1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... fst_edit_info.incl.pl1 */
 3 dcl 1 fst_edit_info aligned based (edit_ptr),
 4     2 pathname char (168) var,                              /* path last used with new, old, save command */
 5     2 text_ptr ptr,                                         /* ptr to text being edited */
 6     2 alt_ptr ptr,                                          /* ptr to text additions not  yet included */
 7     2 text_length fixed bin (21),                           /* number of characters in text */
 8     2 alt_length fixed bin (21),                            /* number of characters in pending changes */
 9     2 max_seg_size fixed bin (21),                          /* max. number of characters per segment */
10     2 working_dir char (168) var,                           /* path of the working directory */
11     2 end_line_number fixed bin,                            /* value of line number of the last line */
12     2 flags aligned,
13       3 subsystem bit (1) unal,                             /* ON if entered as subsystem,  OFF if command */
14       3 text_modified bit (1) unal,                         /* ON if changes since last save */
15       3 basic_source bit (1) unal,                          /* ON if name ends with .basic */
16       3 prompt bit (1) unal,                                /* ON if should prompt after commands */
17       3 pad bit (32) unal;
19 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... fst_edit_info.incl.pl1 */