 2 /* Begin include file ...... iom_dcw.incl.pl1 */
 4 dcl  dcwp ptr,                                              /* pointer to DCW */
 5      tdcwp ptr;                                             /* pointer to TDCW */
 7 dcl 1 dcw based (dcwp) aligned,                             /* Data Control Word */
 8      (2 address bit (18),                                   /* address for data transfer */
 9       2 char_pos bit (3),                                   /* character position */
10       2 m64 bit (1),                                        /* non-zero for mod 64 address */
11       2 type bit (2),                                       /* DCW type */
12       2 tally bit (12)) unal;                               /* tally for data transfer */
14 dcl 1 tdcw based (tdcwp) aligned,                           /* Transfer DCW */
15      (2 address bit (18),                                   /* address to transfer to */
16       2 mbz1 bit (4),
17       2 type bit (2),                                       /* should be "10"b for TDCW */
18       2 mbz2 bit (9),
19       2 ec bit (1),                                         /* non-zero to set LPW AE bit */
20       2 res bit (1),                                        /* non-zero to restrict further use of IDCW */
21       2 rel bit (1)) unal;                                  /* non-zero to set relative mode after transfer */
23 /* End of include file ...... iom_dcw.incl.pl1 */