1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_pr_sw.incl.pl1 */
 2 /*
 3   Created: (Wardd Multics)  07/05/79 1638.7 mst Thu
 4 */
 5 pr_sw: proc (w, on_off, qin, qout);
 7 /* Print user switch word. */
 8 dcl  w                        char(1)parm;
 9 dcl  on_off                   char(3)parm;
10 dcl  qin                      bit(36)parm;
11 dcl  qout                     bit(36)parm;
12           call ioa_$nnl ("SWITCH WORD^1a: SET ^3a ", w, on_off);
13           c = 0;
14           do i = lbound (q1, 1) to hbound (q1, 1);
15                if q1 (i) then do;
16                     c = c+1;
17                     if c>1 then call ioa_$nnl (",");
18                     call ioa_$nnl ("^i", i);
19                end;
20           end;
21           if c = 0 then call ioa_$nnl ("none");
22           call ioa_$nnl (" NOW ON ");
23           c = 0;
24           do i = lbound (q2, 1) to hbound (q2, 1);
25                if q2 (i) then do;
26                     c = c+1;
27                     if c>1 then call ioa_$nnl (",");
28                     call ioa_$nnl ("^i", i);
29                end;
30           end;
31           if c = 0 then call ioa_$nnl ("none");
32           call ioa_$nnl ("^/");
33           return;
35 dcl  ioa_$nnl                 entry options(variable);
36 dcl  q1                       (0:35)bit(1)unal based(addr(qin));
37 dcl  q2                       (0:35)bit(1)unal based(addr(qout));
38 dcl  i                        fixed bin;
39 dcl  c                        fixed bin;
40      end                                                    /* pr_sw. */;
41 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gtss_pr_sw.incl.pl1 */