1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gtss_deferred_catalog.incl.pl1 */
 2 /*
 3   Created:  (Wardd Multics)  11/08/78 1747.0 mst Wed
 4 */
 6 /**       Deferred FMS catalog record control structure (instructions).         **/
 7 dcl  def_cat_ptr              ptr init(null());
 8 dcl  def_cat_fill_len         fixed bin;
10 dcl 1 deferred_catalog aligned based(def_cat_ptr),
11     2 cat_file_len  fixed bin(35),
12     2 cat_file      (200)bit(36),       /* GCOS catalog/file description. */
13     2 fill          (def_cat_fill_len)bit(36),
14     2 type2_3,
15       3 cat         bit(1)unal,         /* 1 => name is catalog, else file. */
16       3 zero        bit(8)unal,
17       3 rec_type    fixed bin(8)unal,   /* FMS catalog record type (=>what to create). */
18       3 nl          fixed bin(17)unal,
19       3 ns          char(deferred_catalog.type2_3.nl)unal,
20     2 next_nl       fixed bin(35);
22 dcl  def_cat_type_1_ptr       ptr init(null());
23 dcl 1 def_cat_type_1          aligned based(def_cat_type_1_ptr),
24       3 cat         bit(1)unal,         /* 1 => name is catalog, else file. */
25       3 zero        bit(8)unal,
26       3 rec_type    fixed bin(8)unal,   /* FMS catalog record type (=>what to create). */
27       3 sn          bit(18)unal         /* Sector number to start of ramaining names. */;
29 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gtss_deferred_catalog.incl.pl1 */