1 /* ... BEGIN INCLUDE FILE forum_trans_list.incl.pl1 ... */
 6   1) change(86-07-30,Pattin), approve(86-07-30,MCR7354),
 7      audit(86-08-07,Margolin), install(86-08-16,MR12.0-1128):
 8      Added deleted switch.
 9   2) change(91-09-05,Huen), approve(91-09-05,MCR8249),
10      audit(92-01-08,Zimmerman), install(92-04-27,MR12.5-1014):
11      phx20579: Added parse_flags.default_to_unproc & CREATE_UNPROC
12                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
15 dcl forum_trans_list_ptr                ptr;
16 dcl alloc_trans_list_size               fixed bin;
18 dcl 1 forum_trans_list                  aligned based (forum_trans_list_ptr),
19       2 max_size                        fixed bin,
20       2 size                            fixed bin,
21       2 max_personid_len                fixed bin,
22       2 list                            (alloc_trans_list_size refer (forum_trans_list.max_size)),
23         3 trans_num                     fixed bin (17),     /* must be aligned */
24         3 nref                          fixed bin (17) unaligned,
25         3 pref                          fixed bin (17) unaligned,
26         3 flags                         unaligned,
27           4 deleted                     bit (1) unaligned,
28           4 pad                         bit (35) unaligned;
30 dcl parse_flags_word bit (36) aligned;
32 dcl  1 parse_flags aligned based (addr (parse_flags_word)),
33      2 non_null                         bit (1) unal,       /* on if trans_spec cannot be empty */
34      2 only_one                         bit (1) unal,       /* on if only one transaction may be specified */
35      2 allow_deleted                    bit (1) unal,       /* on if deleted transactions may be specified */
36      2 must_be_deleted                  bit (1) unal,       /* on if must be deleted */
37      2 disallow_unproc                  bit (1) unal,       /* on if unprocessed transaction not valid */
38      2 disallow_meeting                 bit (1) unal,       /* on if -meeting not allowed */
39      2 disallow_reverse                 bit (1) unal,       /* on if -reverse not allowed */
40      2 disallow_idl                     bit (1) unal,       /* on if -include_deleted not allowed */
41      2 dont_read                        bit (1) unal,       /* on if regexps, -sj, -text, userids, time not allowed */
42      2 disallow_initial                 bit (1) unal,       /* on if -initial not allowed */
43      2 default_to_all                   bit (1) unal,       /* on if defaults to all rather than current */
44      2 default_to_unproc                bit (1) unal,       /* on if defaults to unproc, not current */
45      2 disallow_cmsg                    bit (1) unal,       /* no chairman_message */
46      2 disallow_by_chain                bit (1) unal,       /* no -by_chain */
47      2 allow_inhibit_error              bit (1) unal,       /* don't complain if none selected and -ihe given */
48      2 call_on_non_ctl_arg              bit (1) unal,       /* call request on bad arguments even if not ctl args */
49      2 default_to_none                  bit (1) unal,       /* allow no transactions to be selected */
50      2 create_unproc                    bit (1) unal,       /* allow unproc even if there isn't one */
51      2 padding                          bit (18) unal;
53 dcl ANY bit (36) aligned init (""b);
54 dcl (NON_NULL                           init ("100000000000000000"b),
55      ONLY_ONE                           init ("010000000000000000"b),
56      ALLOW_DELETED                      init ("001000000000000000"b),
57      MUST_BE_DELETED                    init ("001100000000000000"b),
58      DISALLOW_UNPROC                    init ("000010000000000000"b),
59      DISALLOW_MTG                       init ("000001000000000000"b),
60      DISALLOW_REV                       init ("000000100000000000"b),
61      DISALLOW_IDL                       init ("000000010000000000"b),
62      DONT_READ                          init ("000000001000000000"b),
63      DISALLOW_INITIAL                   init ("000000000100000000"b),
64      DEFAULT_TO_ALL                     init ("000000000010000000"b),
65      DEFAULT_TO_UNPROC                  init ("000000000001000000"b),
66      DISALLOW_CMSG                      init ("000000000000100000"b),
67      DISALLOW_BYCHAIN                   init ("000000000000010000"b),
68      ALLOW_IHE                          init ("000000000000001000"b),
69      CALL_ON_BAD_ARGS                   init ("000000000000000100"b),
70      DEFAULT_TO_NONE                    init ("000000000000000010"b),
71      CREATE_UNPROC                      init ("000000000000000001"b)
72                                         ) bit (18) aligned internal static options (constant);
74 /* ... END INCLUDE FILE forum_trans_list.incl.pl1 ... */