 2 /* Begin include file ...... iom_stat.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Last modified on 10/31/74 by Noel I. Morris */
 5 dcl  statp ptr;                                             /* pointer to status */
 7 dcl 1 status based (statp) aligned,                         /* IOM status information */
 8      (2 t bit (1),                                          /* set to "1"b by IOM */
 9       2 power bit (1),                                      /* non-zero if peripheral absent or power off */
10       2 major bit (4),                                      /* major status */
11       2 sub bit (6),                                        /* substatus */
12       2 eo bit (1),                                         /* even/odd bit */
13       2 marker bit (1),                                     /* non-zero if marker status */
14       2 soft bit (2),                                       /* software status */
15       2 initiate bit (1),                                   /* initiate bit */
16       2 abort bit (1),                                      /* software abort bit */
17       2 channel_stat bit (3),                               /* IOM channel status */
18       2 central_stat bit (3),                               /* IOM central status */
19       2 mbz bit (6),
20       2 rcount bit (6),                                     /* record count residue */
21       2 address bit (18),                                   /* DCW address residue */
22       2 char_pos bit (3),                                   /* character position residue */
23       2 r bit (1),                                          /* non-zero if reading */
24       2 type bit (2),                                       /* type of last DCW */
25       2 tally bit (12)) unal;                               /* DCW tally residue */
27 dcl 1 faultword based (statp) aligned,                      /* system fault word */
28      (2 mbz1 bit (9),
29       2 channel bit (9),                                    /* channel number */
30       2 serv_req bit (5),                                   /* service request */
31       2 mbz2 bit (3),
32       2 controller_fault bit (4),                           /* system controller fault code */
33       2 io_fault bit (6)) unal;                             /* I/O fault code */
35 dcl 1 special_status based (statp) aligned,                 /* special status from PSIA */
36    (2 t bit (1),                                            /* entry present bit */
37     2 channel bit (8),                                      /* channel number */
38     2 pad1 bit (3),
39     2 device bit (6),                                       /* device address */
40     2 pad2 bit (1),
41     2 byte2 bit (8),                                        /* device dependent information */
42     2 pad3 bit (1),
43     2 byte3 bit (8)) unal;                                  /* device dependent information */
45 /* End of include file iom_stat.incl.pl1 */