1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... iod_tables_hdr.incl.pl1 */
 6   1) change(88-01-27,Brunelle), approve(), audit(), install():
 7      Ancient History
 8      Created by J. Stern, 1/20/75
 9      Modified by J. C. Whitmore April 1978 for enhancements
10      Modified by J. C. Whitmore, 10/78, for version 3 iod_tables format.
11      Modified by E. N. Kittlitz, 6/81, for version 4 iod_tables with expanded
12      q_group_tab
13   2) change(88-02-18,Brunelle), approve(88-08-31,MCR7911),
14      audit(88-09-29,Wallman), install(88-10-28,MR12.2-1199):
15      Change version number to reflect changes in q_group_tab and
16      iod_device_tab for laser printer support.  Added font tables.
17                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
20 /* format: style4 */
22 dcl  ithp ptr;                                              /* ptr to io daemon dables and it's header */
23 dcl  1 iod_tables_hdr aligned based (ithp),                 /* header of data segment compiled by iod_table_compiler */
24        2 version char (8),                                  /* version of this structure */
25        2 date_time_compiled fixed bin (71),
26        2 grace_time fixed bin (71),                         /* grace time before deleting finished segment */
27        2 max_queues fixed bin (17),                         /* default number of priority queues per queue group */
28        2 line_tab_offset fixed bin (18),                    /* offset of line id table */
29        2 device_tab_offset fixed bin (18),                  /* offset of device table */
30        2 minor_device_tab_offset fixed bin (18),            /* offset of minor device table */
31        2 dev_class_tab_offset fixed bin (18),               /* offset of device class table */
32        2 q_group_tab_offset fixed bin (18),                 /* offset of queue group table */
33        2 forms_info_tab_offset fixed bin (18),              /* offset of forms info tables */
34        2 text_strings_offset fixed bin (18),
35        2 start_of_tables fixed bin;                         /* beginning of above tables, MUST start on even word boundry */
37 /* Defines common text block to store virtually all text in the I/O daemon tables */
38 dcl  text_strings_ptr ptr;
39 dcl  1 text_strings aligned based (text_strings_ptr),
40        2 length fixed bin,
41        2 chars char (1 refer (text_strings.length)) unaligned;
43 /* this defines text offsets used to locate i/o daemon tables strings in
44    the text_strings structure */
45 dcl  1 text_offset based,
46        2 first_char fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned,
47        2 total_chars fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned;
49 dcl  IODT_VERSION_5 char (8) int static options (constant) init ("IODT0005"); /* current version number */
52 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... iod_tables_hdr.incl.pl1 */