1 /*        Begin include file ... ios_sdb.incl.pl1
 2 *
 3 *         Created by  Bill Silver  on 12/31/73
 4 *         This include file defines the canonical Stream Data Block common
 5 *         to all DIMs that interface with  "ios_".  The remainder of the data
 6 *         needed by a DIM may be defined by that DIM.
 7 */
 9 dcl       sdb_ptr   ptr;
11 dcl    1  sdb  based(sdb_ptr)  aligned,           /* Beginning of canonical SDB. */
12           2  outer_module     char(32),           /* DIM name. */
13           2  dev_names        ptr,                /* Pointer to list of device names. */
14           2  name_list,                           /* Structure of a one entry list. */
15              3  next_device   ptr,                /* Pointer to next entry.  Always null. */
16              3  name_size     fixed bin,          /* Size of device name. */
17              3  name_string   char(32);           /* Device name. */
20 /*        End of include file ... ios_sdb.incl.pl1          */