1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_ext_.incl.pl1 */
  2 /*
  3   Created: (Wardd Multics)  05/20/78 1307.6 mst Sat
  4   Modified: Ward            1981     add suspended_process dcl
  5   Modified: Ron Barstad  83-07-21  Fixed level number on mcfc to 3
  6   Modified: Ron Barstad  83-07-25  Fixed derail range in statistics to 4js3 number
  7 */
  8 dcl  gtss_ext_$aem                   fixed bin static ext   /* >0 Print "additional" error information. */;
  9 dcl  gtss_ext_$bad_drl_rtrn          static ext label       /* Default for drl_rtrn. */;
 10 dcl  gtss_ext_$db                    (72)bit(1)unal static ext;
 11 dcl  gtss_ext_$deferred_catalogs_ptr ptr ext;
 12 dcl  gtss_ext_$dispose_of_drl        static ext label       /* quit handlers for some derails use this label to abort */;
 13 dcl  gtss_ext_$drl_rtrn              (4)static ext label    /* where to return at subsystem end */;
 14 dcl  gtss_ext_$drm_path              char(168)static ext    /* gtss_expand_pathname_stores drm_path */;
 15 dcl  gtss_ext_$drun_jid              char (5) static ext    /* valid only for DRUN executing under absentee */;
 16 dcl  gtss_ext_$event_channel         fixed bin (71) static ext        /* used for DABT signals */;
 17 dcl  gtss_ext_$finished              static ext label       /* Return to gtss for normal conclusion. */;
 18 dcl  gtss_ext_$gdb_name              char(8)ext   /* Name H* module to debug. */;
 19 dcl  gtss_ext_$get_line              entry(ptr,ptr,fixed bin(21),fixed bin(21),fixed bin(35))variable ext /* Build mode input procedure. */;
 20 dcl  gtss_ext_$gtss_slave_area_seg   (4) ext static ptr     /* pointer to gtss slave area segment */;
 21 dcl  gtss_ext_$hcs_work_area_ptr     ptr ext static                   /* Temp seg for acl lists. */;
 22 dcl  gtss_ext_$homedir               char (64) static ext /* user's home dir */;
 23 dcl  gtss_ext_$last_k_was_out        bit (1)aligned ext static        /* "1"b => last tty output was output. */;
 24 dcl  gtss_ext_$pdir                  char (168) varying ext static    /* pathname of process directory */;
 25 dcl  gtss_ext_$popup_from_pi         static ext label       /* transfer to this label after pi simulates popup primitive */;
 26 dcl  gtss_ext_$process_type          fixed bin (17) static ext;
 27 dcl  gtss_ext_$put_chars             entry(ptr,ptr,fixed bin(24),fixed bin(35)) variable ext        /* Terminal output procedure. */;
 28 dcl  gtss_ext_$restart_from_pi       static ext label       /* transfer to this label after pi restores machine conditions */;
 29 dcl  gtss_ext_$restart_seg_ptr       ptr static ext         /* points to DRUN restart file when exec under absentee */;
 30 dcl  gtss_ext_$sig_ptr               ext static ptr         /* saved ptr to signal_ */;
 31 dcl  gtss_ext_$stack_level_          fixed bin ext static;
 32 dcl  gtss_ext_$suspended_process     bit(1) ext static;
 33 dcl  gtss_ext_$SYstarstar_file_no    fixed bin (24) static ext;
 34 dcl  gtss_ext_$user_id               char (26)var ext;
 35 dcl  gtss_ext_$work_area_ptr         ptr ext;
 37 dcl  1 gtss_ext_$CFP_bits aligned static external
 38      , 3 no_input_yet bit (1) unaligned         /* used in gtss_CFP_input_, gtss_read_starCFP_ */
 39      , 3 rtn_bits bit (4) unaligned             /* used in gtss_CFP_input_, gtss_CFP_output_ */
 40      , 3 cpos_called bit (1) unaligned          /* used in gtss_CFP_input_, gtss_drl_t_cfio_, gtss_abandon_CFP_ */
 41      , 3 cout_called bit (1) unaligned          /* used in gtss_read_starCFP_, gtss_abandon_CFP_ */
 42      , 3 build_mode bit (1) unaligned           /* used in gtss_build_, gtss_dsd_process_ */
 43      ;
 45 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$com_reg aligned static ext,
 46        3 tsdmx,
 47          4 dst fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned,
 48          4 dit fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned,
 49        3 tsdpt fixed bin (36) unsigned unaligned,
