1 /* Begin include file ...... fs_dev_types.incl.pl1 */
  4   1) change(85-09-09,Farley), approve(85-09-09,MCR6979),
  5      audit(86-01-17,CLJones), install(86-03-21,MR12.0-1033):
  6      Add support for FIPS
  7      3380.
  8   2) change(86-04-21,Fawcett), approve(86-04-21,MCR7383),
  9      audit(86-05-15,Coppola), install(86-07-18,MR12.0-1098):
 10      Add the support for subvolumes for the MSU3380 and MSU3390.
 11   3) change(86-10-02,Fawcett), approve(86-10-02,PBF7383),
 12      audit(86-10-23,Farley), install(86-10-28,MR12.0-1200):
 13      Changed 3390 to 3381, "d338" to "3380" & "d339" to "3381".
 14                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
 16 /* Modified 5/19/76 by N. I. Morris */
 17 /* Modified 12/27/78 by Michael R. Jordan to correct MSS0500 information */
 18 /* Modified 4/79 by R.J.C. Kissel to add msu0501 information. */
 19 /* Modified '82 by BIM for needs_alt_part */
 20 /* Modified 4/84 by Chris Jones for FIPS disks */
 21 /* Modified 12/84 by Paul Farley for FIPS disks formatted for 512wd sectors */
 22 /* Modified 1/85 by Paul Farley to decrease the size of the 3380, until the
 23    volmap and record stock can be expanded. */
 25 /*
 26 *******************************************************************************
 27 *                                                                             *
 28 *                           WARNING:                                          *
 29 *                                                                             *
 30 *   There exists fs_dev_types.incl.alm that must me updated when a new device *
 31 *   type is added.                                                            *
 32 *                                                                             *
 33 *   There are other include files that contain arrays indexed by the device   *
 34 *   index obtained by references to MODELX or MODELN in this include file.    *
 35 *   These must be modified when a new device type is added:                   *
 36 *   disk_pack.incl.pl1                                                        *
 37 *   fs_dev_types_sector.incl.pl1 (included in this include)                   *
 38 *                                                                             *
 39 *******************************************************************************
 40 */
 43 dcl (maxdevt init (9),                                      /* maximum legal devt */
 44      bulkdevt init (1),                                     /* bulk store devt */
 45      msu0500devt init (2),                                  /* MSU0500 device type */
 46      msu0451devt init (3),                                  /* MSU0451 device type */
 47      msu0450devt init (3),                                  /* MSU0450 device type */
 48      msu0400devt init (4),                                  /* MSU0400 device type */
 49      dsu191devt init (4),                                   /* DSU191 device type */
 50      dsu190devt init (5),                                   /* DSU190 device type */
 51      dsu181devt init (6),                                   /* DSU181 device type */
 52      msu0501devt init (7),                                  /* MSU0501 device type */
 53      fips3380devt init (8),                                 /* 3380D FIPS device type */
 54      fips3381devt init (9)                                  /* 3380E FIPS device type */
 55      ) fixed bin (4) static options (constant);
 57 dcl  MODEL (12) fixed bin static options (constant) init    /* Known device model numbers */
 58      (0, 500, 451, 450, 400, 402, 191, 190, 181, 501, 3380, 3381);
 60 dcl  MODELX (12) fixed bin static options (constant) init   /* translation from model number to device type */
 61      (1, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9);
 63 dcl  MODELN (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init    /* translation from device type to model number */
 64      (0, 500, 451, 400, 190, 181, 501, 3380, 3381);
 66 dcl  device_names (9) char (4) aligned static options (constant) init /* device names indexed by device type */
 67      ("bulk", "d500", "d451", "d400", "d190", "d181", "d501", "3380", "3381");
 69 dcl  first_dev_number (9) fixed bin (17) static options (constant) init /* First valid device_number */
