1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gfms_file_name_list.incl.pl1   (Wardd Multics)  10/30/80 1053.4 mst Thu */
 3 /* List of files (with associated information)
 4    found on the save tape.
 5 */
 6 dcl 1 file_name_list          aligned based(nlp)
 7 ,     3 nn                    fixed bin           /* Number of names (entries). */
 8 ,     3 total_llinks          fixed bin(24)       /* Accumulitive llinks. */
 9 ,     3 next_entry            fixed bin(24)       /* index to start_entry to next entry. */
10 ,     3 start_entry (255*1024-3)bit(36)
11 ;
13 dcl fnep ptr;
14 dcl 1 file_name_entry         aligned based(fnep)
15 ,     3 llinks                fixed bin(24)       /* llinks in file. */
16 ,     3 attr                  like description_tree.attributes
17 ,     3 char_length                               /* Lengths of variable. */
18 ,       4 defl                fixed bin
19 ,       4 naml                fixed bin
20 ,       4 catl                fixed bin
21 ,     3 defective             char(file_name_entry.char_length.defl)unal
22 ,     3 name                  char(file_name_entry.char_length.naml)unal
23 ,     3 catalog               char(file_name_entry.char_length.catl)unal
24 ;
26 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gfms_file_name_list.incl.pl1 */