1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE gcos_save_data_entry.incl.pl1   (Wardd Multics)  07/01/81 1339.9 mst Wed */
 2 /* Change: Dave Ward          07/01/81 include gcos_flags_. */
 3 /* Change: Dave Ward          09/10/81 fib changed to fibs & likened to fib. */
 5 dcl 1 save_data_entry  aligned based
 6 ,3 flgs                like flags       /* system wide flgs */
 7 ,3 actid               char(8)          /* activity no. and accnt i.d. */
 8 ,3 short_actid         bit(36) aligned  /* short form of activity id */
 9 ,3 ident               char(60)         /* holds ident info from snumb card */
10 ,3 psw                 bit(36) aligned  /* program switch word */
11 ,3 last_execute_act_no fixed bin(24)/* activity number of last $ EXECUTE card in job */
12 ,3 activity_no         fixed bin(24)/* activity number */
13 ,3 job_time_limit      fixed bin(71)    /* job time limit */
14 ,3 job_sysout_limit    fixed bin(24)/* job sysout line limit */
15 ,3 sysout_queue        (10) char(32)    /* sysout queue */
16 ,3 sysout_queue_media  (10) fixed bin(24)/* medium (print,punch) of each file on queue */
17 ,3 sqindex             fixed bin(24)/* curr offset in sysout queue */
18 ,3 pathname_prefix     char(168)varying           /* prefix for gcos cfdescs */
19 ,3 skip_umc            aligned bit(1)   /* flag to tell if we should skip umc names */
20 ,3 job_deck            pointer          /* pointer to seg holding canonicalized job deck */
21 ,3 jd_size             fixed bin(24)/* size in words of job deck */
22 ,3 jd_position         fixed bin(24)    /* position of current block of job deck */
23 ,3 jd_rem_block_len    fixed bin(24)/* words remaining in current block of job deck */
24 ,3 syot_dir            char(168)varying /* pathname of directory to hold sysout files */
25 ,3 fibs                (40) like fib
26 ,3 param               (32) char(57)varying       /* parameters */
27 ;
29 %include gcos_flags;
31 /*   END INCLUDE FILE gcos_save_data_entry.incl.pl1 */