1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... hashst.incl.pl1 */
 2 /* format: style4 */
 4 /* General Utility hash table */
 6 dcl  1 htable based (htp) aligned,                          /* hash table entries of level 2 are statistical info */
 7        2 nb fixed bin,                                      /* number of buckets in hash table */
 8        2 ni fixed bin,                                      /* number of entries used */
 9        2 np fixed bin,                                      /* number of times hash_ called referincing this table */
10        2 tnt fixed bin,                                     /* total # of tries to find, enter, or delete an entry */
11        2 id char (4),                                       /* ht01 version 1 of hash_ */
12        2 gnt fixed bin,                                     /* greatest number of tries for search etc. */
13        2 loht fixed bin (18) unsigned,                      /* length of hash table in words */
14        2 pad bit (36) aligned,                              /* padding */
15        2 buckets (1:hash_table_size_ refer (htable.nb)),    /* 26111=((1024*255)/10 words per entry)-1 (8-word header) */
16          3 name char (32) unaligned,                        /* identifier of entry */
17          3 value bit (36) aligned,                          /* value corresponding to name */
18          3 flags aligned,
19            4 ds bit (1) unal,                               /* deleted switch="1"b if deleted */
20            4 empty bit (1) unal,
21            4 pad bit (34) unal,                             /* empty switch="1"b if empty */
22       2 end_of_table bit (0) aligned;                       /* to get address */
24 declare  MAX_HT_BUCKETS_IN_SEG fixed bin init (26111) int static options (constant);
25 declare  hash_table_size_ fixed bin;
27 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... hashst.incl.pl1 */