1 /*  START OF:       info_seg_dcls_.incl.pl1                   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */
   3 /****^  HISTORY COMMENTS:
   4   1) change(2020-07-30,GDixon), approve(2021-02-23,MCR10089),
   5      audit(2021-03-31,Swenson), install(2021-03-31,MR12.6g-0053):
   6      Initial version written for verify_info command and info_seg_ subroutine.
   7       A) This version includes revised block divider keywords: :[Info]: and :hcom:
   9   2) change(2020-11-25,GDixon), approve(2021-02-23,MCR10089),
  10      audit(2021-03-31,Swenson), install(2021-03-31,MR12.6g-0053):
  11       A) Replace all references to iBlok_divider_Internal with iBlok_divider_hcom.
  12                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
  14           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
  15           /*                                                                                                */
  16           /* Common sub-structures declared within major info segment structures (defined further below).   */
  17           /*                                                                                                */
  18           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
  20   dcl 1 iCommon aligned based(iCommonP),                    /* Substructure which begins many info_seg structures.    */
  21       2 content,                                            /* Content described by the major structure.              */
  22         3 ID char(4),                                       /*  - content identifier                                  */
  23         3 L fixed bin(21),                                  /*  - content length (in characters)                      */
  24         3 P ptr,                                            /*  - content pointer                                     */
  25       2 sib like iSib,                                      /*  Pointers to next/prev items in list of major          */
  26        iCommonP ptr;                                        /*   structures.  All structures in list have same shape  */
  27                                                             /*   and ID.                                              */
  29                                                             /* Values for iCommon.content.ID:                         */
  30   dcl (iFileID init("FILE"),                                /*  iFile: info_seg file data structure                   */
  31        iBlokID init("BLOK"),                                /*  iBlok: info_seg block-of-lines descriptor             */
  32        iSectID init("SECT"),                                /*  iSect: info_seg section-of-paragraphs descriptor      */
  33        iListID init("LIST"),                                /*  iList: info_seg Argument/Control_arg/Operation desc.  */
  34        OListID init("OLST"),                                /*  Operation_List: operation/control order list          */
  35        iPghID  init("PGH"),                                 /*  iPgh:  info_seg paragraph descriptor                  */
  36        iLineID init("LINE")                                 /*  iLine: info_seg line descriptor                       */
  37        ) char(4) int static options(constant);
  40   dcl 1 iChild aligned based(iChildP),                      /* Substructure declared within a major structure below.  */
  41                                                             /* It is the base of a list of child structs attached     */
  42                                                             /* to the parent structure.                               */
  43       2 firstP ptr,                                         /*  - points to first child structure in list.            */
  44       2 lastP ptr,                                          /*  - points to final child structure in list.            */
  45        iChildP ptr;
  47   dcl 1 iSib aligned based(iSibP),                          /* Thread between structures in a list.  All list members */
  48                                                             /* have the same shape and ID.                            */
  49       2 nextP ptr,                                          /*  - points to next structure in list.                   */
  50                                                             /*     - null if declaring structure is last in the list. */
  51       2 prevP ptr,                                          /*  - points to prior structure in list.                  */
  52                                                             /*     - null if declaring structure is first in the list.*/
  53        iSibP ptr;
  56   dcl  entrynameL fixed bin int static options(constant) init(32);
  57                                                             /* NOTE: iNameXXX structures below hold words from        */
  58                                                             /*   info seg heading lines, block divider names, and     */
  59                                                             /*   external names on the info segment.  Both heading    */
  60                                                             /*   line names and block divider names can be a          */
  61                                                             /*   subroutine entrypoint name; and such names are       */
  62                                                             /*   PL/I identifiers whose max length is 256 characters. */
  63                                                             /*   info_seg_ limits such names to 32 chars in length    */
  64                                                             /*   since no Multics subroutine uses entrypoint names    */
  65                                                             /*   longer than 32 characters.                           */
  67   dcl 1 iName10 aligned,                                    /* A 10-element name array.                               */
  68       2 N fixed bin,                                        /*  - number of array elements currently in use.          */
  69       2 nm (10) char(entrynameL) var;                       /*  - array holding names in the list.                    */
  71   dcl 1 iName100 aligned based,                             /* A 100-element name array                               */
  72       2 N fixed bin,                                        /*  - number of array elements currently in use.          */
  73       2 nm (100) char(entrynameL) var;                      /*  - array holding names in the list.                    */
  75   dcl 1 iName300 aligned based,                             /* A 300-element name array                               */
  76       2 N fixed bin,                                        /*  - number of array elements currently in use.          */
  77       2 nm (300) char(entrynameL) var;                      /*  - array holding names in the list.                    */
  79   dcl 1 Names aligned based (NamesP),                       /* Overlay for in-use portion of any name array.          */
  80       2 N fixed bin,
  81       2 nm (0 refer (Names.N)) char(entrynameL) var,
  82        NamesP ptr;
  85 /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *
  86  *                                                                                                                    *
  87    Notes on the following structures:
  88     - List: an adjustable-sized array of items.
  89        - Items may be: Argument names, Control argument names, List of ... item names, etc.
  90        - Each item may have 1-4 name variants.
  91        - Each list includes a pointer to the info section which describes those items.
  92     - Operation_List: a kind of List whose items describe other info blocks.
  93        - Items may be: operations supported by a multi-operation command (io_call, history_comment, etc.).
  94        - Items share same List.common (or Lcom) substructure.
  95        - Extra elements of an Operation_List:
  96           - blok_name: name of the info block containing the section describing items in the Operation_List.
  97           - per_operation_iBlokP: array of pointers to the info block references by each operation item.
  98     - Lcom: overlay for the List.common substructure shared by List and Operation_List instances.
  99  *                                                                                                                    *
 100  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 102   dcl  LENGTH_iList_item_name fixed bin init(80) int static options(constant);
 103   dcl 1 iList aligned based,                                /* A 200-element array of Argument, Control_arg, or       */
 104                                                             /* List of ... items                                      */
 105       2 content like iCommon.content,
 106       2 parentSectP ptr,                                    /*  - points to iSect holding this data.                  */
 107       2 common,                                             /* Common parts shared by: iList, List, Operation_List    */
 108         3 N fixed bin,                                      /*  - number of array elements currently in use.          */
 109         3 items (200),                                      /*  - array holding up to four long/short/variant names   */
 110           4 nmN fixed bin,                                  /*    for the argument, control_arg, or operation.        */
 111           4 nameP ptr unal,                                 /*     - iLineP for first line containing name of item.   */
 112           4 defEndP ptr unal,                               /*     - iLineP for final name/definition line of item.   */
 113           4 nm (4) char(LENGTH_iList_item_name) var;        /*    All 4 are alternative names for the same item.      */
 115   dcl 1 List aligned based (ListP),                         /* An N-element array of Argument, Control_arg, or        */
 116                                                             /* Operation names for a command/af/request/ar blok.      */
 117       2 content like iCommon.content,
 118       2 common,                                             /* Common parts shared by: iList, List, Operation_List    */
 119         3 parentSectP ptr,                                  /*  - points to iSect holding this data.                  */
 120         3 N fixed bin,                                      /*  - number of array elements currently in use.          */
 121         3 items (ListN refer (List.N)),                     /*  - array holding up to four long/short/variant names   */
 122           4 nmN fixed bin,                                  /*    for the argument, control_arg, or operation.        */
 123           4 nameP ptr unal,                                 /*     - iLineP for first line containing name of item.   */
 124           4 defEndP ptr unal,                               /*     - iLineP for final name/definition line of item.   */
 125           4 nm (4) char(80) var,                            /*    All 4 are alternative selectors for the same item.  */
 126       (ListI, ListN) fixed bin,
 127        ListP ptr,
 128        List_item_names (ListP->List.items(ListI).nmN) char(80) var based(addr(ListP->List.items(ListI).nm(1)));
 130   dcl 1 Operation_List aligned based (Operation_ListP),     /* An N-element "List of operations" op names w/ pointers */
 131                                                             /* to the iBlok describing each operation.                */
 132       2 content like iCommon.content,
 133       2 blok_name char(entrynameL) var,                     /*  - ShortName of multi-operation command/af/request/ar  */
 134       2 common,                                             /* Common parts shared by: iList, List, Operation_List    */
 135         3 parentSectP ptr,                                  /*  - points to multi_operations block iSect holding list */
 136         3 N fixed bin,                                      /*  - number of array elements currently in use.          */
 137         3 items (Operation_ListN refer (Operation_List.N)), /*  - array holding up to four long/short/variant names   */
 138           4 nmN fixed bin,                                  /*    for the argument, control_arg, or operation.        */
 139           4 nameP ptr unal,                                 /*     - iLineP for first line containing name of item.   */
 140           4 defEndP ptr unal,                               /*     - iLineP for final name/definition line of item.   */
 141           4 nm (4) char(80) var,                            /*    All 4 are alternative names for the same item.      */
 142       2 per_operation_iBlokP (Operation_ListN refer (Operation_List.N)) ptr,
 143                                                             /*  - array holding iBlokP values for block describing    */
 144                                                             /*    each operation in the items array.                  */
 145       (Operation_ListI, Operation_ListN) fixed bin,
 146        Operation_ListP ptr,
 147        operation_names (Operation_ListP->Operation_List.items(Operation_ListI).nmN) char(80) var
 148           based( addr(Operation_ListP->Operation_List.items(Operation_ListI).nm(1)) );
 150   dcl 1 Lcom aligned based (LcomP),
 151         3 parentSectP ptr,                                  /*  - points to iSect holding this data.                  */
 152         3 N fixed bin,                                      /*  - number of array elements currently in use.          */
 153         3 items (0 refer (Lcom.N)),                         /*  - array holding up to four long/short/variant names   */
 154           4 nmN fixed bin,                                  /*    for the argument, control_arg, or operation.        */
 155           4 nameP ptr unal,                                 /*     - iLineP for first line containing name of item.   */
 156           4 defEndP ptr unal,                               /*     - iLineP for final name/definition line of item.   */
 157           4 nm (4) char(80) var,                            /*    All 4 are alternative names for the same item.      */
 158        LcomP ptr,
 159        LcomI fixed bin,
 160        Lcom_item_names (LcomP->Lcom.items(LcomI).nmN) char(80) var based(addr(LcomP->Lcom.items(LcomI).nm(1)));
 163 %page;
 164           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 165           /*                                                                                                */
 166           /* Major structures defining components of an info segment, listed in order of smallest to        */
 167           /* largest aggregate of characters in the info segment.                                           */
 168           /*                                                                                                */
 169           /*  - iLine         defines content of one line of an info segment.                               */
 170           /*  - iPgh          defines lines in one paragraph of an info segment.                            */
 171           /*  - iSect         defines paragraphs combined into one titled section of an info segment.       */
 172           /*  - iBlok         defines block divider (optional), header line, and sections in one block      */
 173           /*                  of an info segment.  A block describes one info topic, command/AF, subsystem  */
 174           /*                  request, subroutine or subroutine entrypoint, etc.                            */
 175           /*  - iFile         defines one info segment, which may contain one or more blocks of data.       */
 176           /*                  Each block can be located and displayed individually.                         */
 177           /*                                                                                                */
 178           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
 180 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 181    DEFINITIONS for lines:
 182      line of an info segment:  1 or more consecutive characters within the info
 183                                segment ending with a NL character.
