1 /*        Begin  include file ... ios_status.incl.pl1
 2 *
 3 *         Created by  Bill Silver  on 01/02/74
 4 *         This include file defines the status that is used and returned by ios_.
 5 *         Note, only the status bits that are currently in use have been defined.
 6 */
 8 dcl       ios_statp           ptr;
10 dcl    1  ios_status  based(ios_statp)  aligned,
11           2  code             fixed bin(35),      /* Standard error code */
12         ( 2  pad1             bit(4),
13           2  end_of_file      bit(1),             /* ON => stream at End of File. */
14           2  pad2             bit(4),
15           2  log_end_data     bit(1),             /* ON => logical  end of data. */
16           2  phy_end_data     bit(1),             /* ON => physical end of data. */
17           2  pad3             bit(4),
18           2  detach           bit(1),             /* ON => stream is detached. */
19           2  pad4             bit(20))  unaligned;
22 /*        End of include file ... ios_status.incl.pl1       */