1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gse_ext_.incl.pl1 */
 2 /*
 3   Created:  Kepner  78-12-01
 4 */
 6 dcl gse_ext_$drm_rule         fixed bin(24) ext;
 8 /* $drm_rule:
 9    0 => rule not set
10    1 => umc_dir_mode
11    2 => working_dir_mode
12    3 => smc_dir_mode
13 */
15 dcl gse_ext_$gcos_debug_pathname       char(168)  /* pathname for the gcos debugger control file */ ext;
16 dcl gse_ext_$smc_pathname              char(168)  /* root directory used with smc_dir mapping rule */ ext;
17 dcl gse_ext_$umc_name                  char(12)   /* User Master Catalog name specified by user with gse command */ ext;
18 dcl 1 gse_ext_$modes          aligned ext,
19        3 ast                  bit(01) unal,       /* 1 => use asterisk as prompt character */
20        3 drl                  bit(01) unal,       /* 1 => cause trace info on each derail to be printed */
21        3 gdb                  bit(01) unal,       /* 1 => use gcos debugger (gdb) */
22        3 mcmd                 bit(01) unal,       /* 1 => allow use of e request at GTSS command level */
23        3 mquit                bit(01) unal,       /* 1 => quit causes entry to new Multics command level */
24        3 ss                   bit(01) unal,       /* 1 => cause trace info on each subsystem to be printed */
25        3 fill                 bit(30) unal;
27 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gse_ext_.incl.pl1 */