 185    STRUCTURE:  iLine
 187      Describes content of one line within an info segment, not including its ending
 188      NL delimiter (character separating the line from data beyond end of that line).
 190    Siblings:
 191      An iLine may be threaded below (may be a child of) a structure describing a
 192      higher-level aggregate within an info segment.  Other members on this thread
 193      are its siblings.
 195      iFile: Each iLine is threaded below an iFile.lines structure describing lines
 196             of an entire info segment.  iLine structures are threaded in their
 197             order of appearance of their line within that file; they are in
 198             ascending line-number order.
 199      iBlok: An iLine may be threaded below an iBlok.lines structure describing lines
 200             within that block of the info segment.
 201              - Blank lines preceding block dividers
 202                 (:Info: or :[Info]:, or :Entry:, or :hcom: or :Internal:)
 203                are only threaded to the iFile; not to any iBlok structure.
 204      iSect: An iLine may be threaded below an iSect.lines structure describing lines
 205             contained in that section (group of paragraphs) within the block.
 206              - Only 1 of the 2 blank lines preceding each paragraph is included in this
 207                thread.  This is how help displays consecutive paragraphs of a section
 208                when user responds: rest -section
 209      iPgh:  An iLine may be threaded below an iPgh.lines structure describing
 210             a group of lines preceded by two blank lines within the block.
 211              - The two blank lines (separating a paragraph from its predecessor)
 212                are not threaded to any iPgh structure.
 214    Relatives:
 215      sectP: points to any section of the info segment containing this line.
 216      pghP:  points to any paragraph containing this line.
 217    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 219   dcl 1 iLine aligned based (iLineP),                       /* Structure describing one line of an info segment.      */
 220       2 common like iCommon.content,                        /*  - ID; pointer to, and length of chars in the line.    */
 221       2 sibs,                                               /*  Line may be child of several higher-level structures. */
 222         3 file like iSib,                                   /*  - thread between adjacent lines of info seg iFile.    */
 223         3 blok like iSib,                                   /*  - thread between adjacent lines of info seg iBlok.    */
 224         3 sect like iSib,                                   /*  - thread between adjacent lines of info seg iSect.    */
 225         3 pgh  like iSib,                                   /*  - thread between adjacent lines of info seg paragraph.*/
 226       2 relatives,
 227         3 sectP ptr,                                        /*  - Pointer to iSect containing this line.              */
 228         3 pghP ptr,                                         /*  - Pointer to iPgh containing this line.               */
 229       2 line_in_file fixed bin,                             /*  - Line's position (sequence number) within info seg.  */
 231       2 errors aligned,                                     /*  ERRORS detected while determining line content.       */
 232         3 (NL_missingS,                                     /*  - Last line of info seg did not end with NL.          */
 234            all_whitespaceS,                                 /*  - Line contains only whitespace chars.                */
 235            ends_whitespaceS,                                /*  - Line contains non-whitespace chars, but ends with
 236                                                             /*    whitespace chars.                                   */
 238            overlengthS,                                     /*  - Line length exceeds INFO_CHARS_PER_LINE.            */
 240            backspaceS,                                      /*  - Line contains BS (backspace) characters.            */
 241            unprintableS                                     /*  - Line contains characters not in INFO_PRINTABLE.     */
 242            ) bit(1) unal,
 243        iLineP ptr;                                          /* Points to "current" line's iLine structure.            */
 245   dcl  Line char(iLineP->iLine.L) based(iLineP->iLine.P);   /* Character content of line described by iLineP->iLine   */
 246                                                             /*  (the "current" line).  Does not include NL delimiter. */
 247 %page;
 248 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 249    DEFINITIONS for paragraphs:
 250      paragraph of an info segment:  1 or more consecutive lines within an info
 251                                     segment, ending with either:
 252                                      - two blank lines; or
 253                                      - end of info seg block containing the paragraph.
 254                                     The first paragraph of a block is preceded by
 255                                     1 or 2 blank lines ending the block
 256                                     header line(s).
 257    STRUCTURE:  iPgh
 259      Describes content of one paragraph within an info segment, not including its ending
 260      pair of blank lines.
 262    Siblings:
 263      An iPgh may be threaded to a structure describing a higher-level aggregate
 264      within an info segment.  Other members on this thread are its adjacent paragraph
 265      siblings.
 267      iBlok: A paragraph is threaded to iBlok.pghs listing paragraphs contained
 268             in that block of the info segment.
 269      iSect: A paragraph is threaded to iSect.pghs listing paragraphs contained
 270             in that section of the info segment block.
 272    Relatives:
 273      .sectP: points to the iSect that contains this paragraph.
 274      .lines: a threaded list of lines in this paragraph.
 275    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 277   dcl 1 iPgh aligned based (iPghP),                         /* Structure describing one paragraph (group of lines) in */
 278                                                             /*  an info segment block.                                */
 279       2 common like iCommon.content,                        /*  - ID; pointer to, and length of chars in paragraph    */
 280       2 sibs,                                               /*  Paragraph may be child of higher-level structures.    */
 281         3 blok like iSib,                                   /*  - thread between adjacent paragraphs of a block       */
 282         3 sect like iSib,                                   /*  - thread between adjacent paragraphs of a section     */
 283       2 relatives,
 284         3 sectP ptr,                                        /*  - points to iSect containing this paragraph.          */
 285         3 lines like iChild,                                /*  - list of lines in this paragraph.                    */
 286                                                             /*     - follows the iLine.sibs.pghs thread.              */
 287       2 line_in_file fixed bin,                             /*  - paragraphs's position (starting line number) in seg */
 288       2 line_count fixed bin,                               /*  - number of lines within this paragraph.              */
 289       2 seenS bit(1) aligned,                               /*  ^ paragraph has been displayed to user.               */
 290                                                             /*     (^ - set by help_ when paragraph printed.)         */
 292       2 errors aligned,                                     /* ERRORS detected while locating paragraph content.      */
 293         3 (long_paragraphS,                                 /*  - iPgh.line_count >INFO_LINES_PER_PARAGRAPH           */
 294            few_blank_lines_before_paragraphS,               /*  - pgh preceded by <INFO_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH  */
 295                                                             /*    blank or all-white lines.                           */
 296            many_blank_lines_before_paragraphS               /*  - pgh preceded by >INFO_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH  */
 297                                                             /*    blank or all-white lines.                           */
 298            ) bit(1) unal,
 299          3 pad_errors bit(33) unal,
 300        iPghP ptr;
 302   dcl  Pgh char(iPghP->iPgh.L) based(iPghP->iPgh.P);        /* Character content of iPghP->iPgh (current paragraph).  */
 303 %page;
 304 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 305    DEFINITIONS for sections:
 306      section title:               Characters within first line of the section that
 307                                   precede a COLON (:) character.  If first line
 308                                   of any paragraph includes a COLON (after 1st char
 309                                   of line), that paragraph begins a new section
 310                                   of the info segment.
 312      section of an info segment:  1 or more consecutive paragraphs within an info
 313                                   segment, beginning with either:
 314                                      - paragraph beginning with a non-blank section
 315                                        title.
 316                                      - paragraph with no section title, but which is
 317                                        first paragraph of the block (it immediately
 318                                        follows block header and 1 or more blank lines
 319                                        ending that block header).
 321    STRUCTURE:  iSect
 323      Describes the paragraph content of one section within an info segment.
 324      The first paragraph of most sections begins with a line containing a non-blank
 325      section title.  Only the first section of a block may have no section title.
 327    Siblings:
 328      An iSect may be threaded to a structure describing a higher-level aggregate
 329      within an info segment.
 331      iBlok: A section is threaded to iBlok.sects list, containing sections
 332             in that block of the info segment.
 334    Relatives:
 335      .blokP: points to info seg block containing this section.
 336      .pghs:  a threaded list of paragraphs contained in this section.
