1 /*  START OF:       forum_passport.incl.pl1                   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */
 6   1) change(86-07-30,Pattin), approve(86-07-30,MCR7354),
 7      audit(86-08-03,Margolin), install(86-08-16,MR12.0-1128):
 8      Added trailer_format.
 9                                                    END HISTORY COMMENTS */
12 declare   passport_info_ptr             ptr;
14 declare   1 passport                    aligned based (passport_info_ptr),
15             2 version                   fixed bin,          /* 2                                                        */
16             2 forum_idx                 fixed bin,          /* current forum                                            */
17             2 forum_dir                 char (168) unal,    /* where forum lives                                        */
18             2 forum_name                char (32) unal,     /* Current forum I'm at                                     */
19             2 forum_name_len            fixed bin,          /* length of forum_name without suffix                      */
20             2 flags                     unal,
21               3 brief_sw                bit (1) unal,       /* specified at invocation                                  */
22               3 talk_fill               bit (1) unal,       /* God knows                                                */
23               3 print_fill              bit (1) unal,       /* God doesn't know                                         */
24               3 read_only               bit (1) unal,
25               3 print_message           bit (1) unal,       /* Print chairman message on talk/reply */
26               3 auto_write              bit (1) unal,
27               3 mbz                     bit (30) unal,      /* Future expansion                                         */
28             2 current_trans             fixed bin,          /* current transaction number                               */
29             2 input_fill_width          fixed bin,          /* line length used for input filling */
30             2 output_fill_width         fixed bin,          /* line length used for output filling */
31             2 public_channel            fixed bin (71),     /* My transaction wakeup channel.                           */
32             2 area_ptr                  ptr,                /* used for random temporary storage                        */
33             2 first_trans_ptr           ptr,                /* ptrs to linked list of transactions copied to            */
34             2 last_trans_ptr            ptr,                /* user ring                                                */
35             2 unprocessed_trans_ptr     ptr,                /* If this isn't null, we got one pending.                  */
36             2 unprocessed_reply_trans   fixed bin,          /* If nonzero, unprocessed trans is a reply.                */
37             2 unprocessed_forum_dir     char (168),         /* Directory containing meeting unproc is for.              */
38             2 unprocessed_forum_name    char (32),          /* Name of meeting unproc is for                            */
39             2 unprocessed_name_len      fixed bin,          /* length (w/o suffix) of Name of meeting unproc is for     */
40             2 ssu_ptr                   ptr,                /* Department of Redundancy Department.                     */
41             2 next_passport_ptr         ptr,                /* list of all invocations                        */
42             2 trailer_format            fixed bin;
44 declare   passport_version_2            fixed bin static options (constant) initial (2);
46 declare   forum_area                    area based (passport.area_ptr),
47           no_suffix_name                char (passport.forum_name_len) based (addr (passport.forum_name));
49 declare   forum_data_$version_string    character (8) external,
50           forum_data_$central_directory
51                                         character (168) unaligned external,
52           forum_data_$info_directory    character (168) unaligned external;
54 declare  (TFMT_none                     init (0),
55           TFMT_number                   init (1),
56           TFMT_more                     init (2),
57           TFMT_reference                init (3))
58                                         fixed bin static options (constant);
60 /*  END OF:         forum_passport.incl.pl1                   *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  */