1 /*        BEGIN INCLUDE FILE hcom_query_info.incl.pl1 TAC June 1, 1973      */
 4   1) change(85-10-02,LJAdams), approve(85-11-06,MCR7278),
 5      audit(86-02-19,Gilcrease), install(86-02-19,MR12.0-1021):
 6      Provides for multi-line input of text for
 7      history comment change notices.
 8                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
10 /*        Renamed to query_info.incl.pl1 and cp_escape_control added, 08/10/78 WOS */
11 /*        version number changed to 4, 08/10/78 WOS */
12 /* Version 5 adds explanation_(ptr len) 05/08/81 S. Herbst */
13 /* Version 6 adds literal_sw, prompt_after_explanation switch 12/15/82 S. Herbst */
14 /* Version 7 adds field to accept an ending delimiter for multi-line answers, 06/05/85 L. Adams */
16 dcl 1 query_info aligned,                                   /* argument structure for command_query_ call */
17     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* version of this structure - must be set, see below */
18     2 switches aligned,                                     /* various bit switch values */
19       3 yes_or_no_sw bit (1) unaligned init ("0"b),                   /* not a yes-or-no question, by default */
20       3 suppress_name_sw bit (1) unaligned init ("0"b),     /* do not suppress command name */
21       3 cp_escape_control bit (2) unaligned init ("00"b),   /* obey static default value */
22                                                             /* "01" -> invalid, "10" -> don't allow, "11" -> allow */
23       3 suppress_spacing bit (1) unaligned init ("0"b),     /* whether to print extra spacing */
24       3 literal_sw bit (1) unaligned init ("0"b),           /* ON => do not strip leading/trailing white space */
25       3 prompt_after_explanation bit (1) unaligned init ("0"b),  /* ON => repeat question after explanation */
26       3 padding bit (29) unaligned init (""b),              /* pads it out to t word */
27     2 status_code fixed bin (35) init (0),                  /* query not prompted by any error, by default */
28     2 query_code fixed bin (35) init (0),                   /* currently has no meaning */
30 /*  Limit of data defined for version 2 */
32     2 question_iocbp ptr init (null ()),                    /* IO switch to write question */
33     2 answer_iocbp ptr init (null ()),                      /* IO switch to read answer */
34     2 repeat_time fixed bin (71) init (0),                  /* repeat question every N seconds if no answer */
35                                                             /* minimum of 30 seconds required for repeat */
36                                                             /* otherwise, no repeat will occur */
37 /* Limit of data defined for version 4 */
39     2 explanation_ptr ptr init (null ()),                   /* explanation of question to be printed if */
40     2 explanation_len fixed bin (21) init (0),              /* user answers "?" (disabled if ptr=null or len=0) */
41 /* Limit of data defined for version 5/6 */
42     2 ending_delim char(8) varying init(""),                /* ending delimiter for multi line answers */
43     2 ending_delim_description char(32) varying init("");   /* words describing ending delimiter.             */
45 dcl  query_info_version_3 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (3);
46 dcl  query_info_version_4 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (4);
47 dcl  query_info_version_5 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (5);
48 dcl  query_info_version_6 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (6);
49 dcl  query_info_version_7 fixed bin int static options (constant) init (7); /* the current version number */
51 /*        END INCLUDE FILE hcom_query_info.incl.pl1 */