 337      .lines: a threaded list of lines contained in this section.
 338    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 340   dcl  Syntax_MAX_PIECES fixed bin int static options(constant) init(10);
 342   dcl 1 iSect aligned based (iSectP),                       /* Structure describing a titled group of paragraphs.     */
 343       2 common like iCommon,                                /*  - ID; pointer to, and length of chars in section;     */
 344                                                             /*    pointers to next/prev sections within block.        */
 345       2 relatives,                                          /*  Section may be child of higher-level structures.      */
 346         3 blokP ptr,                                        /*  - points to iBlok containing this section.            */
 347         3 listP ptr,                                        /*  - points to ListP (if any) summarizing Arguments,     */
 348                                                             /*    Control_args, or Operation names defined in this    */
 349                                                             /*    section.                                            */
 350         3 help_listP ptr,                                   /*  ^ points to help_'s LIST (displayable form of listP)  */
 351                                                             /*     (^ - defaults to null; set by help_)               */
 352         3 pghs like iChild,                                 /*  - list of paragraphs contained in this section.       */
 353         3 lines like iChild,                                /*  - list of lines contained in this section.            */
 355       2 line_in_file fixed bin,                             /*  - line number (in info seg) on which section begins.  */
 356       2 line_count fixed bin,                               /*  - number of iLine structs in .relatives.lines list.   */
 357       2 type fixed bin,                                     /*  - one of the iSect_XXX values below.  Identifies      */
 358                                                             /*    the section as one having known type and format     */
 359                                                             /*    of information.                                     */
 360       2 sequence fixed bin,                                 /*  - verify_info sequence in which section should appear.*/
 362       2 title,                                              /*  - section title for this section.                     */
 363         3 (in_file,                                         /*     - exactly as it appears in the block (w/o COLON)   */
 364            case_adjusted,                                   /*     - with 1st word having initial-capital, and        */
 365                                                             /*       subsequent words in lower case.                  */
 366            should_be                                        /*     - possibly restated with preferred wording or      */
 367                                                             /*       capitalization.  This length should be:          */
 368            ) char(71) var,                                  /*       >INFO_CHARS_PER_TITLE to allow detection of long */
 369                                                             /*       titles.                                          */
 370       2 syntax,                                             /*  - items found in a Syntax... section.                 */
 371         3 N fixed bin,                                      /*     - number of items found.                           */
 372         3 str (Syntax_MAX_PIECES) char(1000) var,           /*     - each item gives syntax for a command/request;    */
 373                                                             /*       active function/request; or declare and call for */
 374                                                             /*       a subroutine, or declare and return value assign */
 375                                                             /*       for a function procedure.                        */
 377       2 errors aligned,                                     /* ERRORS detected which locating section contents.       */
 378                                                             /*     Error comments starting with - are diagnosed by    */
 379                                                             /*       info_seg_ and its info_seg_parse_ helper.        */
 380                                                             /*     Error comments starting with + are diagnosed by    */
 381                                                             /*       verify_info and its info_seg_verify_ helper.     */
 382         3 (bad_titleS,                                      /*  - Section title marked BAD (not preferred)            */
 383            blank_titleS,                                    /*  - Section title is all whitespace.                    */
 384            long_titleS,                                     /*  - Section title length >INFO_CHARS_PER_TITLE          */
 385            unrecognized_titleS,                             /*  - Section title not known to info_seg_.               */
 386            untitledS,                                       /*  - Section title not found in first section of block.  */
 387                                                             /*     This is not an error, just an unusual circumstance */
 389            syntax_title_wrong_for_kindS,                    /*  - Syntax... title wrong for block kind.               */
 390            syntax_for_subroutine_invalidS,                  /*  - Syntax: missing declare/dcl or call or = (assign)   */
 391            syntax_missing_left_bracketS,                    /*  - Syntax as an active... missing [ in line            */
 392            syntax_missing_right_bracketS,                   /*  - Syntax as an active... missing ] in line            */
 393            syntax_missing_namesS,                           /*  - Syntax... has none of words in block header.        */
 394            syntax_missing_short_nameS,                      /*  + Syntax... does not use shortest word in block header*/
 395            syntax_uses_control_argumentsS,                  /*  - Syntax... uses -control_arguments                   */
 396            syntax_uses_control_argumentS,                   /*  - Syntax... uses -control_argument                    */
 398            list_of_ops_bad_namesS,                          /*  - List of ... operations: names non-unique or names   */
 399                                                             /*                            have non-descending length  */
 400            list_of_ops_long_nameS,                          /*  - List of ... operations: length(name) > 32           */
 401            list_of_ops_nonunique_namesS,                    /*  - List of ... operations: all item names not unique   */
 402            list_of_ops_op_not_documentedS,                  /*  - List of ... operations: some op items have no op    */
 403                                                             /*                            documentation block         */
 404            control_order_bad_listS,                         /*  + Control order: line constructed badly.  More than   */
 405                                                             /*                   2 names, or nothing before comma.    */
 406            control_order_bad_name_orderS,                   /*  + Control order: name order differs from entry in     */
 407                                                             /*                   "List of control operations" section.*/
 409                                                             /* error checks for Subroutine Introduction:              */
 410            bad_entry_points_inS                             /*  + "Entry points in" section formatted incorrectly.    */
 411            ) bit(1) unal,
 412          3 pad_errors bit(15) unal,
 413          3 display_listS bit(1) unal,                       /*  - verify_info displays iList to aid error msgs        */
 414        iSectP ptr;
 416   dcl  Sect char(iSectP->iSect.L) based(iSectP->iSect.P);   /* Character content of iSectP->iSect (current section)   */
 417                                                             /*  as it appears in the info segment.                    */
 418   dcl 1 Syntax aligned based(SyntaxP),                      /* Overlay for just the actual items found in the         */
 419       2 N fixed bin,                                        /*  iSect.syntax.str array.                               */
 420       2 str (0 refer (Syntax.N)) char(1000) var,
 421        SyntaxP ptr;
 422                                                             /* The following table (in info_seg_specifications_.cds)  */
 423                                                             /* lists known section titles, and their preferred        */
 424                                                             /* wording (used when prior wordings go out-of-style, or  */
 425                                                             /* to detect common mistakes in wording).                 */
 426   dcl  iSect_title_MAXLENGTH_KNOWN_TITLE fixed bin int static options(constant) init(44);
 428   dcl 1 iSect_title aligned based (addr (info_seg_specifications_$section_titles)),
 429       2 titles,
 430         3 titleN fixed bin,
 431         3 array (0 refer (iSect_title.titles.titleN)),
 432           4 cmp fixed bin,                                  /* EQUALS: .title must match exact title in info seg.     */
 433                                                             /* BEGINS: .title must match start of title in info seg.  */
 434           4 title char(iSect_title_MAXLENGTH_KNOWN_TITLE) var,
 435                                                             /* Expected title string.                                 */
 436           4 ilk fixed bin,                                  /* PREF:    preferred or "recommended" title according to */
 437                                                             /*          info segment standards.                       */
 438                                                             /* BAD:     titles used in the past, now disparaged.      */
 439                                                             /*          Instead use title(sectionID), the             */
 440                                                             /*          sectionIDth title in this array.              */
 441           4 sectionID fixed bin;                            /* For PREF titles, this is a named constant whose value  */
 442                                                             /*          is the index of this array entry.             */
 443                                                             /* For BAD  titles, this is named constant identifying    */
 444                                                             /*          the array element now preferred in place of   */
 445                                                             /*          this title string.                            */
 446   dcl  info_seg_specifications_$section_titles fixed bin external static;
 448   dcl (EQUALS, PREF) fixed bin int static options(constant) init(0),
 449       (BEGINS, BAD ) fixed bin int static options(constant) init(1);
 452                                                             /* The following table (in info_seg_specifications_.cds)  */
 453                                                             /* lists known section titles expected in each kind of    */
 454                                                             /* info block.                                            */
 455   dcl  iSect_sequence_MAX_TITLES fixed bin int static options(constant) init(25);
 456   dcl  iSect_sequence_MAX_POSITION fixed bin int static options(constant) init(13);
 458   dcl 1 iSect_sequence aligned based (addr (info_seg_specifications_$section_sequence)),
 459       2 sequence,
 460         3 kindN fixed bin,                                  /* Number of block kinds having "known" section titles    */
 461         3 array (0 refer (iSect_sequence.sequence.kindN)),  /* Array of sequence info, ordered by iBlok_kind_XXX      */
 462           4 block_kind fixed bin,                           /*  - iBlok_kind_XXX with this "preferred" sequence of    */
 463                                                             /*    section titles                                      */
 464           4 titleN fixed bin,                               /*  - Number of "preferred" section titles for block kind */
 465           4 title_seq (iSect_sequence_MAX_TITLES),          /* Array of substructures, each holding per-title data    */
 466             5 type fixed bin,                               /*  - An iSect_XXX title type                             */
 467             5 position fixed bin,                           /*  - A sequence position in which this title appears     */
 468                                                             /*    within the block.  Titles with same position form a */
 469                                                             /*    position group; title may appear in any order       */
 470                                                             /*    relative to other titles in that same group.        */
 471                                                             /*    Rule:  1 <= position <= iSect_sequence_MAX_POSITION */