 70      (1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0);
 72 dcl  fips_type_disk (9) bit (1) unal static options (constant) init /* ON => FIPS disk */
 73      ("0"b,"0"b,"0"b,"0"b,"0"b,"0"b,"0"b,"1"b,"1"b);
 75 dcl  media_removable (9) bit (1) static options (constant) init /* ON => demountable pack on device */
 76      ("0"b, "0"b, "1"b, "1"b, "1"b, "1"b, "0"b, "0"b, "0"b);
 78 dcl  shared_spindle (9) bit (1) static options (constant) init /* ON => 2 devices per spindle */
 79      ("0"b, "1"b, "0"b, "0"b, "0"b, "0"b, "1"b, "0"b, "0"b);
 81 dcl  needs_alt_part (9) bit (1) static options (constant) init /* ON => needs alternate partition to run alternate tracks */
 82      ("0"b, "0"b, "1"b, "1"b, "1"b, "1"b, "0"b, "0"b, "0"b);
 84 dcl  seek_command (9) bit (6) init /* Seek command: 00 => N/A, 30 => Seek_512, 34 => seek_64 */
 85      ("00"b3,"34"b3,"34"b3,"34"b3,"34"b3,"34"b3,"34"b3,"30"b3, "30"b3);
 87 dcl  rec_per_dev (9) fixed bin (21) static options (constant) init /* table of # of records on each device */
 88      (0, 38258, 38258, 19270, 14760, 4444, 67200, 112395, 224790);
 90 dcl  rec_per_sv (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of  # of records on each subvol */
 91      (0, 38258, 38258, 19270, 14760, 4444, 67200, 56134, 74930);
 93 dcl  number_of_sv (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of subvolumes */
 94      (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3);
 96 dcl  valid_sv_string char (3) static options (constant) init  /* string of valid subvolume names */
 97      ("abc");
 99 dcl  valid_sv_array (0:2) char (1) static options (constant) /* array of valid subvolume names */
100      init ("a","b","c");
102 dcl  cyl_per_dev (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of cylinders on each device */
103      (0, 814, 814, 410, 410, 202, 840, 885, 1770);
105 dcl  cyl_per_sv (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of cylinders on each subvolume */
106      (0, 814, 814, 410, 410, 202, 840, 442, 590);
108 dcl  rec_per_cyl (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of records per cylinder on each device */
109      (0, 47, 47, 47, 36, 22, 80, 127, 127);
111 dcl  tracks_per_cyl (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of tracks per cylinder on each device */
112      (0, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 15, 15);
115 dcl  first_rec_num (9) fixed bin static options (constant) init /* table of # of first record on each device */
116      (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
118 dcl  last_rec_num (9) fixed bin (18) static options (constant) init /* table of # of last record on each device */
119      (0, 38257, 38116, 19128, 14651, 4399, 67199, 112394, 224789);
121 dcl  last_sv_rec_num (9) fixed bin (18) static options (constant) init /* table of # of last record on each subvolume */
122      (0, 38257, 38116, 19128, 14651, 4399, 67199, 56133, 74929);
124 dcl  first_sect_num (9) fixed bin (24) static options (constant) init /* table of # of first sector for each device */
125      (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
127 dcl  last_sect_num (9) fixed bin (24) static options (constant) init /* table of # last sector number for each device */
128      (0, 618639, 616359, 309319, 239722, 71999, 1075199, 225674, 451349);
130 dcl  first_alt_sect_num (9) fixed bin (24) static options (constant) init /* table of # of first sector of alt partition */
131      (0, 638400, 616360, 309320, 239723, 72000, 1075200, 225675, 451350);
133 dcl  last_alt_sect_num (9) fixed bin (24) static options (constant) init /* table of # of last sector of alt partition */
134      (0, 639919, 618639, 311599, 241489, 72719, 1077759, 225930, 451605);
136 dcl  last_physical_sect_num (9) fixed bin (24) static options (constant) init /* table of # of last sector on device (includes T&D cylinders) */
137      (0, 639919, 619399, 312359, 242249, 72359, 1077759, 225674, 451859);
139 dcl  dev_time (9) float bin (27) static options (constant) init /* table of average access times for each device */
140      (384e0, 33187e0, 33187e0, 34722e0, 46935e0, 52631e0, 33187e0, 26260e0, 26260e0);
142 %include fs_dev_types_sector;
144 /* End of include file ...... fs_dev_types.incl.pl1 */