 2 /* Begin include file ...... gcos_file_info.incl.pl1 */
 4 dcl  gcos_file_info_ptr ptr;                                /*  ptr to the info structure  */
 6 dcl 1 gcos_file_info aligned based (gcos_file_info_ptr),    /*  a structure describing a GCOS file  */
 7     2 version fixed bin,                                    /* must be 1 */
 8     2 size_in_llinks fixed bin (35),                        /*  number of 320 word units in file  */
 9     2 max_size_in_llinks fixed bin (35),                    /*  max number of these units  */
10     2 flags unal,
11       3 random bit (1),                                     /*  =1 if file is random  */
12       3 pad bit (35),
13       3 original_file_has_been_written bit (1),             /*  set =1 on first file write  */
14       3 user_specified_attributes bit (35),                 /*  user attributes info  */
15     2 ids_attributes unal,                                  /*  IDS attributes  */
16       3 first_page_in_subfile fixed bin (17),
17       3 last_page_in_subfile fixed bin (17),
18       3 multiuser bit (1),
19       3 reserveed_1 bit (17),
20       3 words_per_page fixed bin (17),
21       3 reserved_2 bit (18),
22       3 lines_per_page fixed bin (17),
23       3 reserved_3 bit (18),
24       3 page_fill_percent bit (18),
25       3 reserved_4 bit (6),
26       3 area_number fixed bin (5),
27       3 reserved_5 bit (6),
28       3 num_pages_in_area fixed bin (17),
29       3 minus_one fixed bin (35),
30       3 reserved_6 (51) bit (36);
32 /* End include file ...... gcos_file_info.incl.pl1 */