1           /* declaration of the binder's input structure  Include file input.incl.pl1 */
 3 declare   1 inp based(inpp) aligned,              /* argument structure for binder */
 4           2 bound_seg_name char(32) aligned,      /* name of new bound segment */
 5           2 narc fixed bin,                       /* number of input archive files */
 6           2 nupd fixed bin,                       /* number of update archive files */
 7           2 archive_file(30) aligned,             /* source map info */
 8             3 name char(168) aligned,             /* pathnames of source archive files */
 9             3 lng fixed bin,                      /* relevant length of name in chars */
10             3 uid bit(36) aligned,                /* unique id of archive */
11             3 dtm fixed bin(71),                  /* date-time modified of archive */
12           2 bindfilep pointer,                    /* pointer to bindfile */
13           2 bindfile_bc fixed bin,                /* bitcount of bindfile */
14           2 bindfile_name char(32) aligned,       /* name of bindfile */
15           2 bindfile_name_lng fixed bin,          /* relevant length of name in chars */
16           2 bindfile_date_up char(24) aligned,    /* date updated in archive */
17           2 bindfile_date_mod char(24) aligned,   /* date last modified */
18           2 debug bit(1) unaligned,               /* 1-> debug option ON */
19           2 list_seg bit(1) unaligned,            /* 1 -> make list seg */
20           2 map_opt bit(1) unaligned,             /* 1 -> map option  */
21           2 list_opt bit(1) unaligned,            /* 1 -> list option */
22           2 brief_opt bit(1) unaligned,           /* 1 -> brief option */
23           2 flags_pad bit(31) unaligned,
24           2 nobj fixed bin,                       /* number of objects to be bound */
25           2 obj(400),
26             3 filename char(32) aligned,
27             3 base pointer,                       /* pointer to base of object segment */
28             3 bitcount fixed bin(24),             /* bitcount of object segment */
29             3 option bit(18) unaligned,           /* pointer into option structure */
30             3 flag bit(1) unaligned;
32 declare   1 obj aligned based(p),                 /* declaration of single input entry */
33           2 filename char(32) aligned,
34           2 base pointer,
35           2 bitcount fixed bin(24),
36           2 option bit(18) unaligned,
37           2 flag bit(1) unaligned;