1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE. . . iod_event_message.incl.pl1 */
 3 /* Format of event message used to signal io_daemon coordinator */
 4 /* and the acknowledge message for signalling the driver */
 6 dcl event_message fixed bin(71);
 8 dcl 1 ev_msg based aligned,
 9           2 code fixed bin(17) unal,              /* Purpose of wakeup: */
10                                                   /* 0 = request completed */
11                                                   /* 1 = request completed, new request wanted */
12                                                   /* 2 = restart */
13                                                   /* 3 = save  */
14                                                   /* 4 = logout */
15           2 minor_dev_index fixed bin(17) unal,   /* minor device index for driver sending this message */
16           2 seq_id fixed bin(35);                 /* id of request to be restarted/saved */
18 dcl 1 ack_msg aligned based,                      /* driver command acknowledgement message */
19           2 code fixed bin (35),                  /* error_table_ code */
20           2 num fixed bin (35);                   /* number for further info */
22 /* END INCLUDE FILE. . . iod_event_message.incl.pl1 */