1 /*     BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gcos_user_table_entry_.incl.pl1     November 1974     RHM     */
 3 dcl  gutep ptr,                                             /* pointer to origin of based entry */
 5      1 gcos_user_table_entry_ based,
 6      2 gute_status fixed bin,                               /* 0 => inactive, 1 => active */
 7      2 gute_filler_1 fixed bin,
 8      2 gute_gcos_account_id char (12),                      /* probably 8 or fewer chars */
 9      2 gute_multics_person char (22),
10      2 gute_multics_project char (9),
11      2 gute_ctl,
12      3 gute_ctl_filler (18) fixed bin;
14 /* END INCLUDE FILE...gcos_user_table_entry_.incl.pl1 */