 472             5 cardinality fixed bin;                        /*  - An iCard_XXX value giving requirements for this     */
 473                                                             /*    type of title.                                      */
 474   dcl  info_seg_specifications_$section_sequence fixed bin external static;
 476   dcl 1 iTitle_seq aligned based(iTitle_seqP),              /* Overlay for the defined iSect_sequence.array           */
 477       2 block_kind fixed bin,                               /*  array for a particular kind of info block.            */
 478       2 titleN fixed bin,
 479       2 array (0 refer(iTitle_seq.titleN)) like iSect_sequence.title_seq,
 480        iTitle_seqP ptr;
 482                                                             /* Values for iSect_sequence.cardinality(k, i); also      */
 483                                                             /*            iTitle_seq.cardinality(i)                   */
 484   dcl (iCard_UNKNOWN              init(-1),                 /*  UNKNOWN cardinality (this should never occur)         */
 485        iCard_0_ALLOWED            init( 0),                 /*  NOT_ALLOWED: title once used, now obsolete/ignored    */
 486        iCard_1_REQUIRED           init( 1),                 /*   1 required: title needed to identify block type, etc */
 487        iCard_1_ALLOWED            init( 2),                 /*   1 allowed : not required, but 1 can be used          */
 488        iCard_0_OR_MORE            init( 3),                 /*   0 or more : any number of such titles may be used    */
 489        iCard_1_OR_MORE            init( 4),                 /*   1 or more : at least 1 such title should be used     */
 490        iCard_1_IN_GROUP_REQUIRED  init( 5),                 /*   1 required in group : only 1 of titles in pos group  */
 491                                                             /*                         can/must be given.             */
 492        iCard_1_IN_GROUP_ALLOWED   init( 6)                  /*   1 allowed in group  : only 1 of titles in pos group  */
 493                                                             /*                         can be given.                  */
 494        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
 496   dcl  iCard_string (-1:6) char(21) int static options(constant) init(
 497         "  UNKNOWN  ",                                      /*  - Section title's cardinality not known.              */
 498         "NOT ALLOWED",                                      /*  - Section title is not permitted in this kind of info */
 499         " 1 required",                                      /*  - Section title required in this kind of info block.  */
 500         " 1 allowed ",                                      /*  - Section title not required, but 1 instance allowed. */
 501         " 0 or more ",                                      /*  - Any number of such section titles may be used.      */
 502         " 1 or more ",                                      /*  - At least one instance of section title must be used */
 503         " 1 of ORDER required",
 504         " 1 of ORDER allowed "
 505         );
 506                                                             /* Values for iSect.type element; also                    */
 507                                                             /*        for iSect_titles.sectionID(n) element; also     */
 508                                                             /*        for iBlok_kind.method_or_title(n) element; and  */
 509                                                             /*        for iBlok_kind.second_title(n) element.         */
 510   dcl (iSect_ACCESS_REQUIRED                          init( 1),  /* Access required:                                  */
 511        iSect_ARGUMENTS                                init( 2),  /* Arguments:                                        */
 512        iSect_ARGUMENTS_FOR_IO_CALL                    init( 3),  /* Arguments for io_call:                            */
 513        iSect_ARGUMENTS_FOR_IOX_CONTROL                init( 4),  /* Arguments for iox_$control:                       */
 514        iSect_ARGUMENTS_FOR                            init( 5),  /* Arguments for ...:                                */
 515        iSect_ARGUMENTS_SUBSET                         init( 6),  /* Arguments (...):                                  */
 516        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS                        init( 7),  /* Control arguments:                                */
 517        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_AS_A_COMMAND           init( 8),  /* Control arguments as a command:                   */
 518        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_AS_A_REQUEST           init( 9),  /* Control arguments as a request:                   */
 519        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_AS_AN_ACTIVE_FUNCTION  init(10),  /* Control arguments as an active function:          */
 520        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_AS_AN_ACTIVE_REQUEST   init(11),  /* Control arguments as an active request:           */
 521        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_FOR_ATTACH_DESCRIPTION init(12),  /* Control arguments for attach description:         */
 522        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_FOR_OPEN_DESCRIPTION   init(13),  /* Control arguments for open description:           */
 523        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_FOR_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION  init(14),  /* Control arguments for close description:          */
 524        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_FOR_DETACH_DESCRIPTION init(15),  /* Control arguments for detach description:         */
 525        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_FOR                    init(16),  /* Control arguments for ...:                        */
 526        iSect_CONTROL_ARGUMENTS_SUBSET                 init(17),  /* Control arguments (...):                          */
 527        iSect_CONTROL_ORDER                            init(18),  /* Control order:                                    */
 528        iSect_ENTRY_POINTS_IN                          init(19),  /* Entry points in SUBROUTINE_NAME:                  */
 529                                                                  /*    (List is generated by the help command)        */
 530        iSect_EXAMPLES                                 init(20),  /* Examples:                                         */
 531        iSect_FUNCTION                                 init(21),  /* Function:                                         */
 532        iSect_LIST_OF_CONTROL_OPERATIONS               init(22),  /* List of control operations:                       */
 533        iSect_LIST_OF_CONTROLS                         init(23),  /* List of controls:                                 */
 534        iSect_LIST_OF_ELEMENTS                         init(24),  /* List of elements:                                 */
 535                                                                  /*  [after section "Arguments for iox_$control"]     */
 536        iSect_LIST_OF_IO_OPERATIONS                    init(25),  /* List of i/o operations:                           */
 537        iSect_LIST_OF_MODE_STRINGS                     init(26),  /* List of mode strings:                             */
 538        iSect_LIST_OF_OPENING_MODES                    init(27),  /* List of opening modes:                            */
 539        iSect_LIST_OF_OPERATIONS                       init(28),  /* List of operations:                               */
 540        iSect_LIST_OF_REQUESTS                         init(29),  /* List of requests:                                 */
 541        iSect_LIST_OF_ACTIVE_REQUESTS                  init(30),  /* List of active requests:                          */
 542        iSect_LIST_OF                                  init(31),  /* List of ...:                                      */
 543        iSect_NOTES_ON_THE_INFO_PTR                    init(32),  /* Notes on the info ptr:                            */
 544        iSect_NOTES                                    init(33),  /* Notes:                                            */
 545        iSect_NOTES_ON                                 init(34),  /* Notes on ...:                                     */
 546        iSect_SYNTAX                                   init(35),  /* Syntax:                                           */
 547                                                                  /*  [first section in SUBSYSTEM REQUEST INFO]        */
 548        iSect_SYNTAX_AS_A_COMMAND                      init(36),  /* Syntax as a command:                              */
 549        iSect_SYNTAX_AS_AN_ACTIVE_FUNCTION             init(37),  /* Syntax as an active function:                     */
 550        iSect_SYNTAX_AS_AN_ACTIVE_REQUEST              init(38),  /* Syntax as an active request:                      */
 551        iSect_SYNTAX_OF_ATTACH_DESCRIPTION             init(39),  /* Syntax of attach description:                     */
 552        iSect_SYNTAX_OF_OPEN_DESCRIPTION               init(40),  /* Syntax of open description:                       */
 553        iSect_SYNTAX_OF_CLOSE_DESCRIPTION              init(41),  /* Syntax of close description:                      */
 554        iSect_SYNTAX_OF_DETACH_DESCRIPTION             init(42),  /* Syntax of detach description:                     */
 556        iSect_Untitled                                 init(43),  /*  [used when there is no section title.]           */
 557        iSect_Another_Title                            init(44)   /*  [used if title other than one of those above     */
 558                                                                  /*   is present.]                                    */
 559        ) fixed bin int static options (constant);
 560                                                             /* The next three dcls extend constant value range from   */
 561                                                             /*  list above, but use different name/date convention    */
 562                                                             /*  for the constants, to reflect their use as...         */
 563                                                             /* Values for iBlok_kind.method_or_title(n) element.      */
 564   dcl (iBlok_method_REFINE_EARLIER_KIND               init(50),  /* Use 1st section title to possibly change          */
 565                                                                  /*  .kind = iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_INTRO to           */
 566                                                                  /*          iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_BRIEF_INTRO        */
 567        iBlok_method_NAMES_MAY_TELL_KIND               init(51),  /* Use file/block names to possibly set iBlok.kind   */
 568        iBlok_method_DATE_BEFORE_1985                  init(52),  /* Use block iso_date to possibly set iBlok.kind     */
 569        iBlok_method_NAME_summary_topic                init(53),  /* Look for divider name: summary.topic              */
 570        iBlok_method_PATH_subsystem                    init(54)   /* Look for >subsystem> or >ss> in info seg directory*/
 571        ) fixed bin int static options (constant);
 572 %page;
 573 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 574    DEFINITIONS for blocks:
 575      block:                  Portion of an info segment completely describing:
 576                              a command or active function; a subroutine or its entrypoints;
 577                              a subsystem request or active request; or some other
 578                              topic of general information; or a history comment for
 579                              the info segment.
 581      block divider line:     Line of an info segment that begins a new block.
 582                              The first character of each divider line is a COLON (:).
 583                              The divider line consists of two parts:
 584                                 :Info: probe: pb:  2020-02-27  probe, pb
 585                                 \--divider------/  \--header-----------/
 586                              These parts may appear in 1 line as shown above; or
 587                              in 2 consecutive lines, with divider on first line and
 588                              full header on second line.
 590                              If the info segment includes only one block, the divider
 591                              portion of the block divider line may be omitted; only
 592                              the header portion is present.
 594      block divider starter:  One of the following strings that identify the purpose
 595                              of this block of the info segment:
 596                                :Info:     begins a block in a multi-block info segment.
 597                                :[Info]:   begins a block in a multi-block info segment
 598                                           whose divider names are not names on info seg.
 599                                :Entry:    begins subroutine entrypoint documentation
 600                                :hcom:     begins a history comment describing past
 601                                           updates to the info segment.
 602                                :Internal: obsolete history comment starter.
