1 /* ^L */
 2 /* BEGIN INCLUDE ..............imp_dim_data..................... */
 4 /* For IMP DIM */
 6 dcl  imp_data$dim ext;
 8 dcl 1 dim based aligned,
10 /* Following variables are for initialization value, locks etc. */
12     2 initialized bit (36) aligned,                         /* IMP DIM has been initialized if non-zero */
13     2 lock bit (36) aligned,                                /* IMP DIM sets this lock */
14     2 lock_event_id fixed bin,                              /* The event number for unlocking above lock */
16     2 messages_received fixed bin (34),                     /* This variable is incremented at the interrupt
17                                                                time when a message is received. */
18     2 messages_processed fixed bin (34),                    /* This variable is incremented after a message has
19                                                                been processed.When there are no messages
20                                                                in the wired down buffers of IMP DCM this variable
21                                                                should be eual to the above. */
22     2 state_queue_in fixed bin (34),                        /* Number of entries put in the state
23                                                                queue. (Whenever thestate of IMP changes an entry
24                                                                is put in the state queue. */
25     2 state_queue_out fixed bin (34),
26     2 dummy1 fixed bin,
27     2 state_queue (1:8),
28       3 state char (8) aligned,
29       3 status fixed binary (35),
30     2 state_of_imp char (8) aligned,                        /* Current state of IMP */
31     2 bad_state bit (1),                                    /* If on something is wrong. */
32     2 filler fixed bin (35),
34 /* Miscellaneous */
36     2 init_time fixed bin (71),                             /* Time when IMP DIM was initialized */
37     2 finish_time fixed bin (71),                           /* Time when IMP DIM was finished */
38     2 no_buffering bit (1) aligned,                         /* If bit on no write behind for write links */
39     2 input_processing_blocked bit (1) aligned,             /* If due to lack of pageable buffers input
40                                                                processing is stopped this bit is turned
41                                                                on. */
42     2 new_error_codes bit (1),                              /* If on new error codes are returned. */
43     2 imp_going_down bit (32);                              /* If on IMP is about to go down. */
45 /* END INCLUDE.................imp_dim_data.............. */