1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gfms_catrec_1.incl.pl1   (Planalp Multics)  08/11/78 1517.9 mst Fri */
 2 /* Modified: Mel Wilson       December 1979, Changed sector numbers to                    fixed bin(18)unsigned */
 4 dcl 1 gfms_catrec_1                     aligned based (cat_ptr),
 6       2 type                            bit(6)unal,                  /* =0 in this case */
 7       2 smc_section_no                  fixed bin(5)unsigned unal,
 8       2 userno                          fixed bin(7)unsigned unal,
 9       2 dupl_sector_no                  fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
11       2 sector_pointers,
13         3 next_llink_sector_org         fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
14         3 next_llink_sector_dupl        fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
15         3 prior_llink_sector_org        fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
16         3 prior_llink_sector_dupl       fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
17         3 prior_cat_sector_org          fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
18         3 prior_cat_sector_dupl         fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
19         3 cat_contin_sector_org         fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
20         3 cat_contin_sector_dupl        fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
21       2 resv                            bit(36),
22       2 entry                 (19),
23         3 name                          bit(72),
24         3 not_on_this_device            bit(1)unal, /* if ON, rest of word has different meaning */
25         3 entry_is_catalog              bit(1)unal,
26         3 description_llink_dupl        bit(16)unal,
27         3 description_sector_org        fixed bin(18)unsigned unal,
28       2 cksm                            bit(36);
30 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gfms_catrec_1.incl.pl1 */