 604    STRUCTURE:  iBlok
 606      Describes the content of one block within an info segment.  Each info segment
 607      contains one or more blocks.  If a segment contains no divider starter, then the
 608      entire segment contents is treated as its only block (a block without the divider
 609      portion of the block divider line described above).
 611      Therefore, the first block may begin with or without an :Info: divider section
 612      in its block divider line.  Subsequent blocks begin with a divider line of some type.
 614    Siblings:
 615      An iBlok is threaded to a structure describing a higher-level aggregate.
 617      iFile: Each iBlok is threaded below an iFile.bloks structure describing blocks
 618             within the entire info segment.
 620    Relatives:
 621      .fileP: points to iFile containing this block.
 622      .sects: a threaded list of sections contained in this block.
 623      .pghs:  a threaded list of paragraphs contained in this block.
 624      .lines: a threaded list of lines contained in this block.
 625    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 627   dcl 1 iBlok aligned based (iBlokP),                       /* Structure describing one block of an info segment.     */
 628       2 common like iCommon,                                /*  - ID; pointer to, and length of chars in block;       */
 629                                                             /*    pointers to next/prev blocks within info segment.   */
 630       2 line_in_file fixed bin,                             /*  - line number (in info seg) on which block starts.    */
 631       2 line_count fixed bin,                               /*  - number of iLine structs in .relatives.sects list,   */
 632                                                             /*     + 1 header line & 1 blank line before each section */
 633       2 seenS bit(1) aligned,                               /*  ^ some block paragraphs have been displayed to user . */
 634                                                             /*     (^ - set by help_ when paragraph printed.)         */
 635       2 divider fixed bin,                                  /*  - records divider line starter string for block       */
 636                                                             /*    (one of the iBlok_divider_XXX values below).        */
 637       2 names like iName10,                                 /*  - names in divider part of the block divider line.    */
 638                                                             /*     :Info: probe: pb:  2020-02-27  probe, pb           */
 639                                                             /*            ^^^^^  ^^                                   */
 640       2 kind fixed bin,                                     /*  - classification of block by nature of its contents   */
 641                                                             /*    (one of the iBlok_kind_XXX values below).           */
 643       2 header aligned,                                     /* Every iBlok begins with a header.                      */
 644         3 str char(100) var,                                /*  - full header string as it appears in info segment.   */
 645                                                             /*       <date> <rest-of-header>                          */
 646                                                             /*    length(str) must be >INFO_CHARS_PER_HEADER to show  */
 647                                                             /*    over-long header string.                            */
 648         3 reformatted,                                      /*  - reformatted header with:                            */
 649           4 iso_date char(12) unal,                         /*     - <date> portion formatted in iso_date format.     */
 650           4 rest char(88) unal,                             /*     - <rest-of-header>                                 */
 651         3 wordN fixed bin,                                  /*  - count of initial words found in <rest-of-header>    */
 652         3 word (5) char(72) var,                            /*  - comma-delimited tokens in <rest-of-header>.         */
 653                                                             /*       2020-02-27  probe, pb                            */
 654                                                             /*                   ^^^^^  ^^                            */
 655                                                             /*    For command/AF and request info blocks:             */
 656                                                             /*     - these words are the command/AF/request names.    */
 657                                                             /*     - All of these words should be in iBlok.names      */
 658                                                             /*       for such block kinds.                            */
 659         3 after_header_iLineP ptr unal,                     /*  - points to first non-blank iLine that ended header   */
 660       2 relatives,                                          /*  Block may be child of higher-level structures.        */
 661         3 fileP ptr,                                        /*  - points to iFile containing this block.              */
 662         3 multi_operation_listP ptr,                        /*  - points to Operation_List describing operations      */
 663                                                             /*    performed by command/AF/request/AR described in blok*/
 664                                                             /*    Should be non-null if syntax.multi_operationsS,     */
 665                                                             /*    syntax.is_operationS is T ("1"b); or if             */
 666                                                             /*    syntax.request_summaryS or syntax.isRequestS is T.  */
 667         3 multi_control_listP ptr,                          /*  - points to List describing controls performed by     */
 668                                                             /*    I/O Module described in this blok.                  */
 669                                                             /*    Should be non-null if syntax.multi_controlsS or     */
 670                                                             /*    syntax.is_controlS is T.                            */
 671         3 sects like iChild,                                /*  - list of sections contained in this block.           */
 672         3 pghs  like iChild,                                /*  - list of paragraphs contained in this block.         */
 673         3 lines like iChild,                                /*  - list of lines contained in this block.              */
 675       2 syntax aligned,
 676         3 (is_function_procedureS,                          /* SUBROUTINE ENTRYPOINT: function rather than subroutine */
 677                                                             /*    requires "Arguments" section even if has no parms   */
 678            is_command_requestS,                             /* COMMAND or REQUEST                                     */
 679            is_activeFunction_activeRequestS,                /* ACTIVE FUNCTION (AF) or ACTIVE REQUEST (AR)            */
 680            has_argumentsS,                                  /* SUBROUTINE ENTRYPOINT, COMMAND or AF, REQUEST or AR:   */
 681                                                             /*    requires 1 or more "Arguments" sections.            */
 682            has_control_argsS,                               /* COMMAND or AF, REQUEST or AR:                          */
 683                                                             /*    requires 1 or more "Control arguments" sections.    */
 684            has_ellipsisS,                                   /* SUBROUTINE ENTRYPOINT, COMMAND or AF, REQUEST or AR:   */
 685                                                             /*    ... requires 1 or more "Arguments" sections.        */
 686            multi_operationsS,                               /* COMMAND or AF, REQUEST or AR, or IO_MODULE             */
 687                                                             /*    (with associated IO_OPERATION) does several ops.    */
 688            multi_controlsS,                                 /* IO_MODULE does several controls doc'd as :Info: blocks */
 689            request_summaryS,                                /* SUBSYSTEM_SUMMARY documents a list of subsystem        */
 690                                                             /*    request names (the operation_names).  Look for      */
 691                                                             /*    per-request blocks with header words same as        */
 692                                                             /*    those operation_names.                              */
 693            is_operationS,                                   /* COMMAND or AF, REQUEST or AR, or IO_OPERATION          */
 694                                                             /*    documents one such op.                              */
 695                                                             /*    Its header line has the format:                     */
 696                                                             /*     SHORTEST_COMMAND_NAME LONG_OPERATION_NAME operation*/
 697                                                             /*    Get SHORTEST_OPERATION_NAME from divider (or from   */
 698                                                             /*    "List of operations" List of multi_operationsS blok)*/
 699                                                             /*    and look in each Syntax line for:                   */
 700                                                             /*      SHORTEST_COMMAND_NAME SHORTEST_OPERATION_NAME ... */
 701            is_controlS,                                     /* IO_CONTROL documents one I/O control operation.        */
 702                                                             /*    Its header line has the format:                     */
 703                                                             /*     SHORTEST_COMMAND_NAME LONG_CONTROL_NAME control    */
 704                                                             /*    Get SHORTEST_OPERATION_NAME from divider (or from   */
 705                                                             /*    "List of control operations" List of                */
 706                                                             /*    multi_controlsS blok.  Look for "Control order:"    */
 707                                                             /*    section giving just name(s) of control order.       */
 708            is_requestS,                                     /* REQUEST or AR that documents one of the requests in    */
 709                                                             /*    a "List of requests" section of request_summaryS    */
 710                                                             /*    blok.  header words must equal operation_names.     */
 711            has_subsystem_pathS                              /* REQUEST or AR residing in segment below substree with  */
 712                                                             /*    path containing entryname: subsystem or ss          */
 713            ) bit(1) unal,
 714         3 syntax_pad bit(23) unal,
 716       2 errors aligned,                                     /* ERROR possibilities found while parsing for blocks.    */
 717                                                             /*     Error comments starting with - are diagnosed by    */
 718                                                             /*       info_seg_ and its info_seg_parse_ helper.        */
 719                                                             /*     Error comments starting with + are diagnosed by    */
 720                                                             /*       verify_info and its info_seg_verify_ helper.     */
 722         3 (few_blank_lines_before_blockS,                   /*  - Blok preceded by <INFO_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH */
 723                                                             /*    blank or all-white lines.                           */
 724            many_blank_lines_before_blockS,                  /*  - Blok preceded by >INFO_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH */
 725                                                             /*    blank or all-white lines.                           */
 727            long_namesS,                                     /*  - Blok divider name(s) longer than 32 chars.          */
 728            bad_namesS,                                      /*  - Blok divider name(s) quoted incorrectly.            */
 729            no_namesS,                                       /*  - Blok divider contains no names.                     */
 730            many_namesS,                                     /*  - Blok divider contains too many names.               */
 732            missing_headerS,                                 /*  - Blok header is missing (zero-length)                */
 733            big_headerS,                                     /*  - Blok divider/header >INFO_LINES_PER_HEADER long.    */
 734            long_headerS,                                    /*  - Blok header >INFO_CHARS_PER_HEADER in length.       */
 735            missing_dateS,                                   /*  - Blok header does not begin with a date field.       */
 736            bad_dateS,                                       /*  - Blok header contains token in date position with    */
 737                                                             /*    DATE_CHARS rejected by convert_date_to_binary_      */
 738            non_iso_dateS,                                   /*  - Blok header date is not in iso_date format.         */
 740            older_subr_intro_dateS,                          /*  + Blok header date too old; violates rule:            */
 741                                                             /*     subroutine_intro_date >= all entrypoint_dates      */
