1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gfms_ext.incl.pl1   (Wardd Multics)  10/07/80 2142.2 mst Tue */
 2 /* Modified by:     S. C. Akers         02/08/82  Add gfms_ext$working_dir,
 3                                                                mapping_rule,
 4                                                                umc_name
 5    Modified  Ron Barstad  83-06-03  attach_desc from 40 to 80 char
 6 */
 8 dcl 1 gfms_ext$print_routines aligned ext
 9 ,     3 ioa                   entry variable options(variable)
10 ,     3 ioa_nnl               entry variable options(variable)
11 ;
13 dcl 1 gfms_ext$temp_segs      aligned ext
14 ,     3 dtp                   ptr
15 ,     3 nlp                   ptr
16 ,     3 inp                   ptr
17 ;
19 dcl 1 gfms_ext$tape_file      aligned ext
20 ,     3 cbp                   ptr
21 ,     3 attach_description    char(80)unal
22 ,     3 density
23 ,       4 ftd                 fixed bin /* First tape density to attempt. */
24 ,       4 ltd                 fixed bin /* Last tape density to attempt. */
25 ,     3 tape_reel_information
26 ,       4 reel_serial_num     char(6)
27 ,       4 file_serial_num     char(6)
28 ,       4 reel_sequence_num   char(6)
29 ;
31 dcl 1 gfms_ext$options        aligned ext
32 ,     3 close                 bit(1)unal          /* perform iox close. */
33 ,     3 detach                bit(1)unal          /* perform iox detach. */
34 ,     3 dump                  bit(1)unal          /* dump tape records/information. */
35 ,     3 gf                    bit(1)unal          /* provide gtss file attributes. */
36 ,     3 prfn                  bit(1)unal          /* print file names. */
37 ,     3 scan_ss               bit(1)unal          /* scan substructure, display, quit. */
38 ,     3 tll                   bit(1)unal          /* print totals of llinks. */
39 ,     3 unload                bit(1)unal          /* unload files. */
40 ,     3 NOT_IN_USE            bit(28)unal
41 ;
43 dcl  gfms_ext$working_dir     char (168) var ext static;    /* Where to restore the files.
44                                                                It may be the user's working
45                                                                directory, or the UMC or SMC directory. */
47 dcl  gfms_ext$mapping_rule    char(3) external static;
49 dcl  gfms_ext$umc_name        char(12) external static;
51 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gfms_ext.incl.pl1 */