 50        3 tsddt fixed bin (36) unsigned unaligned,
 51        3 tsdid bit (72) unaligned,
 52        3 tsdsd bit (36) unaligned,
 53        3 tsdst fixed bin (36) unsigned unaligned,
 54        3 tsdjb fixed bin (35) unaligned,
 55        3 tsdgt,
 56          4 ust_loc fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned,
 57          4 gating_ctl fixed bin (18) unsigned unaligned,
 58        3 tcdfr bit (36) unaligned;
 60 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$flags aligned static ext
 61      , 3 dispose_of_drl_on_pi bit (01) unal       /* 1 => drl that should be aborted after quit-pi sequence */
 62      , 3 drl_in_progress      bit (01) unal       /* 1 => drl handler executing; 0 => gcos code executing */
 63      , 3 popup_from_pi        bit (01) unal       /* 1 => derail processor will simulate Gcos break instead of returning */
 64      , 3 unfinished_drl       bit (01) unal       /* 1 => subsystem is handling breaks and quit was raised during a drl */
 65      , 3 ss_time_limit_set    bit (01) unal       /* 1 => exec time limit set for subsystem */
 66      , 3 timer_ranout         bit (01) unal       /* 1 => user is executing timer runout code */
 67      , 3 gtss_com_err_sw      bit (01) unal       /* 1 => stop com_err_ string from going to terminal */
 68      , 3 available            bit (65) unal
 69      ;
 72 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$statistics aligned static ext,              /* Derail usage statistics */
 73       3 total_time (-10:71)fixed bin (71),
 74       3 count (-10:71)fixed bin (17);
 76 /*        Declaration of Available File Table
 77    */
 78 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$aft aligned ext,                            /* aft structure */
 80       3 start_list (0:102) fixed bin (24),                  /* >0 => 1st aft_entry row to start of next entry chain. */
 82       3 aft_entry (20),
 83         4 altname char (8),                                 /* altname name for attaching this file */
 84         4 next_entry fixed bin (24),                        /* Next aft_entry in hash chain. */
 85         4 previous_add fixed bin (24),                      /* Previously added entry. */
 86         4 next_add fixed bin (24),                          /* Entry added after this one. */
 87         4 used bit (1) unal,                                /* "1"b => aft_entry contains AFT value. */
 88         4 forced bit(1) unal,                               /* "1"b => gtss_verify_access_ forced access on this file. */
 90       3 free_space fixed bin (24),                          /* Index of start of free space list for aft entries. */
 91       3 first_added fixed bin (24),                         /* >0  => start of chain in add order. */
 92       3 last_added fixed bin (24)                           /* >0 => end of chain in added order. */;
 94 dcl  gtss_ext_$ppt                   ptr ext /*  switch name for tapein drl */;
 95 /**       Data structure to provide access to installed
 96    subsystems fast library load.
 97    **/
 98 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$fast_lib aligned ext
 99      , 3 fast_lib_fcb ptr                                   /* Pointer to msf fcb.        */
100      , 3 fast_lib_ncp fixed bin (24)                        /* Number of components. */
101      , 3 comp_ptr (0:9)ptr                                  /* Pointer to component. */
102      , 3 comp_wds (0:9)fixed bin (24)                       /* Component length (words). */
103      ;
105 /* Pointers to segments to regulate multipler
106    callers to files. Same segments are used to regulate
107    all simulator callers.
108 */
109 dcl 1 gtss_ext_$mcfc          aligned ext,
110       3 multics_lock_id       bit(36),
111       3 wait_time             fixed bin,
112       3 files_ptr             ptr,
113       3 names_ptr             ptr,
114       3 callers_ptr           (0:3)ptr
115 ;
117 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gtss_ext_.incl.pl1 */