 742            bad_subr_intro_headerS,                          /*  + Blok header line for subroutine intro ^= REF_NAME_  */
 743            bad_subr_headerS,                                /*  + Blok header line for subroutine entrypoint name(s)  */
 744            bad_subr_epS,                                    /*  + Blok header subroutine entrypoint not found by      */
 745                                                             /*     cv_entry_.                                         */
 747            bad_cmd_af_req_headerS,                          /*  + Blok header line for command/AF/request/AR is not a */
 748                                                             /*     comma-separated list of reference names            */
 749            bad_io_module_headerS,                           /*  + Blok header line for IO_Module is not:              */
 750                                                             /*     IO_MODULE_NAME I/O Module                          */
 751            bad_request_headerS,                             /*  - Header words not identical to operation_names in    */
 752                                                             /*    "List of requests" item for per-request blok.       */
 754            bad_dividerS,                                    /*  + Blok :[Info]: divider wrong for block kind          */
 755            bad_divider_namesS,                              /*  + Blok_words disagree with Blok_names                 */
 756            obsolete_dividerS,                               /*  + Blok divider :Internal: obsolete; use :hcom:        */
 757            order_divider_namesS,                            /*  + Blok_words order differs from Blok_names order      */
 759            no_paragraphsS,                                  /*  - Blok has header line, but no paragraphs.            */
 760            no_Syntax_sectionS,                              /*  - Blok is missing its "Syntax..." section.            */
 761            many_Syntax_sectionsS,                           /*  - Blok contains too many "Syntax..." sections.        */
 762            needs_ArgumentsS,                                /*  - Blok needs an "Arguments" section of some type.     */
 763            needs_Control_argumentsS,                        /*  - Blok needs "Control arguments" section of some type */
 765                                                             /* Operation Format errors                                */
 766            multi_op_Arguments_missing_op_namesS,            /*  + Blok needs "Arguments" section that lists all       */
 767                                                             /*    operation names for the syntax.is_operationS block  */
 768                                                             /*    ordered same as they appear in "List of operations" */
 769                                                             /*    of associated syntax.multi_operationsS block.       */
 770            multi_op_header_bad_cmdReqIOmod_nameS,           /*  + Header word(1) is not short name of cmd/req/IOmod   */
 771            multi_op_header_bad_op_nameS,                    /*  + Header word(2) is not 1st operation/control name    */
 772                                                             /*    (in "List of ... operations" item of associated     */
 773                                                             /*     syntax.multi_operationsS or .multi_controlsS blok).*/
 774            multi_op_name_not_listedS,                       /*  + Header word(2) not in "List of ... operations".     */
 776            bad_section_orderS                               /*  - Blok section titles not in preferred order.         */
 777            ) bit(1) unal,
 778         3 error_pad bit(3) unal,
 779        iBlokP ptr;
 781   dcl  Blok char(iBlokP->iBlok.L) based(iBlokP->iBlok.P);   /* String of characters described by iBlokP->iBlok        */
 782                                                             /*  (the current block).                                  */
 784   dcl  Blok_names (iBlokP->iBlok.names.N) char(entrynameL) var based(addr(iBlokP->iBlok.names.nm(1)));
 785                                                             /* Array of names found in current block's divider.       */
 786   dcl  Blok_words (iBlokP->iBlok.header.wordN) char(72) var based(addr(iBlokP->iBlok.header.word(1)));
 787                                                             /* Array of words found in current block's header.        */
 790                                                             /* The following table (in info_seg_specifications_.cds)  */
 791                                                             /* gives rules for mapping the 1st or 1st/2nd section     */
 792                                                             /* titles of a block onto a block kind value.             */
 793                                                             /* For example, a Command Info Block begins with a        */
 794                                                             /* section titled:  Syntax as a command:                  */
 795   dcl 1 iBlok_kind aligned based (addr (info_seg_specifications_$block_kinds)),
 796       2 kinds,
 797         3 kindN fixed bin,                                  /* Number of rules in the table array.                    */
 798         3 array (0 refer (iBlok_kind.kinds.kindN)),         /* Elements of the array.                                 */
 799           4 kindID fixed bin,                               /*  - iBlok_kind_XXX value to use if block matches the    */
 800                                                             /*    constraints of this rule.                           */
 802           4 method_or_title fixed bin,                      /*  - Either an iSect_XXX value (section type constraint) */
 803                                                             /*        or an iBlok_method_XXX value (method for        */
 804                                                             /*           refining an existing iBlok.kind value).      */
 806           4 second_title fixed bin,                         /*  - If .method_or_title = iBlok_method_XXX              */
 807                                                             /*     this is a section title to look for in applying    */
 808                                                             /*     that method.                                       */
 809                                                             /*    If .method_or_title = iSect_XXX value:              */
 810                                                             /*     this is a second iSect_XXX value constraint.       */
 811                                                             /*     Both section titles must exist as sections 1 & 2   */
 812                                                             /*     of the block (though the two sections may appear   */
 813                                                             /*     in either order).                                  */
 814                                                             /*    0: indicates there is no second_title constraint.   */
 815           4 third_title fixed bin;                          /*  - If .method_or_title = iBlok_method_XXX              */
 816                                                             /*     this is another section title to look for in       */
 817                                                             /*     applying that method.                              */
 818                                                             /*    If .method_or_title = iSect_XXX value:              */
 819                                                             /*     this is 0 (no third_title constraint)              */
 820                                                             /*     Both section titles must exist as sections 1 & 2   */
 821                                                             /*     of the block (though the two sections may appear   */
 822                                                             /*     in either order).                                  */
 823   dcl  info_seg_specifications_$block_kinds fixed bin external static;
 826                                                             /* The following table (in info_seg_specifications_.cds)  */
 827                                                             /* gives rules for mapping info seg or block names onto   */
 828                                                             /* an iBlok_kind_XXX value.                               */
 829                                                             /* For example, a name ending .gi.info maps to            */
 830                                                             /* iBlok_kind_GENERAL_INFO                                */
 831   dcl 1 iBlok_name  aligned based (addr (info_seg_specifications_$block_kind_names)),
 832       2 names,
 833         3 nameN fixed bin,
 834         3 array (0 refer (iBlok_name.names.nameN)),
 835           4 name_type fixed bin,                            /* An iBlok_name_XXX constant:                            */
 836                                                             /*  iBlok_name_ENDS: compare name(i) with end portion     */
 837                                                             /*                   of info seg or block name.           */
 838           4 name (2) char(entrynameL) var,                  /* name(1) is entryname with .info suffix - as it appears */
 839                                                             /*         on the info segment.                           */
 840                                                             /* name(2) is entryname without .info suffix - as it      */
 841                                                             /*         appears in a block divider name: field.        */
 842           4 kindID fixed bin;                               /* iBlok_kind_XXX constant denoted by this name.          */
 843   dcl  info_seg_specifications_$block_kind_names fixed bin external static;
 845                                                             /* Values for iBlok_names.name_type(n)                    */
 846   dcl (iBlok_block_name_ENDS    init(1),                    /*  - block_name ends with given suffix.                  */
 847        iBlok_name_ENDS          init(2)                     /*  - file_name/block_name ends with given suffix.        */
 848        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
 850   dcl (                                                     /* Values for iBlok_names.name array index.               */
 851        iBlok_NAME_WITH_info     init(1),                    /*  - use name that ends  with .info suffix               */
 852        iBlok_NAME_WITHOUT_info  init(2)                     /*  - use name not ending with .info suffix               */
 853        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
 855                                                             /* Values for iBlok.divider element.                      */
 856                                                             /*  - ID column below is (shorthand) for each divider     */
 857                                                             /*    in the iFile_structure.spec strings below.          */
 858                                                             /* Also, see below: iBlok_token string array              */
 860   dcl (                                                     /* ID   description                                       */
 861        iBlok_divider_None                init( 0),          /*  N  No divider starter found.  Only 1st block can have */
 862                                                             /*     no divider; any other blocks begin with a divider. */
 863        iBlok_divider_Entry               init( 1),          /*  E  Divider starter = :Entry: (subroutine entrypoint)  */
 864        iBlok_divider_Info                init( 2),          /*  I  Divider starter = :Info:                           */
 865        iBlok_divider_Info_no_ext_names   init( 3),          /* [I] Divider starter = :[Info]:                         */
 866        iBlok_divider_hcom                init( 4),          /*  H  Divider starter = :hcom:                           */
 867        iBlok_divider_hcom_obsolete       init( 5)           /*  H  Divider starter = :Internal: (obsolete)            */
 868        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
 870                                                             /* Values for the iBlok.kind element.                     */
 871   dcl (                                                     /* FIRST SECTION TITLE or Block Divider is:               */
 872        iBlok_kind_COMMAND                init( 1),          /*  Syntax as a command:                                  */
 873        iBlok_kind_ACTIVE_FUNCTION        init( 2),          /*  Syntax as an active function:                         */
 874        iBlok_kind_COMMAND_AF             init( 3),          /*  [contains previous two kinds, in either order]        */
 876        iBlok_kind_GENERAL_INFO           init( 4),          /* First title is not one of those specified above.       */
 877                                                             /* :Info: NAME.gi (or other suffixes)                     */
 878                                                             /* Segment name:  NAME.gi.info (or other suffixes)        */
 880        iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_INTRO       init( 5),          /*  Function:                                             */
 881        iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_BRIEF_INTRO init( 6),          /*  Entry points in <subroutine_name_>:                   */
 882                                                             /*     (List is generated by the help command)            */
 883        iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_ENTRY       init( 7),          /*  :Entry: <ep_name>: ...                                */
