1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... ibm3780_data.incl.pl1 ... 3/77 */
 3 /* Reworked February 1984 by Allan Haggett for new ibm3780_. */
 5 dcl  adp                    ptr;                           /* local copy of pointer to attach data */
 7 dcl  1 ad                   aligned based (adp),
 8        2 ttt_info           like remote_ttt_info,
 9        2 fixed,
10          3 phys_line_length fixed,
11          3 char_mode        fixed bin,                     /* translation mode ascii or ebcdic */
12          3 record_len       fixed bin,                     /* length of output record in characters */
13          3 line_length      fixed bin,                     /* length of printer line */
14          3 multi_record_count fixed bin,                   /* If multirecord, then this is records/block. */
15        2 bits,
16          3 has_tabs         bit (1),                       /* on if terminal has tab option */
17          3 multi_record     bit (1),                       /* enable multi record mode if on */
18          3 auto_turnaround  bit (1),                       /* enable auto turnaround if on */
19          3 transparent      bit (1),                       /* Set if in transparent mode */
20        2 ptrs,
21          3 comm_info_ptr    pointer,
22          3 cib_ptr          pointer,                       /* Comm Info Block */
23        2 chars,
24          3 printer_select   char (1),
25          3 punch_select     char (1),
26          3 terminal_id      char (5),                      /* terminal id string of terminal */
27          3 device_type      char (32),                     /* Current device type. */
28          3 last_selected_device char (32),                 /* Via select_device */
29          3 attach_desc      char (256) var,
30          3 input_buf        char (512) var,
31          3 output_buf       char (512) var,
32          3 open_description char (24) var,
33          3 carriage_ctl_table (4) char (4) aligned,        /* These are used by */
34          3 slew_ctl_table   (6) char (4) aligned;          /*    ibm3780_conv_. */
36 dcl  cib_ptr                pointer;
37 dcl  1 cib                  aligned based (cib_ptr),       /* Information about the comm switch for each attachment. */
38        2 device_channel     char (32),                     /* Channel name. */
39        2 comm_iocb_ptr      pointer,                       /* ptr to bisync_ IOCB. */
40        2 last_selected_iocb_ptr pointer,                   /* Via select_device. */
41        2 n_attached         fixed bin,                     /* Count of ibm3780_ switches attached to this one? */
42        2 flags,
43          3 attached_sw      bit (1) unaligned,
44          3 opened_sw        bit (1) unaligned,
45          3 in_quit_state_sw bit (1) unaligned,
46          3 pad_flags        bit (33) unaligned,
47        2 chain,                                            /* Thread pointers. */
48          3 next_cib_ptr     pointer,
49          3 prev_cib_ptr     pointer;
52 dcl  ASCII                  fixed bin int static init (1) options (constant);
53 dcl  EBCDIC                 fixed bin int static init (2) options (constant);
55 /* There are three supported device types. There names: */
56 dcl  (PUNCH                 init ("punch"),
57      PRINTER                init ("printer"),
58      TELEPRINTER            init ("teleprinter")) char (32) internal static options (constant);
61 dcl  HT                     char (1) int static options (constant) init ("      ");
62 dcl  ENQ                    char (1) int static options (constant) init ("^E");
63 dcl  ESC                    char (1) int static options (constant) init ("^[");
65 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... ibm3780_data.incl.pl1 */