1 /* BEGIN INCLUDE FILE ... fort_parameter.incl.pl1  */
 3 /* Created:         August 1980, MEP
 5    Modified:        24 March 1981, MEP = Enlarge structure to carry some of thearguments in the call.
 6 */
 7      declare 1 parameter            aligned based,
 8                2 desired_data_type  fixed binary (4) unaligned,
 9                                                             /* IN - result converted to this if ^= 0 */
10                2 result_data_type   fixed binary (4) unaligned,
11                                                             /* OUT - if no conversion requested, the data_type */
12                2 rounding           bit (1) unaligned,      /* IN - rounding/trunc flag */
13                2 start_of_polish    fixed binary (18) unaligned,
14                                                             /* IN - offset of first polish for expression */
15                2 end_of_polish      fixed binary (18) unaligned,
16                                                             /* IN - offset of last_polish + 1 */
17                2 stack_index        fixed binary (18) unaligned,
18                                                             /* IN - next free spot in stack, work area above this */
19                2 max_stack          fixed binary (18) unaligned,
20                                                             /* IN/OUT - stack high water mark */
21                2 result_location    fixed binary (18) unaligned,
22                                                             /* OUT - if error_code ^= 0, OS offset constant node */
23                2 shared_pointer     pointer;                /* IN - pointer to shared globals structure */
25 /* END INCLUDE FILE ... fort_parameter.incl.pl1 */