 885        iBlok_kind_REQUEST                init( 8),          /*  Syntax:                                               */
 886        iBlok_kind_ACTIVE_REQUEST         init( 9),          /*  Syntax as an active request:                          */
 887        iBlok_kind_REQUEST_AR             init(10),          /*  [contains previous two kinds, in either order]        */
 888        iBlok_kind_SUBSYSTEM_SUMMARY      init(11),          /*  :Info: summary.topic:                                 */
 889                                                             /*   ...                                                  */
 890                                                             /*  List of requests:                                     */
 891        iBlok_kind_SUBSYSTEM_TOPIC        init(12),          /*  :Info: NAME.topic:                                    */
 892                                                             /*   or                                                   */
 893                                                             /*  Notes on...                                           */
 895        iBlok_kind_IO_MODULE              init(13),          /*  Syntax of attach description:                         */
 896        iBlok_kind_IO_OPERATION           init(14),          /*  Syntax of open description:                           */
 897                                                             /*   or                                                   */
 898                                                             /*  Syntax of close description:                          */
 899                                                             /*   or                                                   */
 900                                                             /*  Syntax of detach description:                         */
 901        iBlok_kind_IO_CONTROL             init(15),          /*  Control order:                                        */
 903        iBlok_kind_HISTORY_COMMENT        init(16),          /*  :hcom: (a history comment)                            */
 905        iBlok_kind_Header_Only            init(17),          /* Block consists only of a header line; no sections      */
 906                                                             /*  or paragraphs.                                        */
 908        iBlok_kind_Unknown                init(18)           /* Kind of block as yet undetermined.                     */
 909        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
 911   dcl  iBlok_kind_display_string (18) char(36) var int static options(constant) init(
 912        "Command",                                           /* iBlok_kind_COMMAND                                     */
 913        "Active Function",                                   /* iBlok_kind_ACTIVE_FUNCTION                             */
 914        "Command/Active Function",                           /* iBlok_kind_COMMAND_AF                                  */
 915        "General Info",                                      /* iBlok_kind_GENERAL_INFO                                */
 916        "Subroutine Introduction",                           /* iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_INTRO                            */
 917        "Subroutine Brief Intro",                            /* iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_BRIEF_INTRO                      */
 918        "Subroutine Entrypoint",                             /* iBlok_kind_SUBROUTINE_ENTRY                            */
 919        "Subsystem Request",                                 /* iBlok_kind_REQUEST                                     */
 920        "Subsystem Active Request",                          /* iBlok_kind_ACTIVE_REQUEST                              */
 921        "Subsystem Request/Active Request",                  /* iBlok_kind_REQUEST_AR                                  */
 922        "Subsystem Summary",                                 /* iBlok_kind_SUBSYSTEM_SUMMARY                           */
 923        "Subsystem Topic",                                   /* iBlok_kind_SUBSYSTEM_TOPIC                             */
 924        "I/O Module",                                        /* iBlok_kind_IO_MODULE                                   */
 925        "I/O Operation",                                     /* iBlok_kind_IO_OPERATION                                */
 926        "I/O Control",                                       /* iBlok_kind_IO_CONTROL                                  */
 927        "History Comment",                                   /* iBlok_kind_HISTORY_COMMENT                             */
 928        "HEADER ONLY Info",                                  /* iBlok_kind_Header_Only                                 */
 929        "UNKNOWN kind of information"                        /* iBlok_kind_Unknown                                     */
 930        );
 933   dcl 1 iBloksN aligned,                                    /* Count of blocks found in info segment (by divider)     */
 934         2 version fixed bin,                                /*  - Version 2 structure.                                */
 935         2 counts,
 936           3 (all,                                           /*  - count of all blocks.                                */
 937              None,                                          /*  - count of blocks with no divider                     */
 938              Entry,                                         /*  - count of blocks with :Entry: divider                */
 939              Info,                                          /*  - count of blocks with :Info: divider                 */
 940              Info_no_ext_names,                             /*  - count of blocks with :[Info]: divider               */
 941              hcom,                                          /*  - count of blocks with :hcom: divider                 */
 942              hcom_obsolete                                  /*  - count of blocks with :Internal: divider             */
 943              ) fixed bin,
 944         iBloksN_version_2 fixed bin int static options(constant) init(2);
 945 %page;
 946 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 947    STRUCTURE:  iFile
 949      Describes the content of one info segment.
 951    Siblings:
 952      An iFile is threaded to a structure describing a higher-level aggregate.
 954      info_seg_data.files: Each iFile.sib is threaded to other iFile structures,
 955                           all being chained below the info_seg_data structure.
 957    Relatives:
 958      .bloks: a threaded list of blocks contained in this info segment.
 959      .lines: a threaded list of lines contained in this info segment.
 960    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
 962   dcl 1 iFile aligned based (iFileP),                       /* Structure describing an info_seg to be parsed or       */
 963                                                             /*  examined by info_seg_ entrypoints.                    */
 964       2 common like iCommon,                                /*  - ID; pointer to, and length of chars in info seg;    */
 965                                                             /*    pointers to next/prev info segs to be examined.     */
 966       2 location,                                           /*  - location of info seg file in Multics file system:   */
 967         3 dir char(168) unal,                               /*     - containing directory pathname                    */
 968         3 ent char(entrynameL) unal,                        /*     - entryname within this directory                  */
 969         3 uid bit (36),                                     /*     - unique ID for info segment                       */
 970       2 names like iName100,                                /*  - array of all names on info_seg (including .info)    */
 971                                                             /*    in the order they would be listed by status -names  */
 972                                                             /*    or the list command.                                */
 973       2 relatives,                                          /*  This highest-level structure has child components:    */
 974         3 bloks like iChild,                                /*  - list of blocks contained in this info segment.      */
 975         3 lines like iChild,                                /*  - list of lines contained in this info segment.       */
 976       2 caseI fixed bin,                                    /*  - classification of info seg by its pattern of block  */
 977                                                             /*    kinds.  caseI is index into iFile_structure.array,  */
 978                                                             /*    which gives rules for matching file's blocks with   */
 979                                                             /*    supported block patterns.                           */
 980       2 structure fixed bin,                                /*  - iFile_structure_XXX or iFile_struc_err_XXX value    */
 981                                                             /*    associated with this caseI classification.          */
 982                                                             /*    This maps a supported pattern to a user-friendly    */
 983                                                             /*    description.  For example:                          */
 984                                                             /*      Info Segment - with History Comment               */
 986       2 errors aligned,                                     /* ERROR possibilities found while parsing for lines.     */
 987                                                             /*     Error comments starting with - are diagnosed by    */
 988                                                             /*       info_seg_ and its info_seg_parse_ helper.        */
 989                                                             /*     Error comments starting with + are diagnosed by    */
 990                                                             /*       verify_info and its info_seg_verify_ helper.     */
 991         3 (all_nulS,                                        /*  - File contains only NUL (\000) characters.           */
 992            all_white_nulS,                                  /*  - File contains only HT SP NUL and NL chars.          */
 993            ends_nulS,                                       /*  - File ends with NUL characters.                      */
 994            zero_lengthS,                                    /*  - File contains no characters.                        */
 996            names_missing_info_suffixS,                      /*  + File name does not end with .info                   */
 997            names_extraS,                                    /*  + File has names not expected from headers/dividers   */
 998            names_missingS,                                  /*  + File missing some name(s) that are required.        */
 999            name_order_warningS                              /*  + File name order differs from order predicted        */
1000                                                             /*    from names in header lines/dividers.                */
1001            ) bit(1) unal,
1002        iFileP ptr;
1004   dcl  File char(iFileP->iFile.L) unal based(iFileP->iFile.P);
1005                                                             /* Character contents of entire info segment.             */
1007   dcl  File_names (iFileP->iFile.names.N) char(entrynameL) var based(addr(iFileP->iFile.names.nm(1)));
1008                                                             /* Array of names on current info segment.                */
1010   dcl (                                                     /* Values for the iFile.structure element:                */
1011                                                             /*  supported patterns of blocks within info segment.     */
1013        iFile_structure_NO_DIVIDERS              init( 1),   /*  - 1 iBlok                 [ A ]                       */
1014                                                             /*    A)      only iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_None     */
1017        iFile_structure_SUBROUTINE               init( 2),   /*  - 2 or more iBloks:       [ A  B... ]                 */
1018                                                             /*    A)     first iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_None     */
1019                                                             /*               <subroutine intro description>           */
1020                                                             /*    B) all other iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_Entry    */
1021                                                             /*               <subroutine entrypoint description>      */
1023        iFile_structure_INFO_SUBROUTINE_HCOM     init( 3),   /*  - 3 or more iBloks:       [ A  B... C ]               */
1024                                                             /*    A)     first iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_Info     */
1025                                                             /*               <subroutine intro description>           */
1026                                                             /*    B)    middle iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_Entry    */
1027                                                             /*               <subroutine entrypoint description>      */
1028                                                             /*    C)      last iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_hcom     */
1029                                                             /*               <history comments>                       */
1031        iFile_structure_INFO_SUBROUTINE          init( 4),   /*  - 2 or more iBloks:       [ A  B... ]                 */
1032                                                             /*    A)     first iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_Info     */
