info                                                 */
 43   /*                                                                  */
 44   /*d     This data structure is the subsystem info structure used    */
 45   /*d     when creating a kermit invocation.  It is used to find the  */
 46   /*d     three kermit databases.                                     */
 47   /*                                                                  */
 48   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Dean Elhard                          */
 49   /*                                                                  */
 50   /********************************************************************/
 52   dcl 01 kermit_info          aligned based (kermit_infop),
 53        02 version             char (8),
 54        02 sci_ptr             ptr,      /* ssu_ sci_ptr               */
 55        02 perm_modesp         ptr,      /* ptr to permanent modes db  */
 56        02 temp_modesp         ptr,      /* ptr to temporary modes db  */
 57        02 log_infop           ptr,      /* ptr to log info db         */
 58        02 comm_infop          ptr;      /* ptr to comm info db        */
 60   dcl kermit_infop            ptr;
 61   dcl kermit_info_version     char (8) static options (constant)
 62                                    init ("ki   1.0");
 64   /********************************************************************/
 65   /*                                                                  */
 66   /*n     kermit_perm_modes                                           */
 67   /*                                                                  */
 68   /*d     This data structure contains the array of 9-bit values that */
 69   /*d     represent the permanent kermit modes.                       */
 70   /*                                                                  */
 71   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Dean Elhard                          */
 72   /*l     Modified: 87-06-12  by Don Kozlowski - Increase mode_counts */
 73   /*l                         (kermit 16)                             */
 74   /*                                                                  */
 75   /********************************************************************/
 77   dcl 01 kermit_perm_modes    aligned based (kermit_perm_modesp),
 78        02 version             char (8),
 79        02 mode (1:kermit_perm_mode_count)
 80                               bit (9) unaligned;
 82   dcl kermit_perm_modesp      ptr;
 83   dcl kermit_perm_mode_count  fixed bin static options (constant) init (20);
 84   dcl kermit_perm_modes_version
 85                               char (8) static options (constant)
 86                                    init ("kpm  1.1");
 88   /********************************************************************/
 89   /*                                                                  */
 90   /*n     kermit_temp_modes                                           */
 91   /*                                                                  */
 92   /*d     This data structure contains the array of 9-bit values that */
 93   /*d     represent the temporary kermit modes.                       */
 94   /*                                                                  */
 95   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Dean Elhard                          */
 96   /*                                                                  */
 97   /********************************************************************/
 99   dcl 01 kermit_temp_modes    aligned based (kermit_temp_modesp),
100        02 version             char (8),
101        02 mode (1:kermit_temp_mode_count)
102                               bit (9) unaligned;
104   dcl kermit_temp_modesp      ptr;
105   dcl kermit_temp_mode_count  fixed bin static options (constant) init (23);
106   dcl kermit_temp_modes_version
107                               char (8) static options (constant)
108                                    init ("ktm  1.1");
110   /********************************************************************/
111   /*                                                                  */
112   /*n     kermit_log_info                                             */
113   /*                                                                  */
114   /*d     This data structure contains 2 types of logging info:       */
115   /*d          - data concerning the logging state and log_file       */
116   /*d          - statistics on the last completed file-transfer       */
117   /*                                                                  */
118   /*l     Written:  84-10-11  by Dean Elhard                          */
119   /*                                                                  */
120   /********************************************************************/
122   dcl 01 kermit_log_info      aligned based (kermit_log_infop),
123        02 version             char (8),
124        02 log_file            aligned,            /* log_file info    */
125         03 iocbp              ptr,                /* iocb ptr         */
126         03 flags              aligned,
127          04 enabled           bit (1) unaligned,  /* enabled flag     */
128          04 stats_valid       bit (1) unaligned,  /* stats are set    */
129          04 mbz               bit (34) unaligned,
130        02 statistics          aligned like kermit_stats_info;
132   dcl kermit_log_infop        ptr;
133   dcl kermit_log_info_version char (8) static options (constant)
134                                    init ("kli  1.0");
136   /********************************************************************/
137   /*                                                                  */
138   /*n     kermit_stats_info                                           */
139   /*                                                                  */
140   /*d     This structure is the statistics information passed to the  */
141   /*d     log manager and stored as the statistics.                   */
142   /*                                                                  */
143   /*l     Written:  84-10-25  by Dean Elhard                          */
144   /*                                                                  */
145   /********************************************************************/
147   dcl 01 kermit_stats_info    aligned based (kermit_stats_infop),
148        02 caller              char (32),          /* send or receive  */
149        02 status              fixed bin (35),     /* status of F-T    */
150        02 filename            char (194) unal,    /* name of file     */
151        02 file_len            fixed bin (21),     /* len in chars     */
152        02 char_count          fixed bin (21),     /* number sent      */
153        02 packet_chars        fixed bin (21),     /* after encoding   */
154        02 packet_count        fixed bin (21),     /* num of packets   */
155        02 packet_retries      fixed bin (21),     /* retries done     */
156        02 start_time          fixed bin (71),     /* time F-T started */
157        02 end_time            fixed bin (71),     /* time F-T done    */
158        02 error_message       char (94);          /* rcvd error msg   */
160   dcl kermit_stats_infop      ptr;
162   /********************************************************************/
163   /*                                                                  */
164   /*n     kermit_comm_info                                            */
165   /*                                                                  */
166   /*d     This data structure contains information regarding the      */
167   /*d     communications channel over which the file transfer takes   */
168   /*d     place.                                                      */
169   /*                                                                  */
170   /*l     Written:  84-10-12  by Dean Elhard                          */
171   /*l     Modified: 86-10-09  by Don Kozlowski Add transfer_modes_set */
172   /*l                         and server indicators. (kermit 13)      */
173   /*                                                                  */
174   /********************************************************************/
176   dcl 01 kermit_comm_info     aligned based (kermit_comm_infop),
177        02 version             char (8),
178        02 ft_iocbp            ptr,                /* transfer iocbp   */
179        02 debug_segp          ptr,                /* debug segment    */
180        02 debug_segl          fixed bin (21),
181        02 input_buffer        aligned,            /* input buffer     */
182         03 bufferp            ptr,
183         03 bufferl            fixed bin (21),
184        02 old_modes           char (512) unal,    /* ft switch modes  */
185        02 old_framing_chars   aligned,            /* saved frm chars  */
186         03 start_char         char (1) unaligned,
187         03 end_char           char (1) unaligned,
188         03 server             bit (1) unaligned,  /* In server mode   */
189         03 transfer_modes_set bit (1) unaligned,
190         03 pad                bit (16) unaligned,
191        02 old_wake_table      aligned,            /* saved wake table */
192         03 breaks (0:127)     bit (1) unaligned,
193         03 mbz                bit (16) unaligned,
194        02 old_delays          aligned,            /* saved delay info */
195         03 version            fixed bin,
196         03 default            fixed bin,
197         03 delay,
198          04 vert_nl           fixed bin,
199          04 horz_nl           fixed bin,
200          04 const_tab         float bin,
201          04 var_tab           fixed bin,
202          04 backspace         fixed bin,
203          04 vt_ff             fixed bin;
205   dcl kermit_comm_infop       ptr;
206   dcl kermit_comm_info_version
207                               char (8) static options (constant)
208                                    init ("kci  1.0");
210 /*  END OF:         kermit_info.incl.pl1                      *  *  *  *  *  */