1033                                                             /*               <subroutine intro description>           */
1034                                                             /*    B) all other iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_Entry    */
1035                                                             /*               <subroutine entrypoint description>      */
1037        iFile_structure_INFO_HCOM                init( 5),   /*  - 2 or more iBloks:       [ A... B ]                  */
1038                                                             /*    A)   leading iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_Info     */
1039                                                             /*               <info contents>                          */
1040                                                             /*    B)      last iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_hcom     */
1041                                                             /*               <history comments>                       */
1043        iFile_structure_INFO                     init( 6),   /*  - 1 or more iBloks:       [ A... ]                    */
1044                                                             /*    A)       all iBlok.divider = iBlok_divider_Info     */
1045                                                             /*               <info contents>                          */
1047                                                             /* ERROR values for iFile.structure                       */
1048        iFile_struc_err_UNSET                    init( 0),   /*  - structure not yet determined.                       */
1049        iFile_struc_err_EMPTY_INFO               init(-1),   /*  - 0 iBlok structures; or 1 iBlok.emptyS               */
1050        iFile_struc_err_HCOM_NOT_LAST            init(-2),   /*  - History Comment block not last in info seg.         */
1051        iFile_struc_err_INFO_SUBROUTINE_MIX      init(-3),   /*  - Unknown mixture of :Info: and :Entry: divider types.*/
1052        iFile_struc_err_1st_INFO_no_ext_names    init(-4),   /*  - 1st block :[Info]: -- it must be :Info:             */
1053        iFile_struc_err_MISSING_1st_INFO         init(-5),   /*  - 1st block no divider; other blocks :Info:           */
1054        iFile_struc_err_MISSING_SUBROUTINE_INTRO init(-6),   /*  - all blocks :Entry: (1st block must have no divider) */
1055        iFile_struc_err_MULTIPLE_HCOM            init(-7),   /*  - 2 or more History Comments in info seg.             */
1056        iFile_struc_err_SUBROUTINE_INFO_MIX      init(-8),   /*  - :Entry: followed by :Info: blocks                   */
1057        iFile_struc_err_STRUCTURE_UNKNOWN        init(-9)    /*  - Unsupported pattern of block kinds.                 */
1058        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);
1060                                                             /* The following table (in info_seg_specifications_.cds)  */
1061                                                             /* gives rules for known block order patterns within      */
1062                                                             /* info segments.                                         */
1063   dcl 1 iFile_structure aligned based (addr (info_seg_specifications_$file_structures)),
1064       2 patterns,
1065         3 patternN fixed bin,
1066         3 array (0 refer (iFile_structure.patterns.patternN)),
1067           4 spec char(19) aligned,                          /* - String pictorially describing pattern of dividers.   */
1068                                                             /*     "3+   I  E...  H  "                                */
1069                                                             /*      |    |  |     |_ last block is history comment    */
1070                                                             /*      |    |  |_______ 1 or more :Entry: blocks         */
1071                                                             /*      |    |__________ first block is :Info:            */
1072                                                             /*      |_______________ 3 or more total blocks           */
1074           4 display_label char(54) var,                     /* - User-oriented label for this pattern.                */
1075           4 structID fixed bin;                             /* - An iFile_structure_XXX or iFile_struc_err_XXX value  */
1076                                                             /*   identifying this block pattern.                      */
1077   dcl  info_seg_specifications_$file_structures fixed bin external static;
1079   dcl (iFile_case_UNSET       init( 0)                      /* Initial value assigned to iFile.caseI when structure   */
1080        ) fixed bin int static options(constant);            /*  is first initialized.                                 */
1082 %page;
1083           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1084           /*                                                                                                */
1085           /* Structures referenced by the info_seg_ subroutine interface.                                   */
1086           /*                                                                                                */
1087           /*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *   */
1089 /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1090    STRUCTURE:  info_seg_data
1092      Describes data used by commands that invoke info_seg_$XXX routines to parse
1093      and examine info segments.
1095      info_seg_ creates an ssu_ standalone invocation to manage storage and generate
1096      output on behalf of its caller commands.  Its main data item is a list of
1097      info segments to be examined by info_seg_ (.files substructure).
1098    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
1100   dcl 1 info_seg_data aligned based(info_seg_dataP),        /* Structure to hold info_seg_ parser information.        */
1101       2 version char(11),                                   /*  - version of this structure: info_seg_data_version_01 */
1102       2 standalone_invocationS bit(1) aligned,              /*  - T: info_seg_ provided the .sciP value.              */
1103                                                             /*    F: Caller provided the .sciP  value.                */
1104                                                             /*     - info_seg_$initialize sets bit = (.sciP = null)   */
1105                                                             /*       so info_seg_$terminate knows whether to cleanup  */
1106                                                             /*       the ssu_ standalone invocation.                  */
1107       2 ptrs,
1108         3 sciP ptr,                                         /*  - ssu_ invocation pointer.                            */
1109         3 areaP ptr,                                        /*  - translator_temp_ extendable no-freeing area pointer.*/
1110         3 std_areaP ptr,                                    /*  - standard Multics area (system free area).           */
1111       2 relatives,
1112         3 files like iChild,                                /*  - threaded list of iFile structures.                  */
1113        info_seg_dataP ptr;
1115   dcl  info_seg_data_version_01 char(11) int static options(constant) init("info_seg_01");
1116                                                             /* Currently supported version of info_seg_data structure */
1117 %page;
1118 /* -----------------------------------------------------------------
1119     CHARACTERISTICS of info segments.
1120    ----------------------------------------------------------------- */
1122   dcl  info_seg_suffix char(4) int static options(constant) init("info");
1124                                                             /* TOKEN beginning an info segment BLOCK divider.         */
1125                                                             /* See above:  iBlok_divider_XXX constants                */
1126   dcl  iBlok_token (0:5)
1127           init ("",                                         /*  for block without a divider                           */
1128                 ":Entry:",                                  /*  for SUBROUTINE info seg:  each documents 1 entrypoint */
1129                 ":Info:",                                   /*  for blocks in  multi-block info segment.              */
1130                 ":[Info]:",                                 /*  for blocks in  multi-block info segment               */
1131                                                             /*    - divider names not copied onto info segment.       */
1132                 ":hcom:",                                   /*  for history comment block at end of info segment.     */
1133                 ":Internal:"                                /*  for obsolete history comment block at end of info seg.*/
1134                 ) char(10) var int static options(constant);
1136   dcl (                                                     /* LIMIT VALUES for info segments                         */
1137        INFO_CHARS_PER_LINE               init(71),          /*  excludes NL line delimiter char                       */
1138        INFO_CHARS_PER_HEADER             init(71),          /*  excludes NL line delimiter ending info header         */
1139        INFO_CHARS_PER_SUBROUTINE_ENTRYPOINT_NAME            /*  PL/I allows 256 char entrypoint_name labels, but      */
1140                                          init(32),          /*    help only supports names up to 32 chars in length.  */
1141        INFO_CHARS_PER_TITLE              init(70),          /*  excludes COLON section title delimiter char           */
1142        INFO_LINES_PER_HEADER             init( 2),          /*  maximum lines in a block divider & header             */
1143        INFO_LINES_PER_PARAGRAPH          init(15),          /*  maximum lines in a paragraph.                         */
1144        INFO_BLANK_LINES_BEFORE_PARAGRAPH init( 2)           /*  required blank lines before a paragraph.              */
1145        ) fixed bin int static options (constant);
1147   dcl (                                                     /* CHARACTER TYPES/GROUPS found in info segments          */
1148        BS            char (1) init ("^H"),                  /*  backspace                                             */
1149        COLON         char (1) init (":"),                   /*  colon                                                 */
1150        HT            char (1) init ("   "),                 /*  horizontal tab                                        */
1151        INFO_DATE_CHARS
1152                      char (12) init("0123456789/-"),        /*  digits plus slash and hyphen                          */
1154                      char (2) init (" ,"),                  /*  SP comma                                              */
1156                      char (2) init (" ,"),                  /*  SP comma                                              */
1157        INFO_LINE_INDENT
1158                      char (2) init ("  "),                  /*  SP SP                                                 */
1159                                                             /*    Note: many info segs use 3 spaces for indents of    */
1160                                                             /*    description parts of items in Arguments,            */
1161                                                             /*    Control arguements, and List of ...  sections.      */
1163                      char (2) init (".?"),                  /*  period or question_mark (eg, requests like: ? .. .)   */
1165        INFO_SECTION_NO_TITLE_FABRICATION                    /*  An untitled first section of info block is referred   */
1166                      char (12) init ("Introduction"),       /*    to (in titles response, etc) with this title.       */
1168        INFO_SUBROUTINE_INTRO_ENTRY_POINTS_IN_CONTENTS       /*  Contents of subroutine introduction section entitled  */
1169                      char (39) init ("(List is generated by the help command)"),
1171        LEFT_BRACKET  char (1) init ("["),                   /*  left-bracket                                          */
1172        NL            char (1) init ("
1173 "                                   ),                      /*  newline                                               */
1174        NUL           char (1) init ("^@"),                  /*  nul character                                         */
1175        QUOTE         char (1) init (""""),                  /*  quote-mark character                                  */
1176        RIGHT_BRACKET char (1) init ("]"),                   /*  right-bracket                                         */
1177        SP            char (1) init (" "),                   /*  space character                                       */
1178        WHITE_SPACE   char (2) init ("    "),                /*  HT SP                                                 */
1180        LOWER_CASE    char (26) init("abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"),
1181        UPPER_CASE    char (26) init("ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"),
1182                                                             /*  characters for translating from upper to lowercase    */
1184        INFO_PRINTABLE char (98)                             /*  characters that can be used in an info segment.       */
1185           init ("^H "                             /*  begins with BS HT NL                                  */
1186              || "
1187 "            || " !""#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?"         /*  includes SP, with double-quote (") char escaped       */
1188              || "@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_"
1189              || "`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~"           /*  ends without DEL char                                 */
1190                 )
1191        ) int static options (constant);
1193 /*  END OF:         info_seg_dcls_.incl.pl1                   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  * */